Ram and Boyapati Film on Cards: After delivering a dud like Vinaya Vidheya Rama, Boyapati Srinu was badly criticized. He took his time and returned back with Akhanda, an action packed mass entertainer that had Nandamuri Balakrishna in the lead role.
NBK s Akhanda achieves a Rare Feat: Nandamuri Balakrishna tasted a series of debacles in his career and he is back with a bang. His recent offering Akhanda is a roaring box-office hit and the film raked massive revenues all over.
A Sequel for Balakrishna s Akhanda on Cards: December started with a bang for Telugu cinema and Akhanda is the first biggie of Telugu cinema that released after the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. The film also marks the third collaboration of Balakrishna and Boyapati Srinu.
NBK s Akhanda 18 Days Collections: Nandamuri Balakrishna is back with a bang and his recent offering Akhanda is a resounding success at the box-office. Boyapati Sreenu directed the film and Balakrishna played a dual role in the film.
Balakrishna s Akhanda Rakes Rs 62 Cr In 11 Days: Nandamuri Balakrishna who delivered a series of duds in the recent years bounced back with a bang with Akhanda. The film directed by Boyapati Sreenu is the third collaboration for them and Akhanda carried terrific expectations.