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Justice sotomayor said, look, even though the commission may have made commissioners may have made disparaging comments about religion, this was assessed by other entities, by courts, and there was no need to say that the context here affected t case. That these two individuals did face discrimination and it should be read as that. So they were the only two that broke off, but as i say, Justice Kennedy, i think he wanted to caution everyone in the courtroom, and probably anyone reading this opinion, that this is a very small step in the case of these particular men. Again, Justice Ginsburg and sotomayor said otherwise, but i think it really opens the door to what would come next from the next case. I would just add one other thing, Justice Kennedy noted that in 2012, when this had happened, colorado was not is interesting, how this is going to play out over the next six months or so. And i said, well, explain. He said, well, is going to bed by republicans as an effort for freedom, for ligi going to help us with our base. But in the near term, he thinks that it is actually going to hurt republicans a little bit because it is going to be framed as discrimination or this is what he thinks by the media, that in fact that theyre allowing discrimination to move forward. Now, whether or not this plays out in the midterm elections well have to see what happens, but whenever y talk about religious freedom, these are the kind of hot button issues that do get people out to vote. So i would expect conservatives and republicans to really play this out. You know, john, kennedy was the deciding voice in the 2015 gay marriage decision, writing the Majority Opinion here. In your view, is this decision by the justices complicatin things or clarifying things with regard to gay rights in america hearing. Thats what it is about, giving both sides a fair hearing, but i dont think he undercut his decision in obergefell from 2015 at all. And i think, ts why he was able to draw in the votes of people on the far right, and people on the far not the most extreme left, but enough on the left to make it seem better than the usual 54 decision, which is what it was in 2015. Yeah. This is far from over. This case, though, decided. Guys, thank you very much, i was just handed a first statement coming from the attorneys who were representing the baker representing Masterpiece Bakers in this, Jack Phillips. Jack serves all customers. He simply declines to express messages or celebrate events this violate his deeply held beliefs, Creative Professionals who serve all people should be free to create art consistent with their convicts without the threat of government punishment. That from the attorneys representing Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Bakers who just won before the supreme court. Thank you all so much. Coming up for us, President Trump says he has the absolute right to pardon himself as his lawyer Rudy Giuliani says trump could shoot james comey and get away with it. Whats going on here, honestly. Thats coming up. Plus, bill clinton gets heated over questions about Monica Lewinskying he doesnt owe her a personal apology. Does he see that scandal in his political past any differently in the age of the Me Too Movement . Well play it for you. You can be the judge. Sleep disturbances keep one in three adults up at night. Only remfresh uses ionpowered melatonin to deliver up to seven hours of sleep support. Number one sleep doctor recommended remfresh. Your nightly sleep companion. Available in the Natural Sleep section at walmart. Parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. 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Hello, Rudy Giuliani, once again. He has no intention of pardoning himself, but he probably doesnt say he cant. Thats another interesting constitutional argument, can the president pardon himself. It would be an open question. And Rudy Giuliani is on a role, again. He went on to make another shocking claim to the Huffington Post saying the president could have shot former fbi director james comey and not be prosecuted. Here is the quote. If he shot james comey, he would be impeached. The next day. Impeach him and then you can do whatever you want to do to him. It is a theoretical argument and clearly an extreme example, of course, but what are they trying to do here . Joining me right now, senior White House Correspondent at the Huffington Post who conducted this interview with Rudy Giuliani. What did you think when r uni told you that . I was very interested in how far they would take the argument they can do basically that they want. They seemed a very regal expansive view of the presidency. When it came out that he could end any investigation, i was curious what else could they what other kind of investigations could he stop . I said, well, what if hypothetically he you got angry at james comey and shot him instead of firing him. Mr. Giuliani said, yeah, includes that, no crimes. They would have to impeach him first. And confident that that would happen very quickly. Im struck also by how often and openly