Midnight anyway. Here is what we know happened on the ground in the overnight hours. Just before the curfew took effect, there were hundreds of protesters who were gathered in what was a stead day rain to peacefully protest the Police Shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown one week ago saturday. When the midnight deadline arrived, protesters heeded the instructions and headed home. There were other protesters who remained. They marched with their hands up and drove down the street with some people standing on cars chanting things like hands up, dont shoot, no justice, no curfew. Less than an hour into the curfew, Police Including five Armored Vehicles assembled to move in on that crowd. This is the Police Department. You are violating a stateimposed curfew. You must continue to disperse peacefully or you will be subject to arrest and or other actions. The police began firing canisters into the crowd that they initially said were smoke and not teargas. An nbc producer on the scene s