Common good are hosting this event for philip common good is an organization probably started 25 years ago i dont remember but i have been on the trustee for for a long and its a it supports you know philip and philips causes and these books are big events for common good philip for those who know him and im sure many of you do does everything with enthusiasm and passion for those of us who around philip its sometimes exhausting, but its always some we always learn something in our lives are enriched by it. There there are several in this room i know would say the same thing philip you know started hes had a career as a brilliant appellate lawyer which is where i first knew him. He then built a law firm in new from scratch and it was successful and that was thats a big event. But he got bored, decided he needed a new challenge and so he decided to fix the government and legal system in america somehow this anybody would do that. This is his seventh book, maybe his important but all of
I and the other trustees of common good are hosting this event for philip common good is an organization probably started 25 years ago i dont remember but i have been on the trustee for for a long and its a it supports you know philip and philips causes and these books are big events for common good philip for those who know him and im sure many of you do does everything with enthusiasm and passion for those of us who around philip its sometimes exhausting, but its always some we always learn something in our lives are enriched by it. There there are several in this room i know would say the same thing philip you know started hes had a career as a brilliant appellate lawyer which is where i first knew him. He then built a law firm in new from scratch and it was successful and that was thats a big event. But he got bored, decided he needed a new challenge and so he decided to fix the government and legal system in america somehow this anybody would do that. This is his seventh book, may
Event for philip common good is an organization probably started 25 years ago i dont remember but i have been on the trustee for for a long and its a it supports you know philip and philips causes and these books are big events for common good philip for those who know him and im sure many of you do does everything with enthusiasm and passion for those of us who around philip its sometimes exhausting, but its always some we always learn something in our lives are enriched by it. There there are several in this room i know would say the same thing philip you know started hes had a career as a brilliant appellate lawyer which is where i first knew him. He then built a law firm in new from scratch and it was successful and that was thats a big event. But he got bored, decided he needed a new challenge and so he decided to fix the government and legal system in america somehow this anybody would do that. This is his seventh book, maybe his important but all of them had important effects. C
look, he is. i mean, he is a guy who runs a country that is a communist country that s based on a form of government totally different than ours. president biden s last answer there might have been a bit awkward but true after what was otherwise a productive meeting yesterday with chinese president xi jinping. we ll have more from their first face-to-face talks in a year. i will say, mika. yeah? i know i don t interrupt, but i will in this case. that clip is burying the lead. what do we got? oh, well yeah. we had a meeting that i thought went extraordinarily well. fortunately, we have the wise man here who can tell us and the wise woman who can tell us what they think. oh, good. i, for one, loved hearing what was said there, and i love the fact that they understand that the united states and china, whether either side likes it or not, is we re going to be, in effect, running a large part of the planet over the next half century, as far as the economy, the
Because his entire speech seemed like one giant subtweet. Democracy does roar a basic sense of. When we sit back and blame the leaders we elect, without examining our own role in electing them. It falls to each of us to be those anxious, jealous guardians of our democracy. If something needs fixing, then lace up your shoes and do some organizing. If youre tired of arguing with strangers on the internet, try talking with one of them in real life. laughter . Trevor okay, this guy has clearly never been catfished before. Look i dont say this often, but i do not agree with the president. Do not meet people that youve argued with on the internet. It will end with you bleeding in an alley. Dont do it. Dont do it. You know, last nights speech felt leslike a farewell address and more like a parent going on vacation tell his kids how to behave while theyre away. American kids, race relations, youll find those in the fridge. Make sure you know the Supreme Court justice before you let him in. And