Rudy Giuliani seems to be talking about impeachment here when it seems the furthest thing from what the president would like. That also is starting to tell me it is looking Something Like a strategy. What does it tell you . Strategy, im not so sure about that. You know, the mayor likes to talk to a lot of folks about lots of different things. And we asked him questions you get an answer at least. I was expecting to say, well, no, thats an outrageous thing and just a crazy hypothetical and im not even going to answer that. He was he went there. He said, yeah, any crime means any crime. And with the president , hes immune from that while hes in office. So it is not surprising then that the presi had that tweet this morning about he can pardon himself because it is obvious hes thinking more and more about that. But we also heard two, maybe more than two, two things about Rudy Giuliani, it is he speaks for the president and also that the president himself is suggesting he does not speak for the president because he doesnt get his facts straight. Do you at this point get a sense now that Rudy Giuliani speaks for the president . Well, i dont know. Depends on the time of day, i guess, what day honestly. You get all kinds of answers when you ask things of the white house, right . I mean, we had that statement multiple statements from the white house about that statement aboard air force one, that he dictated, did he not dictate and that that letter they sent to the Special Counsels office in january, turns out,yeah, he did dictate it. So, i think were getting about as much accuracy and consistency with Rudy Giuliani as from the president or from the white house generally. Not a high bar at this point. S. V. , thank you for coming in, appreciate it. My pleasure. So, as s. V. Was talking about, Rudy Giuliani comments came after the New York Times had a confidential letter that jay sekulow and john dowd at the time sent to Robert Mueller in january and claimed the president Cannot Obstruct justice because the constitution gives him the authority to, quote, terminate the inquiry. In that same letter, a buried bombshell, the president s attorneys admitting the president , quote, dictated, thats a key word, that first m misleading statement from donald trump jr. About the purpose of his meeting with the russian government lawyer at trump tower during the 2016 campaign. Here is a quote for you, you have received all of the notes, communications and testimony indicating that the president dictated a short, dictated a short but accurate response to the New York Times article on behalf of his son donald trump jr. His son then followed up by making a full Public Disclosure regarding the meeting including his public ttimony that there was nothing to the meeting and certainly no evidence of collusion. Nothing to meeting, we can debate for days that we have discussed that quite a bit when we said he would love to get dirt on hillary clinton. Regardless, the president s involvement in that misleading statement was something sekulow and the white house denied and denied and denied and denied when the news of the meeting first came out. That was written by donald trump jr. And im sure with consultation with his lawyer. That wasnt written by the president. The president didnt sign off on anything. The president was not involved in the drafting of the statement and did not issue the statement. It came from donald trump jr. He certainly didnt dictate, but, you know, he, like i said, he weighed in,ggestions like an woulddo. Lets get to it. With me now, kim waily, former assistant u. S. Attorney who worked in the Clinton Whitewater investigation, joe lockhart, cnn political commentator, and joining us, former republican congressman charlie dent. Lets do this. Congressmen, someone is lying, either the president or his attorneys. Do you care to take a bet . Well, i dont know what the president shared. I have n idea what the president shared with his attorneys. Could be the attorneys were stating what they thought was the truth as they knew it. But clearly someone is not telling the truth here, either the president or the people who spoke on his behalf or both. It is pretty inexcusable, really indefensible. Joe, look, lying to the media, lying to the american public, is not a crime. But this is so blatant on the dictate the statement, dictate the statement. He did not dictate the statement, absolutely he did dictate the statement. I dont think you can find another example, but this is todays outrage du jour. If you were in your old job, what would you do with this today . If i was in my old job, i probably would have left several months ago. I would be here talking to you about how the president Doesnt Have A the difference is the timing here. When he told jay sekulow and Sarah Sanders before january i didnt do it, he knew mueller hadnt spoken to the people in the room. Now they have written this letter because he knows the people have gone in and underwrote, told mueller what really happened. So i think it is another example about trumps lack of any sort of concept of how important the truth is, and the fact that