officials say he and the suspected killer were among 200 it's mates in a recreation guard reserved for prisoners for serious crimes. robinson said a guard stood watch above the yard. >> yesterday, that yard wasn't able to pick up anything until he saw mr. sosa attack mr. schaeffer from behind. >> reporter: he reportedly fired rubber bullets. schaeffer died at marin general hospital. his abuse -- accused killer was sentence forward murdering a homeless man after steeling his bicycle. schaeffer's mother sent an e mail to abc 7 news claiming her son had been beaten and taunted by the sheriff deputies while in the county jail awaiting transfer to san quentin. she wrote that deputies said you're a baby killer. watch out. you'll get yours in presidenton. aaron told me he feel nose sense of satisfaction. >> there are times it's easier to die and slip away. in the end it probably would have been more difficult to spend life in prison. >> reporter: by the way this was the first murder in san quentin in 13 years. now, sheri dunn showed us a letter she wrote to the marin county sheriff's office in may expressing her concerns over her son's safety and n.prison. we called the sheriff's office. they still haven't returned our calls. vic lee abc 7 news. >> thank you. >> and alameda county sheriff is looking into the drowning of a 6-year-old boy in a swim center. lifeguards pulled the boy out of a shallow area and tried to perform cpr. officials activated their response plan. the boy pronounced dead in the hospital. the hayward area recreation and parks district says four life daurdz were on duty and 44 people. the rules requiring any child under age 7 to have an adult with them is not known p a parent or adult was with the boy when he drowned. >> yeah. swimming is something you have to be involved and the staff has been responsive and is doing an excellent job. >> the poom was back open today before lifeguards on duty have received grief counseling. >> new lab tests show high levels of a chemical in something we all handle often. store receipts. california has been on the front lines in trying to restrict the use. and we're live with more. >> the study did not look into how much it enters our bodies only that the chemical is present in these little pieces of paper. so receiving someplaces here may make you think twice. there is shoppers almost always goat a receipt and found amounts of this bpa on 40% of the papers tested were 250 to a thousand times greater than in products like baby bottles. the are handing out receipts. and oo we're not sure how much could come in to the skin. but this an exposure we should pay attention to. >> there is studies linking bpa to health issues. and this legislature is currently trying to ban the chemical. the bpa is used to coat the thermal paper. >> this is and can wipe on to our fingers or anything else. >> the american chemistry counsel says receipts contain low levels and not readily absorbed through the skin. in fighting the ban, the group cited other major studies saying the chemical is fine. >> you have to take a look at the collective data. >> the companies like starbucks, target and bank of america atm ees use bpa free paper, shoppers want to be more care oofl imi'm going to continue to wash my hands really good. i don't want to touch them. >> i'll try to not ask for receipts then. >> in looking at date found worker who's handle receipts on a daily basis have 30% more bpa in bodies than other adults. >> tonight the city of belmont will consider the city attorney's recommendation to ban massage permits for a year after the city attorney announced 80% working in the city are suspected of prostitution. he says 37 of the 46 licensed massage therapists graduated from fake schools but suspected of serving as fronts for sex workers. and state park officials released a sketch of this man in the suspected attempted rape. the women say the suspect approached them with a gun. >> oakland city leaders launch aid proposal to raise taxes in order to rehire 80 laid off police officers. the city council voted to put a measure on november ballot asking property owners to pay a $360 annual parcel tax for four years. voters have to approve the ban plan by a two-thirds majority. >> this is $1 a day worth it? >> no. absolutely. i'm holding my $3 coffee. yes. my family's safety is worth it measure won't make it to the ballot in less -- unless the union agrees to contribute 9% of the salaries, a cost-saving measure for the city. >> plans to raise sales tax in the city of antioch to one of the highest in the state is meeting with fierce opposition. the city council is expected to approve a po proposal to let voters decide on the half sent increase. >> there is an add burden. >> bernie is worried about a plan to raise sales tax in antioch. the queen bee quilt shop is wuchbt few downtown businesses bustling with customers. there are two vacant store fronts, a reflection of a bad economy made worse by local foreclosure crisis. and there is a fear a city council plan to put an increase on a november ballot will push their remaining customers. >> this is going increase actual costs a customer is going to pay. bottom line. >> we need to do this. >> this counsel member says the