Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called a high-level meeting in Delhi on Wednesday to review the progress of Project Cheetah amid cases of cheetah deaths inside Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh. The Centre has sent a team of five wildlife experts to Kuno regarding the continuous death of cheetahs., India News, Times Now
In an exclusive conversation with Times Network s Pragya Kaushika, Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav explained the rules laid down on climate change and whose responsibility it is to prepare for urban flooding. He also opened up on India s plan on fighting river pollution, global warming and plastic menace. Here are the excerpts., India News, Times Now
In an exclusive conversation with Times Network's Pragya Kaushika, Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav explained the rules laid down on climate change and whose responsibility it is to prepare for urban flooding. He also opened up on India's plan on fighting river pollution, global warming and plastic menace. Here are the excerpts., India News, Times Now