americans and their governmentm. a decade ago. the new york times admitted this. the times markedis the anniversary of 9/11 by publishinhed a piecg a piece on the rise of domestic surveillance abuses which explode after the 9/11 attacks. the patriot act, according to st the new york times, quote, govem quickly became a sort of shorthand for government abusenh and overreaching, which, quote, inflicted collateral damage on political dissent, religiousl liberty and the freedom of association, end quote. that is still true, in fact, truer than it s ever been,trage. and it is still a tragedy. what s fascinating is that stopd the new york times has stoppedi acknowledging it. in fact, remarkablity, there wae not a single mention oft page o the 9/11 anniversaryf yesterday. on the front page of yesterday s paper, the paper that purports to represent new york , the epicenter of the 9/11 attacks. now, why would the new york times ignore 9/11? ignore well, good question, be the new york
The presiding commissioners of Clay and Platte counties issued a joint letter over the weekend directed at KCMO Mayor Quinton Lucas’ plan to welcome migrants into the city’s workforce.