Sahaja Yoga is practiced in over 180 countries around the world and is based on the authentic and almost forgotten teachings of ancient Eastern seers, with the emphasis on encouraging the mind to move into a state of peaceful mental silence. Practitioners from all walks of life continually report improvements to their health, vitality and human relationships, often within a matter of weeks from starting to meditate.
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok dan istri, Puput Nastiti Devi, kembali dikaruniai anak. Sang istri diketahui baru saja melahirkan bayi berjenis kelamin perempuan.
Tahun 2021 menjadi momen yang bahagia untuk pasangan Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok dan Puput Nastiti Devi. Sang istri melahirkan anak ke dua pada 26 Agustus 2021 di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak (RSIA) Bunda, Jakarta Pusat.