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Conventional, he said Going Forward his program is the only program allowed in this country. Competing programs are not allowed anymore. Theyre illegitimate, theyre dangerous, a threat to the republic itself. Joe biden declared that his political opponents are enemies of the state, terrorists, in fact, comparable to al qaeda on 9 11. Now biden and harris said this. They didnt say it in private, Grousing Bidderly to aides in the oval office, they said it in public on television, and didnt flinch as they did. So you have to think about the implications of this. The United States is a twoparty political system. Has for our whole lifetime. If the leader of one party, who happens to be the president , redefines the other party, not as a political party, but as criminal organization, what is he doing . Of course hes demanding a oneparty state. Thats what biden is doing. Hes using federal Law Enforcement to make it happen. So the question is, how is he getting away with it . Hes getting away with it by changing the term. Cant just openly say i want a oneparty state with me at the head. No. You have to make the other side unacceptable. He doesnt talk about voters or americans, you describes an insurgency, an armed rebellion. Trump voters, biden tells us, arent just wrong, they tried to overthrow the u. S. Government. You cant debate people like that. You have to crush that. Democrats appear to believe this. Tim ryan, running for the senate as a democrat from ohio, just yesterday, told morning joe on msnbc, quote, weve got to kill and confront that movement. Not defeat it. Kill it. Thats how dangerous populist republicans are according to the biden white house. This is the language of totallianism. Its very obvious. People in power would push back against it. Any responsible person would say, you cant do that. Thats too much power. We cant vest all the power in one political party. Thats the road to something awful. No one is pushing back. In fact, daily the media reinforces the message. Daily the media remind us that anyone who has questions about the outcome of the last election isnt a disgruntled voter. That person is a criminal. That person has embraced the big lie. You see it in every big news story, the big lie. People like that irrational and punished, and they are being punished. Yesterday afternoon fbi apprehended a man named Mike Lindell In Minnesota and seized his phone. Hes not a wanted criminal, not even a public official. Mike lindell sells pillows, especially on this channel. Why would the armed fbi agents being apprehended mike lindell . Because he questioned the outcome of the last election, questioned the big lie, a threat to the system. Thats the Consensus View in washington now. This is a very big change. In a free society, by definition, all questions are allowed. You cant have a democracy unless youre allowed to discuss its mechanics. Free speech is a prerequisite for a democratic system. Obviously. And until very recently everyone in America Unquestioningly understood that. Dissent was not a crime. It was a patriotic act. People commit it, at scale, especially democrats. For years after the 2000 election, democrats claimed that george w. Bush was not the legitimate president. Some still say it. They may believe it. Then the entire Democratic Party rejected the outcome of the president ial election. A foreign power got donald trump elected. Democrats said that. They continue to say it every single day of Donald Trumps term. They impeached him over it. Hamstrung the u. S. Government which in the end turned up nothing. You would call that the big lie. But no one was punished for it. No judge removed adam schiff from office for doubting the election results. The fbi didnt rein cnns biggest advertisers. Everyone moved on. You may have hated the russia hoax. We certainly did. But there was never any question that all american citizens have an absolute constitutionally protected right to question election outcomes. By the way, you are even allowed, maybe even encouraged, to question the mechanics of voting. Why wouldnt you question them . Voting is the means by which huge amounts of money and power are transferred from one party to another. Theres a lot at stake at the richest, most powerful country in the world. So of course americans have an absolute right to see proof, not suggestions, but proof that the system is on the level. When they are denied that right, maybe its a sign the system isnt on the level. Once again, that used to be obvious. Certainly obvious to democrats. Heres a clip you may have not have seen before. This is the current Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, speaking not so long ago, june 2018, about the integrity of electronic Voting Machines. Kamala harris was a senator then. Watch this. We recently actually i actually held a demonstration for my colleagues at the capitol, who we brought in folks who before our eyes hacked election machines, those that are being used in many states, but not State Of The Art from our perspective. Tucker Kamala Harris raising questions about the integrity of Voting Machines. You know what didnt happen next . The fbi didnt trap Kamala Harris at a hardees to seize her cellphone. No one in the media calls her an insurrectionist. Why would they . If you actually called about democracy, the trust in the system thats a prerequisite for democracy, you would encourage all questions from u. S. Citizens about how your democracy was administered. You had never censor those questions, punish the people who asked those questions. Ever. Even News