Says is illegal the most salacious headlines here on aljazeera stay with us the stream is next. With you. Hi anthony ok and join this stream live on aljazeera and you change what happened to catalonia leidy declares independence from spain its been ten days of violent protests and firing to fight the push for dial composts sites but she remains tense on todays program. And separatists. But first had to make it without following the conversation online thats right by me and the opinions have been as divided online as they are in the streets heres a taste two people with very different views. Its evident that if from the institutions from the government of catalonia they are labeling you as a member of the far right as a fashion for the sole reason of defending the territorial unit this creates a climate of hostility that makes you cannot express your opinion or not be able to express yourself with. This. Most likely. Will declare independence. As matter of fact credibility. Credibility
BBC One's Casualty has seen its fair share of tragic deaths over the more than 37 years it's been airing, but it seems some of the lives of the cast have been just as dramatic offscreen
As Casualty viewers prepare to say goodbye to the beloved medical drama's longest-running cast member, we take a look at what the original doctors and nurses are up to nowadays