The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday conducted searches at the premises of one of the directors of Zanmai Lab Pvt Ltd, which owns the popular cryptocurrency exchange WazirX, and issued an order to freeze its bank balances to the tune of .
The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) said on Friday it had conducted searches on the premises of one of the directors of Zanmai Lab Pvt Ltd, which owns the popular Crypto-currency exchange WazirX, and has issued an order to freeze their bank balances to the tune of Rs 64.67 crore.
Get latest articles and stories on Business at LatestLY. The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) said on Friday it had conducted searches on the premises of one of the directors of Zanmai Lab Pvt Ltd, which owns the popular Crypto-currency exchange WazirX, and has issued an order to freeze their bank balances to the tune of Rs 64.67 crore. Business News | ED Raids Director of Crypto Firm WazirX, Freezes Rs 64.67 Crore Bank Balance.