The audience will witness an unexpected twist in the upcoming episodes of Bigg Boss Hindi 15. There is a rumor on social media platforms that the makers are planning a double elimination this week. Rakhi Sawant's wild card entry has brought in a lot of drama in the house and also led to some controversial.
Bigg Boss Hindi 15 is heading towards the grand finale. The show is getting interesting as the days are passing and the equations between contestants are also changing. Umar Riaz is becoming strong each day and impressing the audience with his good behavior in the Bigg Boss 15 house. Umar Riaz is not only a favorite contestant for the audience, but he has also won the hearts
Bigg Boss Hindi 15 is talk of the town even though the TRP ratings this season is far from satisfactory. Despite the entry of several wild care contestants, Bigg Boss 15 has failed to hold the attention of the small screen viewers. A section of viewers feel that contestants are not good and a few say the concept is bad this season. In every new season, the Bigg Boss Hindi
Bigg Boss Hindi is heading towards the grand finale in a couple of weeks from now. The contestants in the house are having a battle for the finale ticket. The contestants who became popular in the Bigg Boss 15 glass house are Tejasswi and Karan for their Jodi. Netizens say that Tejasswi and Karan look good together and play the game according to their plan and support
Unexpected fights between the contestants are taking place in Bigg Boss Hindi 15. With the ticket to finale task on, contestants are trying their best to win a ticket to the finale.