mccain becoming president of the united states,s, what they d was they hacked intoo the rnc, they hacked into the john mccain campaign s e-mailervers and they stole and published tense of thousands of internal john mccain campaign documents and published tens off tusands of internal repeplican national committee documents about johoh mccain and about the mccain campaign. expose andnd unnerve and publicl embarrass him. all this stuff that they stole, they hacked it and they stole it and they leaked it, all of it showed infighting. it showed negotiating about what policy positions thisusupposedly principled politician would take in order to get the maximum political benefit out of it. they published some nas personal internal stf, fights and messy decision-making about john mccain s would be vice right, sarah palin. russia stole all those documents by hacking the servers in this story and the american tetelligence community in this