officials say he and the suspected killer were among 200 it s mates in a recreation guard reserved for prisoners for serious crimes. robinson said a guard stood watch above the yard. yesterday, that yard wasn t able to pick up anything until he saw mr. sosa attack mr. schaeffer from behind. reporter: he reportedly fired rubber bullets. schaeffer died at marin general hospital. his abuse accused killer was sentence forward murdering a homeless man after steeling his bicycle. schaeffer s mother sent an e mail to abc 7 news claiming her son had been beaten and taunted by the sheriff deputies while in the county jail awaiting transfer to san quentin. she wrote that deputies said you re a baby killer. watch out. you ll get yours in presidenton. aaron told me he feel nose sense of satisfaction. there are times it s easier to die and slip away. in the end it probably would have been more difficult to spend life in prison. reporter: by the way this was the first murder in s