Akhanda is inching towards one million dollar mark at the USA box office. On the other hand, Akhanda has managed to earn Rs 2.05 cr by its eleventh day at the box office. The official figures of the film are yet to be revealed by the makers. Iakhanda latest collectionsIakhanda second week opening collectionsI akhanda latest collections, akhanda movie collectionsIakhanda day 11
Akhanda has managed to earn Rs 10.08 cr gross at the overseas box office. The film has become the highest grosser of 2021. Talking about the collections, the film has managed to earn Rs 3.8 cr on its ninth day at the box office. The total collections of Akhanda stands at Rs 58 cr plus.Iakhanda day 10 collectionsI akhanda day 10 ts ap collectionsI akhanda areawise collectionsI