Morning. I am jane harman, happy to welcome a lot of experts and smart people and also to give a shout out to the swiss ambassador, a dear friend of ours and interested in history, among other things and i note that we are having swiss day on november 9th. A tradition we have long observed. This event is for our friend bruce bruce hoffman, the very first expert on modern terrorism period. He may have been the very first expert on modern terrorism. He surely was a valuable resource to me when he headed rands office in washington and i was a member of the United States congress. With his bushy beard, at the time, i thought he might be a terrorist and i thought his job at rand might just be cover. Bruce tried to help me create a commission to make recommendations to congress on how to intervene before an individual who is radicalized, having radical views is protected by the First Amendment but how to intervene before a person with radical views turns to violence. Violence is a crime. The
Pony show. They were very gracious rational. I saw a lot of new improved and to the va. But what i talked to my constituents that comment, handling their case work, it was the same i saw in 1973. I have a question. Java and the military, are you familiar with 1015 . Not off the top of my head. Okay. If the officers bible. Staff organization on chad organization and operations. Can someone handed if your chapter four . Page one. I circled it for you. Could you read that for me, please . I circled it. The commanders is possible for all his staff does or fails to do. He cannot delegate this responsibility. Final decision as well as the responsibility remains that the commander. If you carry that armatrading wiki to the va. Correct. Anytime you like they are responsible for those under them . Because were placed in a position of responsibility ever must occur that responsibility for every action. Of the military, but actually in the commanders authority are often directly it should to the
And now were going to pass a continuing resolution and adjourn with 49 days left probably 48 or 47 by the time we do it, left until the election. It is really beyond dismay. But i would ask unanimous consent that the senator modify her request and that it be in order for the minority leader or his designee to offer an amendment and then for the majority leader or his designee to offer an amendment, and it be in order for the leaders or their designees to continue to offer amendments in an alternating fashion. In other words, i would ask for an open amendment process on the legislation that the senator is proposing. The presiding officer would the senator from massachusetts so modify her request . Ms. Warren mr. President , reserving the right to object. I thank the senator from texas for his remarks. As i stated previously, there are 58 senators who have supported moving forward to debate this bill, but it hasnt passed the senate because of a republican filibuster. Now, i welcome repub