Balakrishna s Akhanda Rakes Rs 62 Cr In 11 Days: Nandamuri Balakrishna who delivered a series of duds in the recent years bounced back with a bang with Akhanda. The film directed by Boyapati Sreenu is the third collaboration for them and Akhanda carried terrific expectations.
NBK s Akhanda Pre-Release Business: Nandamuri Balakrishna s upcoming movie Akhanda is carrying terrific expectations and the film will take an advantage as Akhanda is the first big-budget film and mass entertainer to release after the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.
All Eyes On NBK s Akhanda: Nandamuri Balakrishna is all set for his biggest bet with Akhanda, a high voltage action entertainer that is directed by Boyapati Sreenu. This is the third time the duo is collaborating after two blockbusters like Simha and Legend.