From did cause a base Norton has found that he died from a stab wound to the chest 218 year olds one from de corps and one from Bester and a 19 year old man from Oxford have been charged with murder and g.b.h. They appeared at Oxford Magistrates Court this morning and will appear at Oxford Crown Court on Wednesday Boris Johnson has told politicians at Stormont that now is the time for them to deliver for the people of Northern Ireland he was speaking in Belfast after meeting senior politicians of course they re going to be supportive but the point I want to make is it is not just about money it s about leadership and what s so great about today is Northern Ireland politicians have put aside their differences stepped up to the plate and show leadership and that is a fine thing Ochs that is leading the way in trying new treatments for diabetes among children and young people studies taking place in the city s hospitals could transform the way patients with the condition live in the futu
4 Seasons December 9636 minutes past 12. In the south so 18th today one week away from Christmas so all the excitement is building but not as exciting as my legendary I spy of course as we do on a Tuesday just after 12 o clock I give you the location I spy with model on something beginning with give you the letter what you got to do is trying to guess was he simple as that now it depends very much on how things go sometimes the answers are correct fairly early on which is no bad thing and if that is the case we can get more than one in so there s plenty to try and get through here so let s see how we do with our 1st one I m going to give you the location and this is quite specific it s a holiday suitcase or hand luggage doesn t matter which one really and you may be going away for Christmas going away to stay with friends and family and that kind of thing or yes maybe you re going away to get away from them whichever way it happens to be that is where you need to be looking so just th
You. Know. Is sometimes Garnett Still though you know the good. News from the Gulf splashing dashing that was Frankie Paul before July. In this piece. In the. Reminding you of course it s strictly rockers There s each and every Saturday night at $630.00 run until 9 right here on keys you see Santa Cruz bring in a bass rig music he can find it s really good music you feel it in the one drop and of course Global Giving is a global crowdfunding organization that supports non-profits donors and charities across the globe they also connect charities people in countries with local nonprofits to help provide local organizations with funding tools training and support more information is available online a Global Giving dot org that. was 7 all over the. Us is Sanchez. Right here on keys you see Santa Cruz. As she has. Told. You to trust me. To. Send. It. To. The South. Send me. The. Good news. That s right it s Lou s show no. Comment of the century as we ve heard before choke up pretty gir
Coming your way. All the down and spineless. ROMACK. Sank. Down. And shot a boy on b.b.c. Radio Bristol the advent calendar like a lot of Christmas it s changed you know your Christmas stocking used to have a satsuma or maybe a wool not in the bottom of it because that was exotic Not now of course now it would have been a. Simple got out of floss maybe and I m talking about flossing as in dancing not flossing as in cleaning out the gaps between the teeth but what about what about the advent calendar the advent calendar has changed from a cut piece of card we had doors and glittery stuff on it to the Christmas scene and you don t need store on a particular day and see an image it was a countdown to Christmas Well now the advent calendar can have chocolate in it of course it could have scratchings in it who knew gin vodka whisky. You know you could put anything into another encounter and most business is putting things into advent calendars maybe you ve got one of these exotic advent c
Hartson calendars plus great deals on photographs just enter code Howdy 50 at checkout that s vistaprint dot com code holiday 50. Come help celebrate and join us at the grand opening of green Kong the Inland Empire the number one cannabis dispensary it ll be all day long on Friday Saturday and Sunday green Kong and Paris it s a cut above the others a total experience for the cannabis con a sewer and amateur alike it s like visiting a favorite winery in wine country sophisticated and fun bathed in warm light listen to soothing music in a comfortable tropical atmosphere and be waited on by one of our attentive well trained staff and you know we re all walks of life in all kinds of people so whether you re experienced or new to cannabis green car is the go to destination for a natural organic personal cannabis experience it s green Kong dot com on the web is a green Kong dispensary just off the 215 freeway at Hurley Knox road and don t forget to join us for our grand opening celebration