The First and Deputy First Ministers were displaying a united front at the Balmoral Show after DUP WhatsApp messages released as part of the Covid Inquiry revealed political tensions at the Executive.
Six current MLAs will all give witness testimonies at the upcoming week of Covid Inquiry hearings in Belfast, alongside a former NI Secretary and Northern Ireland’s Chief Medical Officer.
A BBC interview with Sue Gray where she dismissed claims she was a spy was 'unauthorised' and sparked fury, text messages which a former Stormont official tried to destroy have revealed.
After just four hearings of the Covid Inquiry in Belfast, already layer after layer of Stormont’s deep secrecy has been penetrated. The revelations are dismaying. As death swept towards us, ministers fought.
Northern Ireland's chief medical officer referred to Executive ministers as "dysfunctional b s", it has emerged, as Stormont's shambolic inner workings have been laid bare.