Police said that the encounter took place in the Bomara Hutarai village when the District Reserve Guard and the Border Security Force, who were out on an anti-Naxal operation, came under attack | Latest News India
"Durg Range Inspector General Anand Chhabra on Friday announced a reward of Rs 30000 for the information/inputs leading to the arrest of those involved in the killing of the father-son duo at village Biranpur in Bemetara," the official statement said.
Earlier on Sunday, State BJP spokesperson Kedar Gupta said that Bharatiya Janata Party will join the Chhattisgarh bandh called by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad over the incident in Bemetara.
In view of a Statewide bandh call by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and other organisations over violence in Chhattisgarh s Bemetara district, workers of the outfit and those of BJP, which has lent support to the protest, have urged people to close their businesses on Monday.