Organizations once understood this. Not so long ago. During the trump years, cnn published a video called we watched hackers break into Voting Machines. Oh, that was allowed then. Cbs ran a report entitled how electronic Voting Machines could hack your vote. Oh, really . Did the fbi come after you at hardees . No, they didnt. Thats what News Organizations used to do. If theres corruption, well sniff it out. Were going to reassure you that your vote counts. You have to be reassured. You cant ban people from twitter and arrest them. Once again, even democrats understood that. In 2019, a couple of them. Elizabeth warren, mark warner of virginia, wrote to the makers of election systems, complaining about potential security vulnerabilities. Quote, there has been a lack of meaningful innovation in the Election Vendor Industry and our democracy is paying the price, end quote. Is that true . Honestly, we have no idea. Were not endorsing that view. Then or now. Were merely saying it is not a crime to ask. In fact, it is a prerequisite, if you want to have a healthy system, that people are allowed to ask, the people who are asked, are required to show proof to reassure them. Of course. But now democrats and the media who serve them are pretending that no one ever asks questions like this until 2020. Ever. Never happened before. Watch. This is a nation that believes in the rule of law. We do not repudiate it. This is a nation that respects free and fair elections. We honor the will of the people. We do not deny it. [cheers and applause] tucker oh, the rule of law. So the rule of law, the new law, is shut up. Right. They were telling you it was a, quote, free and fair election, about which no debate was allowed the day joe biden was certified the winner. The day. Right. Before they could know, in other words. So thats joe bidens new position. Heres the same, we checked it, this is the same joe biden, a little dimmer, but still the same guy today, back in 2019. Hes an illegitimate president in my mind. Thats it. Hes illegitimate. My biggest fear is hes going to do again with the help of vlad his best pal, and well be stuck for six more years with this guy. Its terrifying. Would you be my Vice President . Folks, look, i absolutely agree. Tucker oh, faced with an Election Denier who violates the rule of law and our sacred norms, in public, on camera. Joe biden doesnt scold her, call for the fbi to trap her at hardees and seize her personal communications device. He jokingly offers to reward her. Were so on the same page we could run together. He didnt run with that Election Denier. He ran with this one. Elections matter. When you win an election, you get to set the rules. How can you win with russian interference, though . I think hes an illegitimate president that didnt really win. How do you fight against that in 2020 . Absolutely right. Again, as a member of the Senate Intelligence community, we will believe that the russia did interfere in the election of the president of the United States in 2016. Tucker that clip is from three years ago. This is how conversation the conversation were having is right now. No one seems to remember that. It was just sunday, its wednesday, this sunday, like three days ago, that that same person, Kamala Harris, did a taped interview with nbc news and chuck todd, to explain that republicans who have the same questions about the last election that she had about the election before that should not be allowed to hold office, its a threat to the republican, theyre running for office. In other words, democracy is a threat to democracy. This is the currency of the Democratic Party, and has been for years. Lose the election. Immediately question the election. Stacy abrams, anyone . We can show you dozens and dozens of clips of this. From Kamala Harris, from hillary clinton, from jeanpierre. You get the point. This is crazy. But under joe biden the Department Of Justice appears to be doing everything it can to criminalize questions about the last election. Complain about election fraud, the fbi might show up. The dojs much broader effort, their effort is based on what they claim was a scheme to install alternate electors who would vote for donald trump in 2020 instead of joe biden. This is the core of their case. This is dojs apparent justification for crushing citizens and crushing dissent, seizing the cellphones of trump allies, including his personal attorney, which was never allowed, but they just did it. As cnn reportedly reported, the doj is investigating Donald Trumps, quote, Fraudulent Electors plot. That sounds bad. That sounds like a threat to democracy. What exactly is a fraudulent elector . Turns out that what cnn is telling you is a fraudulent elector is an alternate elector, not a new phenomenon. Theyve been around for generation. On Election Night in 1960, for example, Richard Nixon was running against jack kennedy. The State Of Hawaii appeared to be going narrowly for nixon, and they sent alternate electors to congress. They met in secret. After a recount determined that kennedy had won the state, kennedys electors sent a third set of certificates. Thats the set that the governor of hawaii ultimately certified and john kennedy became president. The question is, were kennedys alternate electors raided by the feds at hardees even though their candidate was losing . Were their communication subpoenaed . No. In Fact A State Judge endorsed what the Kennedy Electors had done. He said by turning an alternative election certificate, even when losing in the vote count, kennedys electors, all democrats, thats how the system works. After the 2020 election, trump