Kerala Lok Sabha polls: Voting was held across all the 20 parliamentary seats of Kerala in the second phase of Lok Sabha elections on Friday. The state witnessed a notable decrease in voter turnout this time, with the figure standing at 70.22 per cent as at 8 pm
Kerala Polls: Key Faces to Look Out for on Election Results Day
The state election results are scheduled to be declared on May 2.
Politics8 hours ago
New Delhi: In the run-up to the single phase election for 140 assembly seats, Kerala witnessed a fierce campaign led by the ruling CPI(M)-led Left Democratic Front (LDF), Opposition Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) and the BJP-led NDA, which hopes to fracture the decades-old bipolar polity led by UDF and LDF. The state election results are scheduled to be declared on May 2.
Here are some of the key candidates to keep an eye out for on May 2.
Assembly election Updates April 6
21:25 PM IST: Updates for this live blog have ended.
19:28 PM IST: Voter turnout in assembly elections till 7:11 pm:
Assam 82.29%
Kerala 70.04%
Puducherry 78.13%
Tamil Nadu 65.11%
West Bengal 77.68%
19:25 PM IST: Two DMK cadres were taken into custody by the police officials in Coimbatore for allegedly distributing booth slip along with money.
Ravi Balu and Vellingiri were caught with Rs 73,000. The AIADMK alleged that these men were distributing money to the voters.
The incident happened at Maniyanakaranpalaym in Coimbatore North. A video has come out from the location showing the two men being surrounded by the AIADMK and police officials taking them away.