tax pay be the only way to avoid further cuts to city offices like police. >> and we've lost 25% to the city and laid off 41 people. >> the city gets less than a penny and advocates of the half-sent increase claim money would go a central services. critics say the price is too high. >> this is a city that is trying to balance their budget on the backs of the people. >> voters approve this in november, at 9.75%, antioch could have the highest sales tax. >> on the larger purchase having extra tax, i think sends people to go elsewhere to shop hurting the downtown area. if i'm buy be a tube of pooj paste it's going to cost two extra cents. after i going to go to another city for two cents? it doesn't make seens if approved the tax would stay in effect eight years. in antioch, abc 7 news. >> supervisors today decided against putting a similar measure on the ballot that would have raised county sales tax another quarter sent. -- cent. >> state republican gubernatorial candidate meg whitman is locked in a tight race for governor being but asked about future plans. >> you win in november you're at the top of the republican party in california and the county. ever thought about running for white house? >> no. i am here to run california. i want to fix california. and where goes california, goes the country. >> she appeared on "good morning he america" saying focus is getting elected and helping california out of the recession. whitman spent $90 million to win the g.o.p. nomination. she now faces jerry brown in november's general election. >> a state department official from bay area is battling cancer. she's informed her staff. and in her memo shed she said cancer is being treated aggressively. she's schedule forward surnlry this ball saying prognosis is good. >> president obama says he's concerned about the leak of sensitive documents but doesn't believe it will be harmful to efforts. >> the fact is that these documents don't reveal issues that haven't informed our public debate on afghanistan pointing to the same challenge that's led me to conduct an extensive review of the policy in of the fall. >> this is after the week's leak of 91,000 classified documents included information on everything from afghan civilian deaths to evidence of u.s.-pakistani distrust. the president says the greater concern is developing a better strategy to win a war he claims was ignored seven years but the bush administration. >> still to come tonight an american auto maker announces a price of a much-anticipated all-electric car. >> san francisco's censored meters. how the city is bank owing them. >> and mild day ted. expecting a repeat tomorrow. then, changes coming up. i'll show you in the accu-weather forecast. >> it's not too late to plan an affordable summer get away. michael finney has tickets to low air fares but you need to act soon. >> the news continuesesesesesess >> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. gm announced the price of the chevy volt today. the price is $41,000 but can roll out of the dealership door at $33,000 with tax credits. and there is taking orders with delivery by the end of the year. it's ran up 30,000 in 2012 coming fully loaded. >> there is standard-screen based navigation and fundamental element of the vehicle, extended range capability taking you from 40 miles up to 300 miles. >> there is a is in addition to volt, featuring plenty of other vehicle autos san francisco began experimenting today with state of the art parking meters, 190 meet vers have been installed after gathering data will be programmed to charge different rates depending on demand. the only thing knew is that they take credit and debit cards as well as coins. >> this is when i'm out of meters and quarters. >> is meter that's will have prices from 50 cents to $6 with up to $18 an hour for special events. >> there is another sign of a down economy. >> yes. state and local agencies seeing an increase in complaints and there is more on this. >> a survey found more than half government agencies report an increase in consumer complaints. topping the list is complaints about autso sales and repairs. there is two appear be to be complaints about credit and deb yits. >> this turns to debt settlement and relief services. that promise to reduce their bets. but don't fulfill promises. >> there is rounding out top five complaints, home improvement, utilities and there is a is scams. there should be no surprise generic drugs can save you money. and what may be a surprise is that is not always the case. and one instance, a drug was priced twice that of its brand anymore counter part. and there is a study saved americans nearly $140 million last year alone. there is jet blue nunsd fares as low as $39. tickets must be purchased by friday for travel between september 7th and december 15th. black oit dates apply for thanksgiving. among better deals, oakland to washington, d.c.. you can fly to new york city from airports, tickets are nonrefundable. make sure you read small print. and i'm glum today, i purchased tickets to nork a while back. >> all right. >> thank you. >> and let's get a check on the forecast now. >> there is mild like today fchl you're expecting summer warmth you don't have to wait longer. there