electors in numerous states used virtually the same language as kennedys Hawaii Electors had used in 1960, but this time these were not alternate electors, they were criminals. This is part of a criminal plot to overthrow the u. S. Government, insurrectionists, trying to interfere with the real electors. As of five years ago, interfering with the work of real electors, it was your patriotic duty. Remember this . Nobody remembers anything. We have google on this show. We recall as politico reported at the time, after Donald Trumps win in 2016, democratic electors were, quote, lobbying their republican counterparts in other states to reject their oaths, and in some cases state law, to vote against trump. Democrats embraced this effort at the time. They even voted and again this wasnt in the 1860s. This was, like, 20 minutes ago. They voted to reject trumps electors. Watch. I have an objection, because 10 of the 29 electoral votes cast by florida were cast by electors not lawfully certified because they violated floridas hicks against dual office out of order. Mr. President , i object to the certificate from the State Of Georgia on the grounds that the no debate, no debate. Mr. President , i object. Under section 1517 i object to the massive voter suppression. Debate is not in order. Debate is not in order. The gentlewoman will suspend. Mr. President , i object, because people are horrified by the overwhelming evidence of russian interference in our elections. The United States code prohibits debate in the joint session. Tucker to be clear, were not endorsing that. We werent for it at the time. We probably mocked it as it happened. You can pull the tape. Its on the internet. But that was not an insurrection. That was not an insurrection, period. That was not an attempt to overthrow the u. S. Government. Neither was january 6th. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar, with motives that that person doesnt care to describe out loud, because theyre dark motives. If youre going to have a functioning country, a free society, a democracy, you have to have equal justice under the law. In that case, no democrat had his or home raided by the fbi for doing this. None of them were removed from Elected Office by judges. Its too much. And theyre so aggressive about it, and the threat of federal Law Enforcement is so omni pleasant, the few that are speaking out are a threat to the people in charge. Not simply because theyre trying to relitigate the last election. Thats over. But because theyre brave enough to say what they think. Thats the point. Theyre brave enough to stand up for their constitutional right. Kerry lake makes a good point in this clip. Watch. I dont see how asking questions about an election where there were problems is dividing a country. What i do see dividing a country is shutting people down, censoring people, canceling people, trying to destroy peoples lives when they do ask questions. Tucker yeah. Exactly. Its about free speech. At this point we may never know, and certainly partisan on both sides will probably never know till their full satisfaction all the details from the last election. What matters now is that we preserve the basic freedom in this country, the freedom of speech. In that clip, kari lake was referring to an election with record numbers of mailin ballots, with lax security requirements. Yesterday joe biden wanted to vote in his home state of delaware. De vote for mail . No. He used hundreds of thousands of dollars in public money to Fly Air Force one to delaware to vote in person. So apparently joe biden doesnt trust mailin voting. Why would he . Why would any of us be satisfied with the fact that democratic partisan Mark Zuckerberg spent nearly a half A Billion Dollars to control voting. Why wouldnt we have questions about that . Including honest democrats. Well, we would. In my opinion that cares about this country would have questions, because asking questions is not a crime, its a duty. Kari lake joins us now. I appreciate your coming on. Youve made, i think, the clearest leaving aside whatever anyone thinks about the last election, you made the clearest defense of free speech that ive seen this year. Its simple. We go back to the u. S. Constitution. I spent 30 years as a journalist. The First Amendment is darn important, and they seem to be taking that away from us right now. You described the lefts hypocrisy. You described the old saying, when theyve lost the debate, they resort to lander. Thats what were seeing right now. Tucker well, exactly. Im not in arizona, but ive sort of been following your campaign. I think you have a provocative and true things to say about immigration, but those arent covered because youre a big lie adherent. Do you believe the media uses that slur to make certain people wont hear what youre saying about the issues . Oh, for sure. If they arent badmouthing, Running Hit Pieces on me, theyll have to talk about the issues. When you look at our policies, our america first, Arizona First policies, once they start covering that, its game over, we win in a landslide, and then theyre stuck with me for eight years. I think im a nightmare for the liberal media in arizona. Tucker so your opponent this may have changed by airtime tonight, but last time i checked your opponent was refusing to debate you, citing abc news and cnn, saying shes crazy. Can she get away with that . She seems to be getting away with it. Shes raked over the coals by the mainstream media. It tells you how little her staff and her supporters think about her. They would rather her get just trashed right now in the media than show up