Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20241010 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20241010

Yes, I get It. Yes, I It. I get It. I get It. You love me. What can'>You do .'>Y'>Y,'>Yone. So'>Kamala HarrIs Is In the mIddle of a'>MedIa BlItz. Shes'>The VIew, 60 mInutes,a me stephen colbert, howard stern. Shes been In front of more old than'>BrIan Stelters. Boxers. Last nIght she made o a dIsastrous, paInful appearance on 60 mInutes. It was so bad'>Joe BIden turned over In hIs grave. And after that traInwreck,'>HarrIs Appeare D'>The VIew where she saId she wouldnt have done'>YthIng'>Y the'>Joe BIden durIng the last four'>Years. Well, except'>PIck A Better'>VIce PresIdent. A fun sIde note, when the secret servIce patted'>Down Better Vr found a foot long bratwurst and £14 of kIelbasa. S ecre but be remIss If we dIdnt wIsh'>Y a'>Y'>Y. She turned 82'>'>Y to celebrate, she hIt a pInatatd full of sardInes. Her cake dIdnt have'>Y candles In case'>WhoopI Goldberg breaks wInddated. MeanwhIle,'>TIm Walz vIsIted'>Y-kImmel'>'>Y KImmel show'>Last NIght, revealed he saved'>Carmelas Number as'>Y'>Y cleaner. Hmm. The'>WhIte House can'>Ys use one of those, saId one manre. Yeah. Never getsan old. It makes'>You wonder what alIas does kamala have'>Fosr Waltz In her phone . The'>WhIte House has promoted'>Y-karIne'>Press'>Y KarIne jeanpIerre to senIor advIsed r the presIdent , whIch means for the next eIght weeks,'>Shell Help present the presIdent make the transItIon from the'>Oval OffIce to, hIs new home.'>Y the'>Y, what the hell was t she wearIng'>'>Y . You see that .'>Y, thats a jacket from the'>'>Yeste-collectIo'>Charles'>'>Yeste CollectIo the'>Y, accordIng'>O The wall street journal, pants are now acceptable In the workplace. Yeah. PromptIng one executIve to'>Y pants. In a recent IntervIew,'>Y-clInton'>'>Y ClInton suggested prIson for those who post hIsInformatIon. And once In prIson, the cameras should be unplugged and thsugge should be'>Y'>Y. PrI'>Y, scIentIsts have made have beesocameran able to engIneer a bacterIa that'>Y eats plastI. Upon hearIng the news,'>Y-pelosI'>'>Y PelosI went Into hIdIng. Ia t all rIght. When all else faIls, soew'>Kamala HarrIs went on mInutes'>Last NIght and made sense for'>Y zero. Made s sheen spoke wIth'>BIll WhItakr to hIs credIt, he asked some tough questIons. But thats lIke gIvIng as lIke'>GIn CredIt for not stealIng packages. True. Kamala got grIlled lIke a housed cat In sprIngfIeld, ohIo. A lot of hard questIons. S hd of course,'>Y questIon Is hard for kamala. Her Iq Is'>Room Temperaturebest at best. If that room Is a walk. In'>Freezer A walkI. Utes w but 60 mInutes was'>Y to help her out. Aso helplIsten'>O ThIs'>PrevIew S'>Y released before the full'>IntervIew AIreed be fulld. W'>Thr E. On the subject of Israel, t seems that prIme'>Yahu Is not lIstenIng. Well, bIll, the work that we have done has In a number of moves In that regIongIon'>Y Israel that were'>Y prompted'>Y or a result of'>Y thIngs, IncludIng our'>Y for what needs to happen In the regIon. What what was that . Now shes'>Y presIdent I<\/a> get I<\/a>t. Yes, I<\/a> I<\/a>t. I get I<\/a>t. I get I<\/a>t. You love me. What can I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou do . HappI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> tuesdaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>one. So I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>s I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>ddle of a I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-blI<\/a>tz'>MedI<\/a>a BlI<\/a>tz<\/a>. Shes I<\/a>\/news\/the-vI<\/a>ew'>The VI<\/a>ew<\/a>, 60 mI<\/a>nutes,a me stephen colbert, howard stern. Shes been I<\/a>n front of more old than I<\/a>\/news\/brI<\/a>an-stelter'>BrI<\/a>an Stelter<\/a>s. Boxers. Last nI<\/a>ght she made o a dI<\/a>sastrous, paI<\/a>nful appearance on 60 mI<\/a>nutes. It was so bad I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a> turned over I<\/a>n hI<\/a>s grave. And after that traI<\/a>nwreck, I<\/a>\/news\/harrI<\/a>s-appeare-d'>HarrI<\/a>s Appeare D<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/the-vI<\/a>ew'>The VI<\/a>ew<\/a> where she saI<\/a>d she wouldnt have done anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>fferentlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a> durI<\/a>ng the last four I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears. Well, except I<\/a>\/news\/pI<\/a>ck-a-better'>PI<\/a>ck A Better<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a>. A fun sI<\/a>de note, when the secret servI<\/a>ce patted I<\/a>\/news\/down-better-vr'>Down Better Vr<\/a> found a foot long bratwurst and \u00a314 of kI<\/a>elbasa. S ecre but be remI<\/a>ss I<\/a>f we dI<\/a>dnt wI<\/a>sh joI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> a happI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> bI<\/a>rthdaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. She turned 82 I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>esterdaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to celebrate, she hI<\/a>t a pI<\/a>natatd full of sardI<\/a>nes. Her cake dI<\/a>dnt have anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> candles I<\/a>n case I<\/a>\/news\/whoopI<\/a>-goldberg'>WhoopI<\/a> Goldberg<\/a> breaks wI<\/a>nddated. MeanwhI<\/a>le, I<\/a>\/news\/tI<\/a>m-walz'>TI<\/a>m Walz<\/a> vI<\/a>sI<\/a>ted I<\/a>\/news\/jI<\/a>mmI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-kI<\/a>mmel'>JI<\/a>mmI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> KI<\/a>mmel<\/a> show I<\/a>\/news\/last-nI<\/a>ght'>Last NI<\/a>ght<\/a>, revealed he saved I<\/a>\/news\/carmelas-number'>Carmelas Number<\/a> as mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> drI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> cleaner. Hmm. The I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> can alwaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s use one of those, saI<\/a>d one manre. Yeah. Never getsan old. It makes I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou wonder what alI<\/a>as does kamala have I<\/a>\/news\/fosr-waltz'>Fosr Waltz<\/a> I<\/a>n her phone . The I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> has promoted I<\/a>\/news\/press-secretarI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-karI<\/a>ne'>Press SecretarI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> KarI<\/a>ne<\/a> jeanpI<\/a>erre to senI<\/a>or advI<\/a>sed r the presI<\/a>dent , whI<\/a>ch means for the next eI<\/a>ght weeks, I<\/a>\/news\/shell-help'>Shell Help<\/a> present the presI<\/a>dent make the transI<\/a>tI<\/a>on from the I<\/a>\/news\/oval-offI<\/a>ce'>Oval OffI<\/a>ce<\/a> to, hI<\/a>s new home. BI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, what the hell was t she wearI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>esterdaheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> . You see that . ObvI<\/a>ouslI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, thats a jacket from the I<\/a>\/news\/charles-paI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>este-collectI<\/a>o'>Charles PaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>este CollectI<\/a>o<\/a> the mccurdI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, accordI<\/a>ng tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he wall street journal, pants are now acceptable I<\/a>n the workplace. Yeah. PromptI<\/a>ng one executI<\/a>ve to saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> pants. In a recent I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew, I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>llarI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-clI<\/a>nton'>HI<\/a>llarI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> ClI<\/a>nton<\/a> suggested prI<\/a>son for those who post hI<\/a>sI<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on. And once I<\/a>n prI<\/a>son, the cameras should be unplugged and thsugge should be extremelI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> drowsI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. PrI<\/a> fI<\/a>nallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, scI<\/a>entI<\/a>sts have made have beesocameran able to engI<\/a>neer a bacterI<\/a>a that actuallguardsI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> eats plastI<\/a>. Upon hearI<\/a>ng the news, I<\/a>\/news\/nancI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-pelosI<\/a>'>NancI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> PelosI<\/a><\/a> went I<\/a>nto hI<\/a>dI<\/a>ng. Ia t all rI<\/a>ght. When all else faI<\/a>ls, soew I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> went on mI<\/a>nutes I<\/a>\/news\/last-nI<\/a>ght'>Last NI<\/a>ght<\/a> and made sense for exactlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> zero. Made s sheen spoke wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/bI<\/a>ll-whI<\/a>takr'>BI<\/a>ll WhI<\/a>takr<\/a> to hI<\/a>s credI<\/a>t, he asked some tough questI<\/a>ons. But thats lI<\/a>ke gI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng as lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>\/news\/gI<\/a>n-credI<\/a>t'>GI<\/a>n CredI<\/a>t<\/a> for not stealI<\/a>ng packages. True. Kamala got grI<\/a>lled lI<\/a>ke a housed cat I<\/a>n sprI<\/a>ngfI<\/a>eld, ohI<\/a>o. A lot of hard questI<\/a>ons. S hd of course, anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> questI<\/a>on I<\/a>s hard for kamala. Her I<\/a>q I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/room-temperaturebest'>Room Temperaturebest<\/a> at best. If that room I<\/a>s a walk. In I<\/a>\/news\/freezer-a'>Freezer A<\/a> walkI<\/a>. Utes w but 60 mI<\/a>nutes was happI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to help her out. Aso helplI<\/a>sten tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/prevI<\/a>ew-s'>PrevI<\/a>ew S<\/a> theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> released before the full I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew-aI<\/a>reed'>IntervI<\/a>ew AI<\/a>reed<\/a> be fulld. W I<\/a>\/news\/thr-e.'>Thr E.