Should Traffic Lights Be Abolished? (Ep. 454)
March 10, 2021 @ 11:00pm Listen now:
Americans are so accustomed to the standard intersection that we rarely consider how dangerous it can be as well as costly, time-wasting, and polluting. Is it time to embrace the lowly, lovely roundabout?
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Kevin BERESFORD: Yes, I’m a member of the Dull Men’s Club.
Stephen DUBNER Let me make sure I’m understanding you correctly. It’s called the Dull Men’s Club, yes? “Dull” as in boring?
BERESFORD Yeah. Dull is the new black. It’s sexy being dull. Women like dull men. They know we’re not going to run off with Lady Gaga or something.
A Rescue Plan for Black America (Ep. 453)
March 3, 2021 @ 11:00pm Listen now:
New York Times columnist Charles Blow argues that white supremacy in America will never fully recede, and that it’s time for Black people to do something radical about it. In
The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto, he urges a “reverse migration” to the South to consolidate political power and create a region where it’s safe to be Black. (This is an episode of the Freakonomics Radio Book Club.)
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Stephen DUBNER: So, Charles, you have said that you didn’t want to write a “race book.”
Jeff Immelt Knows He Let You Down (Ep. 452)
February 17, 2021 @ 11:00pm Listen now:
Not so long ago, G.E. was the most valuable company in the world, a conglomerate that included everything from light bulbs and jet engines to financial services and
The Apprentice. Now it’s selling off body parts to survive. What does the C.E.O. who presided over the decline have to say for himself?
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Stephen DUBNER: So there is a silly question that a lot of authors get asked, which is: Why did you write this book? Silly, because it’s usually obvious. But in your case, I don’t think it’s such a silly question because: a) you don’t need the money; let’s be honest. And b) you don’t have a tale of triumph to tell. So why did you write the book?
The Downside of Disgust (Ep. 448)
January 20, 2021 @ 11:00pm Listen now:
It’s a powerful biological response that has preserved our species for millennia. But now it may be keeping us from pursuing strategies that would improve the environment, the economy, even our own health. So is it time to dial down our disgust reflex? You can help fix things as Stephen Dubner does in this episode by chowing down on some delicious insects.
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We have just made the entire
Freakonomics Radio archive available, free, on every podcast app. That’s more than 10 years’ and 400 episodes’ worth. Hopefully you’ll enjoy poking around the archive. And tell your friends! You listeners often write in to ask how you can help our show. One thing you can do is spread the word. Or: leave a review or a rating on your favorite podcast app. That’s a great way to help other people discover
How Do You Cure a Compassion Crisis? (Ep. 444)
December 16, 2020 @ 11:00pm Listen now:
Patients in the U.S. healthcare system often feel they’re treated with a lack of empathy. Doctors and nurses have tragically high levels of burnout. Could fixing the first problem solve the second? And does the rest of society need more compassion too?
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Today’s episode is really interesting. There are two ways we could start it, but I can’t decide which is better. One way is nasty and vulgar, like this:
Tiffany INGHAM: Well, why are you looking then, retard?