The workaholic Douglas A. Achingale (PhD candidate); himself a person living with disability, has a wealth of experience in the reinsertion and rehabilitation of persons with disability.
"I don’t believe there is another song that has been so exploited for propaganda purposes – or captured the emotions of everyone involved in a conflict." CLIVE WILLIAMS reveals the story behind the most famous song of World War II.
Soldiers of the Maratha Light Infantry, Sikh Regiment, Garhwal Regiment, Frontier Force Regiment, Skinner’s Horse, and divisional troops of Signals, Engineers, Army Medical Corps and many others took part in the war in Eritrea and Sudan.
Birth of Bangladesh – Part III By Jayantha Somasundaram (Continued from December 22) In the aftermath of the 1857 Indian Mutiny, when over50 percent of the 130,000 Indian Sepoys joined the uprising against the British East India Company, the theory of ‘martial races’ was developed by Lord Roberts of Kandahar, Commander-in-Chief of the British Indian […]