is a some changes and there is a live picture from emeryville camera looking across the bay. you can see golden investigate bridge there. patchy low clouds there is we pan around from high definition camera you can sigh patchy nature of the low clouds. there are changes here. there is current temperatures this is just a sign of what is still to come. 60s and 70s this afternoon. numbers within a few degrees of yesterday's highs. there is sunny inland for wednesday. still, below normal. and then, we're expecting warmer days for thursday and friday. there is this afternoon, gray skies and sunny conditions across the bay area. and the coast is this circulation here just pulling marl away from some beach communities so. there is a little more sun, brighter conditions at beaches. there is low pressure heading out of here tomorrow. so overnight tonight getting over into california and then, finally pushes out tomorrow. once it does, the marine layer is going to be shallower heading into thursday this, will mean warmer weather for thursday, and again, friday. tonight, the low clouds will be back into our inland communities and there is temperatures into 50s and he similar to today. 70 degrees in sunnyvale z mild on the pin anyone sla. looking at upper 60s to mid-70s. there is still lingering clouds. 60 in pacifica. mid-60s and into the north bay, mid-70s and east bay, 66 in oakland. 74 in castro valley. inland areas almost like today. there is 64 degrees in monterey. here is the accu-weather forecast. there is still below normal. low 60s beaches and low 80s inlnld. warming begins thursday, continuing into friday. back into mid to upper 80s range inland. getting closer to normal and there is mid to upper 80s range again. and we'll keep it in that range next week. >> and this is an improvement. >> coming up oakland makes it official giving green light to large-scale pot growers. >> and there is a disturbing e mail scam. from 7 on your side who is behind items like this? what should you do if you get "know the species, know the stain." lanolin-free coat, i know it's an alpaca. walks in here, looks says "hey look, it's a llama!" cleaning the stain like he would a llama stain. time he's wasting. ♪ call 1-800-steemer can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste? a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating wle grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lowe our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announc ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol. oakland became the first city to legalize large-scale commercial pot cull ti vacation, voting to license four farms where medical marijuana will be grown, package asked and processed. they'll be taxed and regulated and says farms will create jobs and bring in millions to the city. opponents warn it will put small growers out of business and lower the quality of the medical marijuana available. >> the bay area air quality management district reached a settlement with tesoro refinery for dozens of violations, agreeing to pay $366,000 for leaking tanks and other excessive emissions. >> california was named one of 19 finalists in the second round of the race to the top competition. and to close achievement gap. obama administration has been fighting to tie teacher pay to student achievement and tenure and expand charter schools. california could win up to $700 million in grants. >> coming up next a look at world famous black and white negative autos have potential to turn into a lot of green for one man two found them in a garage sale. built with quality and backed with the best coverage in america including a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. that's 40,000 more miles than ford. chevy silverado half-ton. a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. now get 0% apr for 72 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models with an average finance savings around $5,800. coming up at 6:00 accusations the fbi infiltrated muslim community. tonight the tactics have some people concerned. >> also, back to plug in car and why some believe america reached a tipping point whit comes to the car autos then, after 6:30, how a bay area surgeon ended this headaches by reversing an irreversible operation coming up at 6:00. >> and finally, a fresno man hit the jackpot. >> there is a set of negatives in a garage sale appears to be 65 long-lost ansel adams photograph autos part of his early works believed to have been destroyed in a fire at his studio. adams grandson questions their auj tis ti but a teamworked to determine the glass negatives were taken by the famed photographer. >> construction worker rick norcegian bought them $45 ten years ago. they're now worth $200 million. >> i heard that $200 million i got a little weak. >> better than a lotto ticket? >> i think it s i hope it is. >> and an exhibition of 17 photographs is planned for october in fresno state university there. is a documentary in the works about the story. not a bad investment. >> this is what you dream of going a garage sale. isn't it? finding something unique. millions of dollars worth. >> remarkable. >> world news is up next. >> from all of us here, thanks for watching. we'll be bat