hell put anybody out to say anything to protect him and everybody is just sort of cattle to him. All about protecting him. And, kim, why would they ever admit this to the Special Counsel . Is it they had to . What do you think . No, i mean, that entire letter is unnecessary. There are two issues here, one is people are talking about whether it is truthful or not. Of course, lying to the press is not illegal, it gets to why the president s lawyers dont want him to sit down and testify under oath, because hes extremely vulnerable to criminal liability for perjury. The Second Question has to do with Obstruction Of Justice and the letter goes into that in great detail, did the president make decisions with the corrupt intent to flout the criminal Justice System to the extent to which it is engaged in a legitimate probe of russian interference with our election. And that really gets to State Of Mind and the evidence including this little fact is mounting that the president certainly had that intent. Now, then we get into bigger constitutional questions as to whether he can be indicted, if hes indicted, prosecuted and convicted by a jury, then could he be pardoned . I think the president is making a case, a very complicated, i think obfuscating one for the american public, that he can pretty much do what he wants and i think it is actually a good thing that thats now being put out in the open because it is so outrageous as a matter of democratic theory, we all need to Pay Attention to it. Congressman, i dont want to go down the rabbit hole of can he or cant he pardon himself or is this Special Counsel constitutional or unconstitutional because i think the question is really why is the president doing this . Well, call me oldfashioned, but i do not believe that the president ial authority is absolute. And i think we talk about pardons, you know, this process should be done in a thoughtful, considered manner. I have been involved with some individuals who wanted pardons, and there is a process that should be observed that the Justice Department conducts, and i dont think these pardons should be handed out on a president ial whim or to send a message or to retaliate against a certain prosecutor. Im deeply troubled by this. And im very concerned that the congress has given up a lot of its Article One Authority over the years, didnt start with this president , this has been going on for a long time. We have seen executive actions under president obama and others and Congress Needs to step in and assert itself. The founders established congress the first branch of government, article one, and so i think this notion of absolute president ial power is absurd. Guys, stick around. If you can believe it, i wont let you leave, a whole lot more to discuss and doesnt have to do with President Trump at this moment. Coming up, bill clinton gets testy when faced with questions about the Me Too Movement and Monica Lewinsky, saying he doesnt own lewinsky a personal apology. Thats next. Hey we didnt have a homeowners claim last year so allstate is giving us money back on our bill. Well, that seems fair. We didnt use it. Wish we got money back on gym memberships. Get money back hilarious. With claimfree rewards. Switching to allstate is worth it. The line between work and life hasnt just blurred. Its gone. Thats why you need someone behind you. Not just a card. An entsupport system. Whether visiting the Airport Lounge to catch up on whats really important. Or even using those hardearned points to squeeze in a Little Family time. No one has your back like american express. So no matter where youre going. Were right there with you. The powerful backing of american express. Dont do business without it. Dont live life without it. Himself from renewed criticism of the Monica Lewinsky scandal in the era of the Me Too Movement. Asked a question about how he feels about if he feels differently about that snd day ithe light of the Me Too Movement by nbc, heres his response. No, i felt terrible then. And i came to grips with it. Did you ever apologize . Yes,nd nobody believes that i got out of that for free. I left the white house 16 million in debt. But you typically have ignored gaping facts and describs and i bet you dont even know them. This was litigated 20 years ago, twothirds of the American People sided with me, they were not insensitive to that. I had a Sexual Harassment policy when i was governor in the 80s. I had two women chief of staff when i was governor. Women were overrepresented in the Attorney Generals Office in the 70s. For their percentage in the bar. I had nothing but Women Leaders iny office since i left. You are giving one side and omitting facts. But you didnt apologi her. I have not talked to her. Do you feel you owe her an apology . I do not i never talked to her. But i did say publicly on more than one occasion that i was sorry. Thats very different. Apology was public. Joe, kim and congressman dent back with me now. Joe, what is your reaction to president clinton here . It is interesting because i think it highlights the vast difference between what it was like 20 years ago and today. I think