The 40th annual american book awards. I say it is very appropriate that we are holding this ceremony on the day of the dead. In San Francisco. And in california, and at the end of the west. Not just geographically mind you, you go any further west, you are in the east. Far east. So just this last month, afghanistan turned 18. I say its you say is going to vote . Congressional budget for every 24 hours the war cost hundred and 74 million. So in a city named for st. Francis, who city fathers and mothers now treated citizens as if they were merely detritus of capitalism, is trying these big two. And if state named for a black lesbian amazon clean of the islamic faith took up on that, but these are just the names that we know right now. Because there are monday names for this place became long before any of us were here and there will be monday names to come. In fact the origin of those names came from a group of people who arrived from youre up are increasingly starting to up here within