Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma of the Delhi High Court on Wednesday recused himself from hearing the Enforcement Directorate (ED) s plea challenging the trial court order granting bail to the businessman Raj Singh Gehlot, Ambience Group Promoter in a money laundering case related to bank loan alleged fraud case.
The Patiala House Court on Wednesday granted bail to businessman Raj Singh Gehlot, Ambience Group promoter, in a money laundering case related to an alleged b
The Patiala House Court on Wednesday granted bail to businessman Raj Singh Gehlot, Ambience Group's promoter, in a money laundering case related to an alleged bank loan fraud case.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Delhi High Court on Wednesday rejected the bail plea of businessman Raj Singh Gehlot, Ambience Group Promoter, in a money laundering case related to an alleged bank loan fraud case. The case relates to certain loans granted by a consortium of banks for the construction of the Ambience Hotel at Shahdara, Delhi. India News | Delhi HC Rejects Bail Plea of Ambience Group Promoter in Money Laundering Case.
The Delhi High Court on Wednesday rejected the bail plea of businessman Raj Singh Gehlot, Ambience Group Promoter, in a money laundering case related to an alle