for a debate, because they know that she has no policy to stand on. Shes got a terrible back i mean, if you look back at when she was a legis legislator, shed against a border wall, against funding, border security, but yet did write legislation to make sure we start teaching Sex Education in kindergarten. Her priorities are whacked. The people are arizona are turned off by the fact she wont show up for a debate. Its a job interview. The people of arizona are the hiring manager. Were showing up for a job interview. You dont get the job if you dont show up for the interview. She knows that she will get roasted on stage because of her background. Tucker i can see why theyre trying to silence you. Since youre here, i have to throw this at you, because you live in a border state thats born the brunt of the lawlessness on our border. We just received digital footage of Illegal Aliens being dropped off. Maybe the people make these policies should have to live with them. Whats your view of this . You know, i actually i get a kick out of it, watching the liberal mayors, just throw their hands up and say we cant handle it because its live every day for us in these border states. However, im not a fan of it, tucker. Were taking people illegally, who shouldnt be here, moving them further inland. My plan is the most aggressive plan on the border. Well secure the border, issue a declaration of invasion on day one, get troops on the border in the form of our national guard, stop people from coming over. Were going to stop the cartels from having control of our border. I dont like it as a mother. I know no Airsia Arizonan likes. Fentanyl is number one killer of young people, coming through arizona, because joe biden gave control of our border to the cartels. On day we know, would you going to invoke article one, section 10 authority, take control of the border away from the federal government. Its a dereliction of duty what theyve done. Tucker yes. Were not going to let Joe Biden Drag the state of arizona down while hes trying to destroy the country. Tucker i can see why theyre trying to stop you. Kari lake, thank you. Thanks, tucker. Tucker well check in with an election in progress in the state of florida. Charlie crist is running. Was a republican. Now hes a democrat. Not only a democrat. He has just explained that he might also be the son of god. Charlie crist next. I may be close to retirement but im as busy as ever. And thanks to voya, im confident about my future. Voya provides guidance for the right investments. They make me feel like ive got it all under control. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. Every search you make, every click you take, every move you make, every step you take, ill be watching you. The internet doesnt have to be duckduckgo is a free all in one privacy app with a built in search engine, web browser, one click Data Clearing and more stop Companies Like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. Duckduckgo privacy, simplified. Tucker John Fetterman removed his hoody, and revealed a large lump. Not the only democrat with secrets. Charlie crist has a secret. Last time he ran for mayor, local media noticed that he insisted having an electric fan with him at all times. He took it to a debate, causing the debate to be canceled. At the time, it was downplayed. Were just fans. Its not a big deal. Here was crist earlier this year. Have you heard that . Think about it. Boom. Crystalclear. Hes bad. Were good. Tucker hes bad. Were good. Its simple. Any politician tells you its simple, hes good, im bad, is a false prophet. Doesnt answer the question. Whats the electric fan doing there . Is it still following Charlie Crist around . Whats the nature of their relationship . Was that finish present during this interview . Where do you stand on Vaccine Passports an businesses . We should have Vaccine Passports. I think thats important. Tucker hahaha. Vaccine apart to get into that . In the background you hear the hum of the fan. No sane person would say this on television. A Vaccine Passport to get over into georgia from florida . Well find out what this fan is and get back to you. Chicago one of the great cities in the world, worst time in its history. Crime up more than 35 this year. The citys mayor, corey lightfoot, refuses to answer questions about it, silencing reporters about it. Of the last year she said she wasnt going to talk to white reporters, period, because shes not a racist. No problem, dont worry. Then this july, lightfoots administration revoked the press credentials of a reporter. Lightfoot alleges her Security Detail was assaulted. Dont touch me. God willing hey, dude, dont touch me. I didnt touch you. Back up. Back up. Dont touch me. Dont touch me. Tucker so turns out the only cops in chicago who are doing anything are the ones protecting lori lightfoot, the ones hitting reporters. Then you understand why fightfoot wants this guy nowhere her, because this Reporter Asks real questions. William kelly joins us tonight. Wonderful to be with you. This is a textbook First Amendment case. Unfortunately the textbook is from venezuela. Tucker right. Are we missing something . Your credentials were revoked because you asked the most obvious possible question. Our city is falling apart. What are you going to do . No longer allowed. Exactly right. I believe that journalism is extremely important. Ive had a Media Credential in chicago for over 10 years. Emmy awardwinning. Print, radio, tv. But mayor lightfoot is the least transparent mayor in our citys history. Sadly my for better or worse, the reason my questions were so effective, because