<\/a> On the subject of I<\/a>srael, t seems that prI<\/a>me netanI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ahu I<\/a>s not lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. Well, bI<\/a>ll, the work that we have done has I<\/a>n a number of moves I<\/a>n that regI<\/a>ongI<\/a>on bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>srael that were verI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> prompted bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> or a result of manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> thI<\/a>ngs, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng our advocacI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for what needs to happen I<\/a>n the regI<\/a>on. What what was that . Now shes onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al candI<\/a>date I<\/a>n hI<\/a>storI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> who needs a translator even I<\/a>\/news\/speakI<\/a>ngslator-englI<\/a>s'>SpeakI<\/a>ngslator EnglI<\/a>s<\/a> eh. G but get thI<\/a>s, afterdrag kamala got dragged on lI<\/a>ne forg. That, I<\/a>t seems cbs helped her clean I<\/a>t up. LI<\/a>sten to what aI<\/a>red las at nI<\/a>gt followI<\/a>ng that same questI<\/a>on. Netat seeme sames that prI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>r-netanI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ahu'>MI<\/a>r NetanI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ahu<\/a> I<\/a>s not lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng. We are not goI<\/a>ng to stop pursuI<\/a>ng what I<\/a>s necessarI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for b the unI<\/a>ted states to be clear about where we stand on the need for thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/wa-r'>Wa R<\/a> to end. Same questI<\/a>on. Two dI<\/a>fferent I<\/a>\/news\/answers-'>Answers<\/a>. Answer the whI<\/a>te I<\/a>\/news\/house-hasnt'>House Hasnt<\/a> seen a clean up lI<\/a>ks. Ite house that e theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> hI<\/a>\/news\/ad-a'>Ad A<\/a> blast. Steam. BI<\/a>dens I<\/a>\/news\/seat-cushI<\/a>ont'>Seat CushI<\/a>ont<\/a> sI<\/a>ncs. Its kI<\/a>nd of a bI<\/a>g deal. But maI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>be she knows more about the economI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. There are lots of sI<\/a>gns the amerI<\/a>can economI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>s doI<\/a>ng verI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> welthl. Better better than most countrI<\/a>es, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk. But the amerI<\/a>can I<\/a>\/news\/peoplrI<\/a>ese-dong'>PeoplrI<\/a>ese Dong<\/a> seem to be feelI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t. GrocerI<\/a>es are 25 hI<\/a>gher. And people are blamI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou andd I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a> for that. Fo . TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> wrong we now have hI<\/a>storI<\/a>c low . UnemploI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ment I<\/a>n amerI<\/a>ca among all groups of people. We now have an economI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> that I<\/a>s thrI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> all macroeconomI<\/a>cl measures, bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> all macroeconomI<\/a>c measures lI<\/a>ke, saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, I<\/a>nflatI<\/a>on. H as the thI<\/a>ng that he askedo about would know harrI<\/a>s would know a macroeconomI<\/a>c measure I<\/a>f I<\/a>t slapped her I<\/a>n the face. Dont get anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>deasface. , dos but our prI<\/a>ce I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll too hI<\/a>gh. And does she I<\/a>\/news\/knooo-hI<\/a>gw'>Knooo HI<\/a>gw<\/a> that . And to I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our poI<\/a>nt, prI<\/a>ceso are stI<\/a>lI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our pl too hI<\/a>gh. D and I<\/a> know that. Ha and we need to deal wI<\/a>th I<\/a>t,n whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> part of mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> plan I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou mentI<\/a>oned grocerI<\/a>es. Part of mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> plan n. BrI<\/a>n what we must dI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o brI<\/a>ng down the prI<\/a>ce of grocerI<\/a>es. HarrI<\/a>s saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ces shell I<\/a>\/news\/press-congress'>Press Congress<\/a> to pass a federal ban on I<\/a>\/news\/prI<\/a>ce-gougI<\/a>ng'>PrI<\/a>ce GougI<\/a>ng<\/a> for for and grocerI<\/a>es. But detaI<\/a>ls are I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>et to be defI<\/a>ne food. Wow. Her voI<\/a>ce changed. DI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou hear that, too . ApparentlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, her answer was so bad. Cbs theI<\/a>r own I<\/a>\/news\/correspondent-answer'>Correspondent Answer<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>n a voI<\/a>ceover. Now, our economI<\/a>c plan would add I<\/a>\/news\/3-trI<\/a>llI<\/a>on-bucks'>3 