You. Know. Is sometimes Garnett Still though you know the good. News from the Gulf splashing dashing that was Frankie Paul before July. In this piece. In the. Reminding you of course it's strictly rockers There's each and every Saturday night at $630.00 run until 9 right here on keys you see Santa Cruz bring in a bass rig music he can find it's really good music you feel it in the one drop and of course Global Giving is a global crowdfunding organization that supports non-profits donors and charities across the globe they also connect charities people in countries with local nonprofits to help provide local organizations with funding tools training and support more information is available online a Global Giving dot org that. was 7 all over the. Us is Sanchez. Right here on keys you see Santa Cruz. As she has. Told. You to trust me. To. Send. It. To. The South. Send me. The. Good news. That's right it's Lou's show no. Comment of the century as we've heard before choke up pretty girl. If you don't know this one of course never give up my pride but right now. It's a request. This is Barry's ham in. The original charter Yardies on this one the. Energy I'm going. To plug in a jeep long. Time. Get set. Free. I'm going to look for. Cars Oh. From time to. Time. With one foot good. Sure I'd keep the flow in and should make international dance coming at you from Amman but right now Morgoth you can't dig. In the dorm. Because we can't forget the times is the fire be kicking Shango below. And for an eclectic mix a rock roll r. And b. And soul tune into the test of time Fridays at noon from besides and beyond Carol keeps me informed about the music that stands the test only right here on commercial free radio k.z. U.c. Santa Cruz in the out toss library offers a weekly preschool story time on Fridays from 10 to 11 am this Grammy friendly program is open to the public and activities include reading books singing songs and making simple crafts suggested ages 3 to 6 years old the app tossed branch libraries located at 7695 so kill drive an app just more information is available by phone 831427. 7702. And as we move now this is Morgan here. Requests. Reaching out to anybody that has done me dirty. When you're called loyalty. The song is. Easy. You know. Again this tune is called loyalty it's coming in from Morgan heritage. And it keys you see the world's music and if you listen long enough you start to see some of the family resemblances coming out. Not so distant relatives explores that big family tree to grows from the roots of soul jazz funk and blues from Sarah Vaughan and Stevie Wonder to Groove Armada in Grey Boy come on the journey to explore the not so distant threads that time music together. 2 o'clock Friday afternoons for a not so distant relatives with your host see right here on the great 88 point one f.m. We are keys u.c. Santa Cruz and of course meat free Monday to raise awareness to the environmental impacts of eating meat and to encourage people to help slow climate change save animals conserve water and benefit their own health by having at least one meat free day every week more information is available online it supports m.f.m. Dot org. Coming in brand new now from Safira mono. She just emailed me just 2 and 2 days ago it's brand new. Comes. a. Soul. And once again a name as we just heard she want to call nice up the one before that was featuring pressure bust pipe it's called Father forgive me. At your request again. This is the new show coming at you from just song. To call prophecies it's. All right now well the record calendar on all 3 tribe is brought to you by Mose alley right here in Santa Cruz Something's Coming up I'm looking at a very very very busy weekend I'll be playing Thursday night at the jade lounge and for in Monterey Friday night sand bar and capital alongside Ikea Linda and gassed Robert Rankin and of course Saturday night solstice party upstairs at the catalyst downtown Santa Cruz coming up at moes alley looking toward February actually Wednesday Feb 5th Blackall who rule will be joining a time and then that same week February 7th on Friday night the mighty diamonds will be returning so tickets and most alley event calendar. It's available online and he's the cdata fam slash my was Allie. Going to be appointed to that. She is some. Good news. Group you. Get the same with. Flu. We can forget. About baseball and if. We could get it to gamble on the. Big this is. A little. Bit. Different. That's right as we've called lyrical done his name is fine I can. But I am not a time I got time to run one last 2 and I will see everyone in Monterey Thursday night and I'll see everybody in capital of Friday and I'll see everybody downtown again Saturday night can't wait thank you all so much for listening and you guys are the best Seriously guys been supporting reggae at this lot right up here and he's u.c. Santa Cruz for so many years thank you all so much no matter what you're celebrating even if you not say happy holidays to you I'm glad on something new from. This one is called Reach For The Stars I chose next time peace. It's. But the an exception to. That would. Expose. The Sun. The set. Us. Up to. The concert calendar Thursday December 1900 SEALs engaged to be featuring John catalyse further Can the most hourly rate between lineup Friday December 20th it's a rock my record Christmas at the catalyst midtown social and vitamins most alley for ages 21 and Saturday December 21st original band members Big Brother and the holding company are going to the chapel in San Francisco the Joint Chiefs for Michael's I mean for News 21 that stands for information on these another coming live shows go to keys e a c dot org and click on the listen have this is been the concert calendar only here on Clinton supporter Radio this is Santa Cruz thank you. Just as you heard of the cup with the concert calendar you list in the Santa Cruz where as we switching over to shred Cruise playing email for the next 2 hours so thanks for tuning in it's a good set for to have I think it will start out with some more like math rock type type music so if you like that stick around if you have any requests for any email Tunes You can call or text 831-459-4036 I'd love to hear what you guys want to me to play so at 1st I have a song from hikes It's called onset keep it locked it K.C.'s see Santa Cruz. Can feel the.