Chief Minister Hemant Soren today inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of 402 schemes worth Rs 249. 80 Crore during the program “Aapki Yojana, Aapki Sarkar Aapke Dwar” organized in Simaria block of Chatra. At the same time, assets worth about Rs 221 crore 78 lakh were distributed among 1
This government is not running from closed and air conditioned rooms of Delhi and Ranchi but from villages and panchayats. In villages where there is no access road, officials are reaching there with full force with a bundle of schemes and are working to benefit you. This trend will continue
This is a sensitive and common people s government. In this government, plans are not made in an air-conditioned room. We make policies keeping in mind the conditions of the state and the needs of the people. It is our top priority that the plans actually come to the ground,” said Chief Minister
Ranchi : The first meeting of the State Coordination Committee was held on Saturday at the residence of Shibu Soren in Morhabadi. It was said in the | BLiTZ