Yes, I get It. Yes, I It. I get It. I get It. You love me. What can You do . HappY tuesdaY, everYone. So Kamala HarrIs Is In the mIddle of a MedIa BlItz. Shes The VIew, 60 mInutes,a me stephen colbert, howard stern. Shes been In front of more old than BrIan Stelters. Boxers. Last nIght she made o a dIsastrous, paInful appearance on 60 mInutes. It was so bad Joe BIden turned over In hIs grave. And after that traInwreck, HarrIs Appeare D The VIew where she saId she wouldnt have done anYthIng dIfferentlY the Joe BIden durIng the last four Years. Well, except PIck A Better VIce PresIdent. A fun sIde note, when the secret servIce patted Down Better Vr found a foot long bratwurst and £14 of kIelbasa. S ecre but be remIss If we dIdnt wIsh joY a happY bIrthdaY. She turned 82 YesterdaY to celebrate, she hIt a pInatatd full of sardInes. Her cake dIdnt have anY candles In case WhoopI Goldberg breaks wInddated. MeanwhIle, TIm Walz vIsIted JImmY KImmel show Last NIght, revealed he saved Carmelas N
On the Judge Jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, Jesse Watters, and she can do a triple axle on an ice cube. Dana perino. The five. A trio of crises threatening to upend the race about a month before election day. Ports shut down over a Dock Worker Strike that could cost billions of dollars a day. Threaten jobs and jack up inflation. A chaotic Hurricane Recovery that has survivors desperately pleading for basic necessities. And in The Middle East on the brink of war as israel mold a response to Irans Barrage of missiles. That also has one key question how can kamala be trusted to handle it all when she is still fumbling her way through interviews like this . Former President Trump says that you have had for years as Vice President to do all the things you promised in the campaign, but havent done it. Is he right . The former president is is really becoming quite desperate. And has really been offering a lot of misstatements and misinformation, and perhaps it is because he wants to distract
More than 200 people have died, countless others still missing. Americans and the hardesthit areas are desperate for critical supplies like food and water. Tens of thousands still without electricity, and while all of this is happening in families struggle to pick up the pieces, many feel totally abandoned by the Bidenharris Administrations handling of The Storm. Hello, everyone. This is outnumbered. Im Kayleigh Mcenany here with my cohosts, Harris Faulkner and emily compagno. Also joining us, most of the Kennedy Saves The World podcast, kennedy. And former Uc Berkeley Law professor and former Law Clerk for justice thomas, john yoo. The devastation is being compared to that of Hurricane Katrina. Homeland security is warning that fema does not have enough funds to help, and distressed north Carolina Residents are reportedly being forced listen to this to fend for themselves, relying on homegrown rescue efforts. We are not getting the amount of support that we need. We havent seen fema,
On the Judge Jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, Jesse Watters, and she can do a triple axle on an ice cube. Dana perino. The five. A trio of crises threatening to upend the race about a month before election day. Ports shut down over a Dock Worker Strike that could cost billions of dollars a day. Threaten jobs and jack up inflation. A chaotic Hurricane Recovery that has survivors desperately pleading for basic necessities. And in The Middle East on the brink of war as israel mold a response to Irans Barrage of missiles. That also has one key question how can kamala be trusted to handle it all when she is still fumbling her way through interviews like this . Former President Trump says that you have had for years as Vice President to do all the things you promised in the campaign, but havent done it. Is he right . The former president is is really becoming quite desperate. And has really been offering a lot of misstatements and misinformation, and perhaps it is because he wants to distract
YEah, yEah, yEah. I know. That fEEls good to bE onEEls Goo Top and thE bottom. Happy tuEsday, EvEryonE. EarliEr, prEsidEnt bidEn addrEssEd thE UnitEd Nations GEnEral AssEmbly for thE lasr tT TimE as commandEr in chiEf. HE said, ill miss sai thEir colorful costumE and thEld way thEy sing. Its a small world, AftErEr L all. EarliEr today, thE prEsidEnt Earl thE un, ng lEasEd asking lEadErs from All OvEr ThE World to put asidE thEir diffErEncEs and EnjodEy amEricas quality. HE thEn lEd thE EntirEy AssEmbly in a rousing pErformancE of dEatH To amEric a. But in a sign of goodwill, israEl prEsEntEd him with a monogrammEd pagEr. YEah, so PrEsidEnt Erdogan of turkEy also addrEssEdassEmb ThE GEnEral AssEmbly today, causing onE man to ask, did SomEonE TurkEy . NEw footagE of an unidEntifiEdn jump in scotlands loch NEsshu SuggEstsmp in thaT ThErE might bE two loch nEss monstEr. ThrEE morE and thEyll havE a show. Jill bidEn mEt with Martin ShEEn and othEr actors from thE wEst wing. ShEEn said it wa