everything. would plan to meetith russian president vladimir putin after this election even while president obama is still in office. briefings that this president-elect got during the campaign, both of those reportedly iluded detailed information on the rusussian government hacngng to influence our election after both of those briefings from the intelligence community donald trump said publicly he didn t believe the intelligence, he didn t believe the agencies. it was a bogus claim, just made up, just pububc relations. donald trump s most prominent adviser with intelligence related credentials is retired general micha flynnnn who was forced out of his job and who la year kind there h is with russian presintnt vladimir putin. trump s last campaign manager before kellyanne conway, paul manafort, he ran an investment fund for a rsian aluminum mag nature. he was fired as trump s cpaign
or any other president-elect? imagine if something like this was discsed, publiclydmititted by the russianovernmentt when barack obama had just beaten john mccain and barack obama was on his way into the white house. imagine what would have happened had we learned what the russian government says are leaks about that campaign and about that hostile foreign powerhat intervened i in our election to try toick the u.s. president. that is now what has happened with the trump campaign. and now, because he s president-elect, the u.s. intelligence community h to decide what they re going to tell him, what would you do? what would you tell him? for example, would you tell him about any spies that we e got woing g for us inside the or inside the russian m military american pilots are making bombing runs in syria these days, we re actively engaged in a part of the syryrn civil war.
manager after his name turned up on secret handwritten ledgers that show that a pro putin despot in ukraine had paid him millions of dollars for political services of some kind. now at a time when the u. intelligence agencies say that russia was running a psy-op, a psychological operation to influence us in who to pick for the next president, russian said itas in contact with the trurump campaign while it ran that op to affect hillary clinton. if you re the director of the cia, the dirtor of national intelligence, today what did you tell him? i i mean, as of today, what do y do? today our best sources, our best methods, our most secret stuff about russia? do you give him our best dirt on putitin? our biggest plans about putin? tell him about our spipies in putin s government?
the way truman was. now there are these top secret briefings that go to the president of the united states and as of today president-elect donana trump gets them, too. and today the rusussian governme said iwass in contact all along with the trump campaign during the time that the u.s. inteigenence agencies say the russian government was interfering with our election and leaking all the documents from the hillary clinton campaign and the democratic party dribbling out this massive a w w that undoubtedly lengthened her odds against donald trump in the u.s. presidential campaign. during the time that u.s. intelligence says that was ppenining. the russian government today said their contacts with the trump campaign not only existed during time of the campaign but they ve continued all this time. what was the quote there? quite a few members of the trump mpaigngn. imagine if something like this had been disclosed ever about any other presidential candidate
russia is sort of on the other side of that conflict. they ve got their one creaky old aircraft carrier over there in the syrian theater and everything. let s say hypothetically that we ve got incredible intel on how we re going to outflanknk russia in that militar fight or what russian will do next because we ve got a spy high up in the rusan government that has secretly fed us that information unbeknownst to the russian government, let s say that information is rlly important for american natioiona security for military strategy for other things we re doing in the region that a hinge on this one secret that we stole from the russian government and they don t know that we ve got it? donald trump tha information? would you tell him the name of the spy that we ve got in putin s inne circle? hypotheticcally. do you tell him hypothetcally what the cyber comndnd is going