"Hempcrete is the name for this building technology and, over the past 40 years, France has created a hempcrete industry that is now being adopted by fire-prone governments like Australia which transferred this panel technology because it does not burn," writes Ken Hamik of the innovation.
Therese Marie Sundberg, a lifelong resident of Duluth, passed away unexpectedly at her home, Sunday, October 22, 2023. Therese was born October 12, 1953, to Jospeh Frederick and Patricia Ann Beaulier. She graduated from Denfeld High School and then attended the College of St. Scholastica where she earned her Bachelor of Arts and Master’s degrees
Joy Crutchfield Sundberg peacefully returned to her Creator on
February 25, 2023 at the age of 90. She was surrounded by family that
loves her deeply. She was born on March 25, 1932 at Yah-ter he-wan on
the Klamath River, the third of five children, to Lila and Edward
Crutchfield. She grew