i was asking the questions that Real Chicagoans wanted to hear, but they were hurting her Reelection Campaign so she canceled by Media Credential. The real scandal is mayor lightfoot has 80pus Security Guards that protect her from me asking her questions during a Reelection Campaign at the time when the Chicago Police are down 1500 officers, crime is out of control. Theres a record low arrests. And a spike in police suicides. Its my prayer that a federal judge will restore my Media Credential tomorrow so i can go back to chicago city hall, ask about the spike in police suicide, which is such a tragedy thats facing our city right now. Tucker i mean this is obvious censorship. Really quick, have other media organization, chicago tribune, for example, have they filed complaints with you on your behalf . Have you stood with you in solidarity . This has a Chilling Effect on reporters. They see i asked real questions, and got my credential revoked, canceled is a better word. I grew up in chicago watching legendary reporters, chasing politicians up and down the street. Right . And this is the tradition i want to uphold. This is the chicago reporter tradition that lightfoot wants to cancel. Tucker yeah. I mean, theyd be ashamed of whats happened to your city and your media. Mr. Kelly, thank you for coming on tonight. Thank you, tucker. Tucker its a tough time for children in our country, up and down, of all ages, including those not born. Our next guest said something about it on dr. Phil, which takes some stones. M she joins usus straight ahead. [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] tucker people used to make fun of, we may have done it ourselves, dr. Phil show, a celebrity freak show, but in 2022, you may find more interesting and honest guests on the show than msnbc. He recently interviewed this woman. You have no empathy. Abortion is to devastating to a womans mental health. No one talks about that. The year after a woman has the trauma is from the rape. The child is an Innocent Party there. We should not take out Generational Sin on a child, to say theres Generational Sin, the dad was an abuser and thats not fair to a child. A right has been taken away from us. I want to address that, because our fundamental human right that we all share in this room is life. Its the first human right. Laws are protected to people. Whos the weakest in a society . A child. Whether you live 10 minutes or 10 years or 100 years, youre a human life, and you have the right not to be killed. Tucker an amazing exchange. The Nose Ring Girl is damaged, deeply mad about something. Lila rose stays calm during the whole thing. She joins us. Thank you for coming on, showing how you really do win an argument, not by drowning the other person out by rage, shouting them down, but calmly saying what you think. I think you win people when you do that. Well, thanks, tucker. I mean, im fighting and were fighting for something beautiful, human lives. Whats there to be worked up over . Its the evil of abortion. Oat the truth sets people free. When we are equipped with the truth to share that, sharing facts about Scientific Development of human life in the womb, facts about the evil of abortion, the facts speak for themselves. Its a powerful mental that im privileged to get to share. Tucker you never dismiss, i notice, the suffering of the young woman, or any woman, whos pregnant and doesnt want to be, but you point out that killing the child hurts the woman too. Thats why theres so much rage around this issue. I think youre spot on. Were actually about to launch a white paper but also a series of many videos, testimonies of women, who have had abortions, had the courage to speak out about how devastating abortion was to them. The meanta data points out theres serious mental risks. In the year having a abortion, 150 more likely to commit suicide. Listen, dont do it. Choose life. There are people that want to help you. Life is worth fighting for. Tucker yeah. If you cared about women, as they say they do at planned parenthood, they would care about that. They dont care about women. They care about more abortions. Lila rose, i appreciate you coming on, and your calmness. Thanks, tucker. Tucker A Pretty Big Actress In Hollywood worked for disney, but then made the mistake of talking about covid. She wasnt political, but they tried to crush her anyway. Shes unbowed, and joins us shes unbowed, and joins us next. After my car accident, shes unwondnder whahatmy c cas. Next. So i called the barnes firm. Im rich barnes. Youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered . Call the barnes firm now to find out. Yoyou ght t beurprpris want a permanent solution to homelessness . Call the barnes firm now to find out. You wont get it with prop 27. It was written and funded by outofstate corporations to permanently maximize profits, not homeless funding. 