What happened at the Common Core Forum in Carson City on 1/13/15 The ground rules agreed to by both sides for the two forums: two people would participate on each side of the issue.
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said Monday that pardoning the coup plotters who staged the Jan. 8, 2023, uprising against the headquarters of all three branches of government in Brasilia would sound like impunity, Agencia Brasil reported.
On Saturday, August 29th, at approximately 5:24 p.m., immediately following a Black Lives Matters demonstration in Carson City at the Nevada State Legislature Complex, Officers from the Legislative Police and Carson Sheriff’s Office responded to a shooting that was later characterized as an accidental discharge of a weapon.
Nevada state agencies participated in the Toys for Tots 2019 drive. Toys were donated at state buildings and agencies, then delivered to the State Capitol in Carson City for a final pick-up Tuesday by Santa, joined by Joyce Buckingham, Toys for Tots Executive Director for Carson City, Douglas, Storey and Lyon counties.