really happy to have yo here at 10:13 am today, 10:1 a.m., exactly, kids in nashville tennessee all walked out of their classes look at that 10:13 is when the first 9-1- calls started coming into th police department when we coul go today one week last week when th shooting unfolded at the covenant school. an elementary school in that city police today said that in th roughly 14 minutes that it too for that school shooting t relapse, the shooter fired 126 rifle rounds and 26 rounds fro a handgun. hundred and 52 rounds al together in 14 minutes to honor the three little kids and the three school staff who were murdered in their school, monday last week, and to deman legal change to stop gun violence, literally thousand of tennessee students walked out of their classes today and in some schools, they left their classrooms and the rallied outside their school that opened in a whole bunch o different schools in tennessee at some schools today, they sa a walk in instead of a wal
had we ve been able to transfe millions of dollars to her account. the republican party, although they paid him directly as thei election integrity advisor they have not done these big contributions. maybe because, to contribute t a political party, you have to disclose your identity so almost all the spending, think almost all the tv ads, have been funded by dark money groups many of them, are groups tha are doing so called issu advertising. they have to pay higher rate for the ads. so people have seen more of ou ads. on the other, hand there 8 stations on the radio an wisconsin that play right wing talk radio those have been doing around the clock mobilization the right-wing machine is up i arms over this thing right, now dan kelly i fine around wisconsin on a private jet, led b antiabortion activists who hav a giant fortune [inaudible it s a kind of -