90 of the profits go to outofstate corporations permanently. Only pennies on the dollar for the homeless permanently. And with loopholes, the homeless get even less permanently. Prop 27. They didnt write it for the homeless. They wrote it for themselves. When that car hit my motorcycle, they wrote it for themselves. Insurance wasnt fair. So i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i couldve made. Call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. Call one eight hundred, Eight Million tucker a pretty famous mixed martial artist became an actress, became more successful, and appeared in films like dead pool and fast and furious, on a disney show, but then her career hit a brick wall. Why . She was fired because she had opinions on facemasks and the 2021 election. She wasnt particularly political. Certainly not a partisan. She crushed her for it. Shes unbowed. We sat down with her. Pretty amazing interview. Here is gina explaining how she responded when disney told her she had to give her pronounce. When i wouldnt hashtag trans rights, put my pronounce in, they kept on pressuring me. Finally i said, im not doing this. Like what are the pronouns . I didnt even know what people were talking about. I was not clued in to the pronounce thing, which apparently thats been happening for, like like, seven, eight years now, right . Tucker nobody explained the purpose . Huhuh. I didnt know. Youre supposed to know. If you dont know youre a bigot. Yeah. Then i put beep bop boot. Tucker that means middle finger to you . I can put anything in my bio, do whatever i want. Tucker because you thought it was a free country . I was speaking out about lockdowns, masks, vaccinations, and pronouns way before anybody was, like, saying a word about it. I was a little bit ahead. Im sure if i would have done it now, it wouldnt have been a big deal, but because when i was talking about it when nobody else was talking about it, especially nobody else in my industry, lucas films called me, okay, well need you to get go on a zoom call with 45 of our lgbtq community, get you on the phone with these people, have you watch these trans movies about the trans lives documentaries, and i was, like, okay, ill watch your documentaries, talk to your people, but im not getting on a zoom people with people who can have their phones out and tape me. Thats abusive. Tucker weve become fascinated by bravery, where it emerges, people you never expect it to emerge in. Thats a brave woman. So the unelected governor of new york, speaking of democracy, is finally standing for election november. Lee zelden is running against her, capping up in the polls, because hes talking about things people care about. Hes a member of congress, a candidate for the governor of new york. He joins us. Thank you very much for coming on. A lot of republicans across the country have decided to talk about things other than crime. Why are you talking about it . Its the number one issue, the reason why new york leads the entire nation in population losses. People feel like their safety is under attack. Their wallets. Their freedom. Quality of their kids education. They believe if they go down to places like texas or florida, some of these other places, that their money will go further, they will feel safer, live life freer. Thats why new york leads the entire nation in population loss. Were seeing a debate in illinois, other places, about whether or not they should have cashless bail, and get more das into power who refuse to enforce the law. In new york, they actually have this, the procriminal laws already passed. Were seeing the consequences of it. We have the das like alvin bragg refusing to do his job. Even lax judges refusing to do theirs, while Law Enforcement is thrown under the bus. Even if youre a democrat, even if youre an independent, were finding that people who have, for their entire lives, have voted democrat, and theyve realized if they want to save their city, new york city, save their state, they need balance and common sense. You need get tough on crime in order to be back in charge of your streets. Tucker exactly. Kathy hochul cares deeply about safety. She wanted us to wear masks alone in the shower for safety reasons. Why isnt she bringing safety to new york streets . Shes been pandering to the left, whether its tax and spend policies, or these procriminal policies. She signed a bill named less is more, to release people early from prison who should remain behind bars. Tsolitary confinement, not like what you see in the movies, whats happened over the last few months, attacks on correction officers, Prison Staffs and inmates, have gone up, skyrocketed. Hochuls big solution is call them incarcerated individuals. Problem solved. People using drugs. Maybe we need more legal injection sites. You want to give out more permits for cannabis licenses. Theyre giving front of line access if you have a prior drug conviction. A lot of new yorkers are scratching their heads, feeling like its going in the wrong direction. Tucker its the end of civilization. Anyone pushing violent crime. Thank you, lee. Thank you, tucker. Tucker we hear that the insurrection that and january 6th is worse than pearl harbor. Er is theres anything worse . Well show you what it is next. Insurrection. At it is next. Nothing is more dangerous than an insurrection. But thats not true. Whats more dangerous than insurrection . Joe biden ditching his secret Service Detail and driving his corvette back to the courwhite house. They almost let that happen today. For real. Get out of the way, everybody. Thi thi thisling this thing is live. Im heading to my Secret Service taking. Im driving home. He says hes driving home. Yeah. Given what hes done to the country, i think everyone can agree, even mrs. Biden, not a good idea for him to drive a motor vehicle. Thats it for us tonight. Well be back tomorrow night 8 00 p. M. Have the best night. Heres sean hannity. Sean that is the corvette go6 that theres a Waiting List A Mile long. And im like at the bottom. That is a great car. And no ecuad he should not be driving that car. Thank you, sean. Sean welcome to hannity. Tonight dr. Fauci confronted tonight. Also, tonight wisconsin candidate Mandela Barnes was caught on camera trashing capitalism. This, after he called for violently criminals to b

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