in that interview he succumbed to being the victim and feeling victimized. And the reason that the president succeeded 20 years ago is he didnt do it then. He made it about the country, he did apologize, he did all of those things. And i think in that moment youre seeing donald trump a little bit. And i am not comparing them on any other level beyond the terrible strategy it is to make himself, you, the issue here, and to be victimized. He was not the victim then. Donald trump is not the victim now. What is going on with the president now is all of his own doing. And i think, you know, but i think politicians and human beings at times go through and are treated unfairly at certain points and they forget the, you know, both the underlying issue and what the best strategy is to just move on. But, kim, the question that craig melvin posed to the president was looking back through the lens of me too now, do you think differently or feel moreresponbility . You were an attorney at the whitewater case. Does clintons response suggest to you he sees this differently . It was an unfortunate response, hard to watch. I think there are a number of things going on here. Number one what joe mentioned, which is a broader picture with respect to accountability at the highest levels of office. I think it is unfortunate that president clinton didnt take this moment in time to send that message to the american public. Number two has to do with whether there was any criminal wrongdoing, people ask me all the time, they make comparisens between President Trump and the clintons. I said, listen, i was there, i can tell you there were smart, really good prosecutors. If there was a prosecutor a crime for which there was a reason to prosecute, those people would have been prosecuted. There wasnt anything there. So the clintons were vindicated. But the third piece really has to do with Monica Lewinsky. She was hurt and this was trauma for her and trauma for her family. And it wasnt abuse of office on the facts. That is really unfortunate that at this point in time that aspect of it cant be put to rest because the public reports are that shes really struggled understandably. She was a young woman and i do think what happened in the white house is notnconsient with what wereeeing people being held accountable for and it is unfortunate again, the president didnt take this moment to take responsibility for that part, for the harm and the hurt that was caused to a woman that has had to live with it every day of her life. And congressman, i also am left wondering how is bill clinton, who is now kicking off a book tour, thatas the for the point of the interview, not prepared to answer this. Who knows why hes not prepared. But ill tell you what, as a former chairman, of the house ethics committee, i can tell you that had a member a male member of the House Of Representatives done what bill clinton did in the in his office, with an intern, and had been publicly discovered, that member would be out of office by the end of the day. And it would go Something Like this. Would be summoned to the Speakers Office and have a conversation, and it would be a letter placed in front of you that youre expected to sign. It would be your Resignation Letter thats how it works. This is before the Me Too Movement. Ive been through this. I can assure you of that, joe, please, i see members resign this year, franken a whole list things are changing. If you go back over time and youll have more cases of taxpayers paying for the defense of members of congress who have sexually harassed members. So idea that if a member of congress over the last 20 years i didnt say Sexual Harassment, joe. I didnt say look, i said what bill clinton did in the office with an intern, i cant say it on television, we know what it was,ut had a member of Congress Done that in his office, with an intern, i guarantee you that they would be forced from office. Almost immediately. And history shows just the opposite. But i will say this, i dont understand not in recent years. I am truly struck, joe, how bill clinton who is as polished a politician as they come, cant answer the question. He seemed truly caught off guard, which blows me away, he goes from do you look at this differently is the question that craig asked, good on craig for continuing to push, and he goes to and dont believe that i got out of this free, scott free. I think what he failed to do was separate the two issues. He was treated unfairly. He was impeached for something that should have never gotten there. On the other hand, he did do something wrong. And he has publicly acknowledged he has publicly apologized. To him, multiple times when he did it. But he didnt separate those two things and i think it goes to it wasnt his best answer. Joe, in the present and looking forward, is this everything you need to see, the democratic members of Congress Need to see to answer yes or no if they want bill clinton campaigning for them now. Theyll make the the era of the Me Too Movement. Theyll make their own decisions on that. And i thinkes beenet to the Democratic Party over the last 30 years. I think thats, you know, i dont think anyone would dispute that. Going forward, i think if he did another interview tomorrow, you need to separate those two things and then i think the i think hes got an answer to it. Joe, thanks so much. Congressman, thank you. Kim, great to see you. Thank you so much. New trouble for epa administrator scott pruitt, new trouble. How democrats say pruitt used staff to run personal errands including trying to buy a used mattress from a Trump International hotel during his controversial apartment search. Well learn about it. Thats next. Join tmobile. And get netflix included. So your family can watch what they love in more places. Get an unlimited family plan with netflix on us. And right now, buy one Samsung Galaxy s9 and get one free. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. 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Interesting details from democrats with the House Oversight committee. They interviewed a top epa aide recently and now theyre releasing new details from that interview with that aide. They say that walking away from that interview it became apparent that scott pruitt has been using his personal staff there at epa to run personal errands for him from House Hunting to even getting a good price on a used mattress from the Trump International hotel, a Plush Euro Pillow top mattress to be exact. This is all coming from an interview that House Oversight committee members had with one of pruitts top staffers. This staffer, her name is millan hobs, she also describes herself as a personal friend of pruitt, she also said that she, during her work time and work hours, did House Hunting trips for him. According to her interview , she searched for Severalental Properties for pruitt and his wife for several hours a week over the course of several months, touring more than ten of those properties during work hours. And that is what the potential violation is, according to democrats. They say it is violation of the rules for a federal employee to be working in this manner outside of any epa duties to do Something Like this for scott pruitt. They say that essentially this is an example of federal employees using the Public Office for private gain. That is the latest to come out of that interview. And the latest ethics issue to be stacking up against scott pruitt now. Ren , great to see you, thank you so much. Women may not need chemotherapy after all. What you need to know next. To severe Crohns Disease. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. 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A project this difficult and this large, and that was citi. Preserving Affordable Housing preserves communities. So we are doing their kitchens and their flooring and their lobbies and the grounds. And the beautification of their homes, giving them pride in where they live, will make this a Thriving Community once again. A Major Development in the battle against Breast Cancer. And it could save thousands of women battling Breast Cancer without the use of chemotherapy. Researchers say by using Genetic Testing on tumors they can determine whether or not a patient needs chemotherapy or will be treated just as well with other treatments. The results, 60,000 women a year could skip toxic Chemotherapy Treatments in the united states. Thats a new sign of hope for the 260,000 new Breast Cancer cases expected just this year. The study was published in the new england journal of medicine. Joining me now is the lead author of the study, dr. Joseph sparano. Thank you for coming in. Thank you. Good morning. Good morning. For every woman walking into their doctor today, receiving a Breast Cancer diagnosis, what do they need to know . What do they need to ask . Well, chemotherapy is typically recommended to help reduce the risk of occurrence after potentially curative surgery. Up until now we havent really had great tests to help to decide who really benefits from chemotherapy and who doesnt. So what we did was a trial to integrate this test into the decisionmaking process. And we confirmed that for the vast majority of patients chemotherapy is not necessary. It is Pretty Amazing. It almost flies in the face of everything that we have thought until now. If you have cancecancer, the be course of action to be safe if you will, is to have chemotherapy. What do you say to a woman who says, why not just chemo just to be safe . Well, that was that was the recommendation we gave up until yesterday. We now have the results, it was essentially like rolling the dice, in terms of trying to figure out whether a specific individual was going to be the one who was going to benefit from chemotherapy, but now we have this test that can help us determine who what did you think when you saw the results coming in . Well, you know, its amazing. I mean, this test has been available for about 15 years. We integrated into our clinical practice. It has resulted in the decline of chemotherapy. About two thirds of the patients who had the test, the result produced a finding that was still in the gray zone where a patient still had a substantial risk of recurrence but where we