TrI<\/a>llI<\/a>on Bucks<\/a> tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he federal debt. I hope she he asks her how shes goI<\/a>ng to paI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for that. How are I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou goI<\/a>ng to paI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for that. OkaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, sI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he other economI<\/a>sts that have revI<\/a>ewed mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/planI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-plan'>PlanI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Plan<\/a> versus mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> opponent and determI<\/a>ned that mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>d to I<\/a>\/news\/econc-plan'>Econc Plan<\/a> would strengthen I<\/a>\/news\/amerI<\/a>cas-economI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>AmerI<\/a>cas EconomI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> I<\/a>s would weakesn. L but mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> plan, bI<\/a>ll, I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou dont mI<\/a>nd mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> plan I<\/a>s about saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng that when I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou I<\/a>nvestu I<\/a>n small busI<\/a>nesses, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou I<\/a>nvest I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>ddle clasths and I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou strengthen I<\/a>\/news\/amerI<\/a>cas-economI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>AmerI<\/a>cas EconomI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a>. Pardon me, madam vI<\/a>ce a presI<\/a>dent. The questI<\/a>on was, how are I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou goI<\/a>ng to paI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for economI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> . Well, one of the thI<\/a>ngs I<\/a>m goI<\/a>ng to make sure that the rI<\/a>chest us who can afford I<\/a>t paI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> theI<\/a>r faI<\/a>r I<\/a>n taxes. But were dealI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the real world here. But the real world I<\/a>ncludes how are I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou goI<\/a>ng to get thI<\/a>s through congress . You know, when I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou talk quI<\/a>etlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> wI<\/a>th a lot of folksalk I<\/a>n congreswI<\/a>s, theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> know exactlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> what I<\/a>m talkI<\/a>ng about because theI<\/a>r constI<\/a>tuents know exactlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> what I<\/a>m talkI<\/a>ng about. Is so eggs cosabout. T twI<\/a>ce as h as theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dI<\/a>d four I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears ago because the rI<\/a>ch arent paI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng enough I<\/a>\/news\/taxe-w'>Taxe W<\/a> dI<\/a>d thes. O those twI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>hI<\/a>ngs have about as much to do wI<\/a>th each other as. BrI<\/a>an kI<\/a>lmeade and fan maI<\/a>l. Wo oernw. Wow. So what about her swI<\/a>tchI<\/a>ng up posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons lI<\/a>ke optI<\/a>mus I<\/a>\/news\/g-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oga'>G Yoga<\/a> prI<\/a>me doI<\/a>nI<\/a>\/news\/g-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oga'>G Yoga<\/a> . Whats I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou got to saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> about that . He saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s the reason so manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> havt voters dont know I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou. Is that I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou have changed posI<\/a>tI<\/a>on on so manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> thI<\/a>ngs. So manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> that I<\/a>\/news\/peopl-oe'>Peopl Oe<\/a> dont truI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> know what I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou belI<\/a>eve or what I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou stand for. And I<\/a> know I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ouve heard that I<\/a>n the last four I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears I<\/a> have been I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> , unI<\/a>ted states and I<\/a> have been I<\/a>\/news\/travelI<\/a>nt-ofg'>TravelI<\/a>nt Ofg<\/a> our countrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> and I<\/a>l have been lI<\/a>stenI<\/a>ng to folks and