In 2023, Wiscasset and other towns dealt with how to get and keep workers, improve residents’ and businesses’ internet access and, in Wiscasset’s case, how to protect the wastewater treatment plant from the rising water of climate change.
The last time Peter Wells asked the planning board about the potential single-resident occupancy (SRO) apartments upstairs at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church on Hodge Street, the new Wiscasset Neighborhood Association (WNA) was concerned about that.
Tucker Chevrolet seeks to put a dealership and service center of about 22,100 square feet at 771 Bath Road, Wiscasset, opposite Norm’s Used Cars and Wiscasset Trading Post. Priority Real Estate Group’s (PRE) Oct. 16 letter on the business’s behalf.
Wiscasset continues exploring getting its sewer plant the sea wall officials have said could avoid having to move the plant. Town Manager Dennis Simmons told selectmen Sept. 19, he and Olver Associates – the town’s contractor on a climate action.
Tiny homes would not be an option as accessory homes, at least not initially, under Wiscasset Selectman Pam Dunning’s ideas for an ordinance. The board on Sept. 5 was discussing what guidance to give the ordinance review committee on short-term.