chemotherapy would benefit them. And now we have that information and we know that chemotherapy is not beneficial. Its Pretty Amazing when i was looking at and of course i am no docr and play one on tv, but when you see the statistics of recurrence for women who received chemotherapy and women who received Hormone Therapy when theyre in this gray zone, there was no statistic difference in recurrence, it was amazing. Yeah, thats absolutely right. I think whats important to emphasize, though, is that all these women received standard care, standard surgery, radiation. They had surgery and also the endoe krin therapy, the Critical Component is the endochrine therapy. It requires that women take their Hormone Therapy to prevent a recurrence. This does not mean they dont need any therapy. Its to ensure the good results that we see. Doctor, as i was r through about your study, it had me thinking about the women who took part in therial and who took part in the study and how they took a risk, right, not knowing if going Withochemo Wou help or hurt them . Whats your meso them today . Thank you. Thank you for all of us. Yeah. The trial really wouldnt have been possible without them. And this was these are the people who deserve the most crit, the individuals who the woman who volunteered for this trial and there were over 10,000 of them. Just amazing. Wow. Thank you, doctor, for doing the study, putting it out and now it seems like a new day in terms of the battle against Breast Cancer and what this means for women. Great to see you. Thank o much. Thank you. Coming up for us, a magnitude 5. 5 earthquake in hawaii sending ash plumes up to 8,000 feet. While nearly a dozen people have gotten stranded in an area cut off by lava. Well go there live to try to get an update. Well bring you there. laugh no. With claim rateguard your rates wont go up just beacuase of a claim. I totally couldve. wife nope switching to allstate is worth it. Thats confident. But its not kayak confident. Kayak searches Hundreds Of Travel and Airline Sites to find the best flight for me. So im more than confident. Hows your family . Kayak. Search one and done. I love you baby applebees 2 for 20, now with steak. Now thats eatin good inhe neighborhood. Scott, what are you seeing . Reporter hey. One of the big concerns that were seeing out here is people being stranded by lava. Right now, thi white smoke that you see in the distance, this is something called lava haze or lazend it is a potentially deadly gas. Its also a sign that the lava has entered the ocean. That is bad for the people who live on the left side of yoursc you can see there quite a lot of them. A couple hundred homes in the right now from this lava that is heading toward the n. Right now this front of lava, this lava flow, is about half a mile wide. And between it and where we are obviously is those couple hundred houses. You can see just how much is entering and how much smoke is created. Theres actually a bay there. You cant really tell from here just because the so much smoke that filled it up. If you look over to the right side, ty, want to look to the right side of the smoke there, its hard to see but youll see black smoke coming up. Thats a home burning or that is a structure of some type burning. And so, were seeing that from time to time, those flareups of that dark black smoke. The y, you want to go to the left here, you can see through the haze that fissure thats feeding all this. Were about 7 or 8 miles away from the main fissure located in the Leilani Estates ighborhood. And you can see it from here, shooting some 200 feet into the air. Even from where we are, it is bright in the distance. The only t thats obscuring it right now is a little bit of smoke. As you mentioned, there were about a dozen people who were stranded by lava just on south side of this lava flow. There were actually three that were rescued over the weekend, now theyre down to nine. These people ant in any immediate danger per se, the reality is they have no water, power, land line service, Cell Phone Service out there either so essentially they are cut off from the rest of the island. On one side, they have literally a river of molten lava and on the other side they have the Pacific Ocean where we are and there arent have many good Access Points on this side. And so really theyre kind of on their own. And so, if theyre looking for help, essentially authorities have promised to fly Helicopter Flights over there looking for smoke signals. Maybe someone writing s. O. S. On their lawn, anything they can do to get the officials attention and get rescued. But for right now, we have no way to know exactly how many people are over there, where they are and whether or not theyre in need of any kind of help. And scott, when youre pointing out where the lava haze is kind of threatening these homes over to the left hand side of our screen, do you know if those where those are in relation to the fissure, theyre not in danger of lava flow but they are in danger of that haze . Reporter yeah. So they are definitely in danger of the lava haze

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