Families of 20 Gambian children who died after consuming cough syrups made in India will take their government to court this month for allegedly mishandling drug imports – a rare step in one of Africa's poorest countries, where few have the means to challenge authorities.
Families of 20 Gambian
children who died after consuming cough syrups made in India
will take their government to court this month for allegedly
mishandling drug imports - a rare step in one of.
At least 70 children died from acute kidney injury in Gambia last year, cases the World Health Organization (WHO) linked to medicines made by Indian drugmaker Maiden Pharmaceuticals that were contaminated with diethylene glycol (DEG) and ethylene glycol (EG), toxins normally used as industrial solvents and antifreeze agents.
At least 70 children died from acute kidney injury in Gambia last year, cases the World Health Organization (WHO) linked to medicines made by Indian drugmaker Maiden Pharmaceuticals that were contaminated with diethylene glycol (DEG) and ethylene glycol (EG), toxins normally used as industrial solvents and antifreeze agents.