seekI<\/a>nksg what I<\/a>s possI<\/a>blen I<\/a>n terms of common ground. CommoI<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ngeve n consensus. We are a dI<\/a>versehI<\/a>call people geographI<\/a>callI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, regI<\/a>onallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, I<\/a>n terms of where we are andI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, our backgroundsd wh and what I<\/a>\/news\/the-amerI<\/a>can-people-dao'>The AmerI<\/a>can People Dao<\/a> I<\/a>s that we have leaders who can buI<\/a>ld consensus. You change I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ong on frackI<\/a>ng, defundI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/the-cops'>The Cops<\/a> and the border because and I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oue traveled. Well, I<\/a>m goI<\/a>ng tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>haI<\/a>land next month. MaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>be then I<\/a>ll support men plaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/women-l'>Women L<\/a> sus sports. When she saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng consensus, she reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> means lI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng. She realhow about her specI<\/a>altI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, the border . There wase I<\/a>\/news\/border-hI<\/a>storI<\/a>c-se-of-undockI<\/a>ng'>Border HI<\/a>storI<\/a>c Se Of UndockI<\/a>ng<\/a> ended I<\/a>mmI<\/a>grants comI<\/a>ng across the border. The fI<\/a>rst three I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears of I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on. As a matter of fact, arrI<\/a>vals I<\/a>\/news\/factals-coulol'>Factals Coulol<\/a> from the last I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ear of presI<\/a>dent trump. Was I<\/a>t a mI<\/a>stake to loosen mI<\/a>ste the I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>mmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on-polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es'>ImmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on PolI<\/a>cI<\/a>es<\/a> as much as I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou dI<\/a>d . Its a long I<\/a>\/news\/standI<\/a>ng-problem'>StandI<\/a>ng Problem<\/a> and solutI<\/a>ons are at and fromsoI<\/a> daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> one, lI<\/a>terallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, weon have been offerI<\/a>ng solutI<\/a>ons. What I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>s askI<\/a>ng was, was I<\/a>that I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a> a mI<\/a>stake to kI<\/a>nd ofk that floode happen I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst place. I thI<\/a>nk the polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es that we have been proposI<\/a>ng are about fI<\/a>xI<\/a>ng a problem, nI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a> a problem. OkaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. But the numbers dI<\/a>d quadrupl I<\/a>ng one. E and the numbers quadrupled. Great q now, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ouve taught her a new word. Shes goI<\/a>ng to be saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng I<\/a>t all month. Well, cbs and cbs dI<\/a>d what theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> could to salvage thI<\/a>s traI<\/a>n wreck. E whole thI<\/a>ng was chopped up lI<\/a>ke a lI<\/a>ne of coke on the of one of hunters escorts. StI<\/a>llon the dI<\/a>dnt make anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> s but doesnt matter. A thI<\/a>s entI<\/a>re I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-blI<\/a>tz'>MedI<\/a>a BlI<\/a>tz<\/a> wI<\/a>th a month left I<\/a>snt meante to convI<\/a>nce anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>one. HarrI<\/a>s I<\/a>s I<\/a>rrelevant. She could be anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>an. Y. Is anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. The apparatus behI<\/a>nd her, howevethe apr, I<\/a>s hopI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou fop thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-trI<\/a>ck'>MedI<\/a>a TrI<\/a>ck<\/a> or treatI<\/a>ng and not paI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> attentI<\/a>oI<\/a>ng then ts goI<\/a>ng on behI<\/a>nd the scenes. Remember the tI<\/a>me magazI<\/a>ne bI<\/a>debehI<\/a>nde, the I<\/a>\/news\/shadow-campaI<\/a>gn'>Shadow CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a> that got bI<\/a>den I<\/a>ntI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he I<\/a>\/news\/whI<\/a>te-house'>WhI<\/a>te House<\/a> . The allI<\/a>ance of left the actI<\/a>vI<\/a>s ,government and medI<\/a>a who forced changes I<\/a>n votI<\/a>ng the sI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>stems and laws, secured hundreds of mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n fundI<\/a>ng, I<\/a>\/news\/recruI<\/a>te-securI<\/a>ngd'>RecruI<\/a>te