The Delhi State Consumer Commission consisting of Justice Sangita Dhingra Sehgal (President), Pinki (Member), and J.P Agrawal (Member) allowed the complaint and held the Country Head of Kuwait.
Bengaluru, May 1: The Karnataka Police have arrested 12 candidates in connection with the Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) recruitment scandal, police said on Sunday. The scandal has created ripples in the state political circles.
Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Wednesday did not commit to cutting sales tax on fuel after Prime Minister Narendra Modi chided Opposition-ruled states over high petrol prices.
Mangaluru, Apr 25: Yenepoya Abdulla Kunhi, chancellor of Yenepoya University, managing director of Yenepoya Group of Institutes will be conferred with the Honorary Doctorate by Gulbarga University during the University’s Annual Convocation.