Justice sotomayor said, look, even though the commission may have made commissioners may have made disparaging comments about religion, this was assessed by other entities, by courts, and there was no need to say that the context here affected t case. That these two individuals did face discrimination and it should be read as that. So they were the only two that broke off, but as i say, Justice Kennedy, i think he wanted to caution everyone in the courtroom, and probably anyone reading this opinion, that this is a very small step in the case of these particular men. Again, Justice Ginsburg and sotomayor said otherwise, but i think it really opens the door to what would come next from the next case. I would just add one other thing, Justice Kennedy noted that in 2012, when this had happened, colorado was not
is interesting, how this is going to play out over the next six months or so. And i said, well, explain. He said, well, is going to bed by republicans as an effort for freedom, for
The days biggest political and news stories, with interviews and reporting from around the nation. Disclosure statements, have hearings into the trump russia probe, strengthen the Mueller Probe as opposed to allowing trump to shut it down. Stephanie, if you want to party like its 1999 for a second, lets talk dvd evidence, not the usual format everyones familiar with. But Michael Avenatti made a lot of noise about this. They tried to get more details from him on the view. He did something that viewers will recognize, random flattery. Take a look at avenatti on the view. Do they have anything to do with the dvd . Do they have anything to do with the dvd . Thats a really good question. Youre a good questioner. As your attorney, you dont have to answer that. Yeah, im going to take a pass on that one. Going to take a pass on it. You are . Thank you for the assist there. Why is rudy so messy . He works for a really messy client. I think what Rudy Giuliani is trying to do is get in front of t
The days biggest political and news stories, with interviews and reporting from around the nation. The United Nations taking on Donald Trumps attacks on the free press. The top story, The Closing Circle of pressure on trump from the manafort trial. Michael avenatti has popped back up with a dvd, doing some Breaking News of his own on who is in possession of it. Do you have anything else you can tell me about this dvd . As soon as we get it back from Law Enforcement, ill be happy to talk about it. That is new. The assertion that Law Enforcement are sufficiently interested in this dvd collected as evidence. We do not know, and this is important, if avenatti is alleging its in the possession of federal Law Enforcement, which could mean mueller or cohen prosecutors in new york, or whether it is some other local case which could be far less important. Meanwhile, the other news tonight is that mueller has completed interviews with another new roger stone associate, her name is kristin davis.
Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world. But they won, and if you look at why the women won, almost to a person they were much closer to the center and the Traditional Democratic views than what were seeing with the new crops, you included. Do you think that is a reflection about how much change your party can take and how soon, that more of those candidates are winning because theyre huing more closely to Traditional Democratic standards . Well, i think you have to take a look at two things. Where the American People are at and then also what wins campaigns. And its no secret that while Grassroots Campaigns absolutely are have their place and are very strong in Voter Turnout when they are able to turn out voters. Money does win elections. So when you have pac groups that are able to pour in half a million to a Million Dollars per race, that absolutely makes an impact. However, nothing changes the fact that the majority of americans believe
Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world. Chris Cuomo asks the tough questions to newsmakers in Washington and around the world. You know, i think it is like that red herring where the more time we spend kind of debating any one individual person or figure is less time that we spend talking about medicare for all, tuitionfree public college, and a great new deal. I think what we really need to do is have discipline on winning back the house. We need to spend more time talking about the issues that Americans Care about and the issues that are going to get more money in the average americans pocketbook and less money spent on totally Expensive Health care and education. So you go from the organizational structure of who are our bosses to the substantive. Now, emilys list, which youre very well aware of, they put out an organization that said we want to promote women being in politics. Theyve done very well. And in fact, some of their candidate