Jonathan Mayer, an assistant professor at Princeton University specializing in national security, consumer privacy, and criminal procedures, has been appointed Chief AI Officer. Read more.
Jonathan Mayer, an assistant professor at Princeton University specializing in national security, consumer privacy, and criminal procedures, has been appointed Chief AI Officer. Read more.
AI Jobs: Businesses are now scrambling to appoint AI leaders, with some metaverse executives reinventing themselves as AI experts. Compensation packages for AI leaders average above $1 million. Most companies have moved on from the metaverse trend, focusing instead on AI. The fickle nature of technology trends is evident in the shifting focus from metaverse to AI.
people and saying, i hope you won t be mad at me. sure. let s start in october. october he s kicked out of junior college and he s told not to come back until he gets a psychiatr psyche evaluation. november one byes a gun. december he goes on myspace and says, i don t feel ready to ki officer. i mean, these are huge flags. but who s reading? who knows this? may i ask you quickly? police have declined to give specifics about why he is known to them, but do you think it is because of that kind of a ranting on a myspace page that he may have been known to them? when he says he feels like he wants to kill a police officer. would that come to the attention of the authorities? or it that could be, alex, or it could have been the junior college police with the challenges they had with him could have shared that with local authorities, too. so there were indicators, alex, and these are prime indicators