Police Minister Bheki Cele says a request to deploy the army to deal with ongoing violence and conflict in villages around KwaMajola, near Port St Johns, in the Eastern Cape has been sent to President Cyril Ramaphosa. Cele visited the area on Monday.
The call by Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, to deploy the army to villages surrounding Port St Johns is an admission of failure by the SAPS to effectively deal with rural crime. Cele made the call to President Ramaphosa after ongoing conflict and violence in KwaMajola, near Port St Johns. At least 22 people have been killed and 140 homesteads burnt to the ground in the last 3 years, yet Bheki Cele has continued to do absolutely nothing in the area, despite the fact that this violence has spanned back decades.
Making headlines: ANC caucus in Joburg at loggerheads over who to vote for; DA hits back at Mantashe for blaming the private sector for loadshedding; And, Cele urges Ramaphosa to deploy army to curb ongoing conflict in Port St Johns villages