Akhanda is inching towards one million dollar mark at the USA box office. On the other hand, Akhanda has managed to earn Rs 2.05 cr by its eleventh day at the box office. The official figures of the film are yet to be revealed by the makers. Iakhanda latest collectionsIakhanda second week opening collectionsI akhanda latest collections, akhanda movie collectionsIakhanda day 11
Coming to domestic box office, Akhanda day 8 collections is said have been much more than any other day as the audience thronged theatres in crowds to watch the trailer of Rajamouli's RRR, which was shown during the interval. Iakhanda day 8 collectionsI akhanda day 8 worlwide collectionsI akhanda gross collectionsI akhanda movie total collectionsIakhanda collections till
Speaking about collections, Akhanda has reportedly earned close to Rs 3.5 cr on its seventh day at the box office. The film is doing exceptionally well even on foreign shores. Akhanda has earned $28,899 and the grand total of the film at the USA box office is said to be $867,587. Iakhanda day 7 collectionsIakhanda day 7 movie collectionsIakhanda day 7 worldwide collectionsI