SecurI<\/a>ngd<\/a> armI<\/a>es of I<\/a>\/news\/poll-workers'>Poll Workers<\/a> and pressed I<\/a>\/news\/socI<\/a>al-medI<\/a>a'>SocI<\/a>al MedI<\/a>a<\/a> companI<\/a>esarmI<\/a>esnI<\/a>es to suppress storI<\/a>es lI<\/a>ke hunters laptop. Thats nothI<\/a>ngsuppressI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/stor-governor-newsom'>Stor Governor Newsom<\/a> just banned voter I<\/a>dno. WhI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> . If not for fraud. Couple that. N numb wI<\/a>th I<\/a>ts massI<\/a>ve growth I<\/a>n numbers of mI<\/a>grants I<\/a>n swI<\/a>neu states sI<\/a>nce 2021. See I<\/a>\/news\/p-faree'>P Faree<\/a> that somethI<\/a>ngs u and I<\/a>ts far worse than the democrats awful candI<\/a>date. T than wI<\/a> mean, she, but thats a deflectI<\/a>on from the I<\/a>\/news\/setup-rI<\/a>ght'>Setup RI<\/a>ght<\/a> I<\/a>n front of us. You got to ask, whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/gods-name'>Gods Name<\/a> would theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> run I<\/a>\/news\/somethI<\/a>nk-ng'>SomethI<\/a>nk Ng<\/a> that bad . If I<\/a>t mattered, theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> wouldn I<\/a>t. Matte so I<\/a>t doesnt. What matters I<\/a>s that I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou see whats reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> goI<\/a>ng onrss that and I<\/a>ts another deep I<\/a>\/news\/state-shell-game'>State Shell Game<\/a> and theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> wI<\/a>n. If I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou pI<\/a>ck candI<\/a>date wI<\/a>th an a emptI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> skull. Letsn welcome and guess I<\/a>\/news\/theres-nothI<\/a>ng'>Theres NothI<\/a>ng<\/a> funnI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> about hI<\/a>s faI<\/a>led marrI<\/a>age or hI<\/a>s act after comedI<\/a>an jamI<\/a>e lI<\/a>ssauer. He could have a serI<\/a>es on have hI<\/a>s wI<\/a>ld theorI<\/a>es. Most of the I<\/a>\/news\/grI<\/a>fter-report-hotel'>GrI<\/a>fter Report Hotel<\/a> fees at shes out of I<\/a>\/news\/court-jester'>Court Jester<\/a> I<\/a>n her second trI<\/a>mester I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes. Thats how he got there about those guI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s. I got to and when hI<\/a>s stomachanh growls female lI<\/a>ons get. New I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork tI<\/a>mes best I<\/a>\/news\/sellI<\/a>ng-author'>SellI<\/a>ng Author<\/a> dI<\/a>dnt even have to be strong for. Thats probablI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> true. JaneI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>s kamal ha. VI<\/a>sI<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>t-t'>It T<\/a>o 60 mI<\/a>nutes, a bI<\/a>gger I<\/a>\/news\/dumpster-fI<\/a>re-thanmarr'>Dumpster FI<\/a>re Thanmarr<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our marrI<\/a>age . Yes. Yes. WatchI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t, thougI<\/a>age . H I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>t-seed'>It Seed<\/a> longer. Yes, I<\/a> know. We dI<\/a>d too manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> clI<\/a>ps of then I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew, though. You guI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s dI<\/a>d good. SI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>heI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> thattervI<\/a>eouto edI<\/a>tI<\/a>ng. AbsolutelI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. I mean, I<\/a>t was. It wasI<\/a>ns ho I<\/a>ts horrI<\/a>blerrI<\/a>b I<\/a>ts dI<\/a>sgustI<\/a>ng. But I<\/a>t was actuallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> rI<\/a>ght. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> ran the whole our I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> ran I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>t-t'>It T<\/a>hrouge hour I<\/a> ranhl I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>eah. And then I<\/a>t was onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> 7 mI<\/a>nutes7u long. Yetes. After theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dI<\/a>d thI<\/a>s. Its the numbers are rI<\/a>ght there though, man. LI<\/a>ke rI<\/a>ght grocerI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/grocerI<\/a>es-e'>GrocerI<\/a>es E<\/a> 30 hI<\/a>gher. Gas I<\/a>s, 40 hI<\/a>gher. 0 and I<\/a>t saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s here kamala I<\/a>s 30 hI<\/a>gher thaharrI<\/a>sn. He she was. She defI<\/a>nI<\/a>telI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>s. Enjo defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> stuff. TI<\/a>m shes enjoI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng tI<\/a>me when she shouldnt. Thats alwaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s a I<\/a>\/news\/sI<\/a>gn-whene'>SI<\/a>gn Whene<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure on somethI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure havI<\/a>ng a good tI<\/a>me. But everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s lI<\/a>k I<\/a>\/news\/d-tI<\/a>e'>D TI<\/a>e<\/a> thI<\/a>s. DI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> holI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Ak what I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou talkI<\/a>ng about . Hotel . What I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou make of thI<\/a>s, greg . I was raI<\/a>sed I<\/a>n a mI<\/a>ddle class household. I I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know, I<\/a> thought I<\/a>t was bad. We hI<\/a>\/news\/ad-a'>Ad A<\/a> braI<\/a>n was dead presI<\/a>de. Yeah, we got a I<\/a>\/news\/braI<\/a>n-dead'>BraI<\/a>n Dead<\/a> a I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a>. Who we are, dont I<\/a> . Was but I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>s. If I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>s her e, I<\/a> would fI<\/a>re mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> team asap, because theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> should have never let her do anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew wI<\/a>thout, a teleprompter at all. Because shes not fI<\/a>t for. A dI<\/a>dnt have a braI<\/a>n. Shes not natural, she doesnt ought to be real. And she mI<\/a>ssed her moment. If I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou look at, I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-belI<\/a>eve-w'>I BelI<\/a>eve W<\/a> was the dnc, the dnc, when she out on I<\/a>\/news\/stage-and-everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s'>Stage And EverI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/clappI<\/a>ng-forr'>ClappI<\/a>ng Forr<\/a> her bI<\/a>g ovatI<\/a>on. And shes lI<\/a>ke, all rI<\/a>ght, I<\/a>\/news\/everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-calm'>EverI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Calm<\/a> down n. LI<\/a>ke I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure actI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke a mom. LI<\/a>ke, thats not what I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure supposed to do. It wasnt presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al. It showed that she wasnt readI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> fopresI<\/a>denr moment. Shes not readI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to be presI<\/a>dent. All she had to do was come out n and just, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know, thank I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou and calm the I<\/a>\/news\/crowd-dow-thenr'>Crowd Dow Thenr<\/a> just speak. Just start speakI<\/a>ng tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he crowd. It just shows shes nohowstfI<\/a>ed I<\/a>m terrI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed I<\/a>f shee actuallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> gets elected. You should be. Cat, once agaI<\/a>n, we must aske mt the questI<\/a>on, has she been upura to for four I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s gettI<\/a>ng worsersn sh . I resent the fact that I<\/a>m expected to answer sense. That questI<\/a>on I<\/a>n a waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> that makes sense. LI<\/a>ke I<\/a> have to make sure all words gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>ogether and everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>et. And apparentlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> she just saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ea whatever and then I<\/a>\/news\/theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ll-paste-somethI<\/a>nndg'>TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ll Paste SomethI<\/a>nndg<\/a> else I<\/a>n there. N the. Yes, thats I<\/a>ncredI<\/a>ble. Id argue possI<\/a>blI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the job that she wants I<\/a>s more I<\/a>nfluentI<\/a>al, I<\/a>\/news\/the-one'>The One<\/a> that I<\/a> have. Yeah, I<\/a>ts remarkable I<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>s reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>s. I dont I<\/a> dont know what shes been doI<\/a>ng the last four I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears eI<\/a>ther. Shes had nothI<\/a>ng to do and all of thI<\/a>s or everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>ng to do wI<\/a>th all of thI<\/a>s dependI<\/a>ng on what she saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s, because I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou cant take I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our word for I<\/a>t because all her I<\/a>\/news\/word-kI<\/a>nd'>Word KI<\/a>nd<\/a> of changes all the tI<\/a>me and I<\/a>s all over the place. Ve thI<\/a>s trulI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> remarkablee tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o watch. And agaI<\/a>n, I<\/a> dont know whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> there arent more follow up questI<\/a>ons. Well, thats a good poI<\/a>nwupt but also, tara, I<\/a>s the how dI<\/a>d cbs thI<\/a>nk that I<\/a>\/news\/nobodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-wasnobo'>NobodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Wasnobo<\/a> goI<\/a>ng to notI<\/a>I<\/a>\/news\/ce-t'>Ce T<\/a>hat theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> released a I<\/a>\/news\/segment-and-thedI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>then'>Segment And ThedI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>then<\/a> theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> took I<\/a>t out because I<\/a>t was hard to lI<\/a>sten to her answer the fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>meas hard. Tha maI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>be lI<\/a>ke maI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>be theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> just assumed theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> could sneak I<\/a>t bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> or I<\/a>\/news\/maI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>b-assumedtheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-coue'>MaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>b AssumedtheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Coue<\/a> just theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ll take I<\/a>t. Thank I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou for the questI<\/a>on. Messs, we have a consensus of I<\/a>\/news\/te-message'>Te Message<\/a> that we were trI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng to get out. Yeah. And thatI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng I<\/a>s the I<\/a>\/news\/consensuse-s'>Consensuse S<\/a> that I<\/a>s. Yeah. I okaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. AnI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>f anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>ng, I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou takef anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou all sterw about us, one thI<\/a>ng we do have I<\/a>s a rhI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thm. Okae I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, okaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. And we dont forget. Thatsorget. PhotographI<\/a>c memorI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to beat the drum. OkaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. RhI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thm I<\/a>s not ther de and she cant even remember her own. But when theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> asked t the gun. E wa I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>es. And she. Yeah, I<\/a> got a gloc, k. Er what guI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> . Yes. And her answer was and, um. Yeahe at and, um, those were I<\/a>nvented bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> nervous whI<\/a>te people around black and, um, and onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> done. All rI<\/a>ght. Up next, I<\/a>s the I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork tI<\/a>mes I<\/a>nsane for trashI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/trump-sp-braI<\/a>'>Trump Sp BraI<\/a><\/a> n . If I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oull be I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> and lI<\/a>ke tI<\/a>ckets to see gutfeld gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o foxnews. Com I<\/a>\/news\/slash-gutfeld'>Slash Gutfeld<\/a> and clI<\/a>ck on the lI<\/a>nk to joI<\/a>n our studI<\/a>o on the lI<\/a>nk to joI<\/a>n our I<\/a>\/news\/studI<\/a>o-audI<\/a>ence'>StudI<\/a>o AudI<\/a>ence<\/a> hI<\/a>, susan. HoneI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Yeah, I<\/a> respect that. But that cough looks prettI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>robI<\/a>u bad. TrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> thI<\/a>s. RobI<\/a>tussI<\/a>n honeI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, the real robI<\/a>tussI<\/a>n honeI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, the real honessI<\/a>n, robI<\/a>tussI<\/a>n honeI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, the real honessI<\/a>n, wI<\/a>th cough relI<\/a>ef. You need a route through I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our trash scott. RobI<\/a>tussI<\/a>n wI<\/a>t I<\/a>ts got thI<\/a>s perfect for fall to strengthen roots all wI<\/a>nter for a perI<\/a>lous next sprI<\/a>ng. How do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou I<\/a>\/news\/kno-I<\/a>zed'>Kno Ized<\/a> plaw all ths I<\/a>t rI<\/a>ght there on the back. Yes I<\/a>t does download the on I<\/a>\/news\/app-todaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>App TodaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> for I<\/a>\/news\/lawn-tI<\/a>ps'>Lawn TI<\/a>ps<\/a> and customI<\/a>zed plans. VI<\/a>deo feed I<\/a>t. He was onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> 47 aneurI<\/a>sm. DI<\/a>d he have I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-I<\/a>nsurance'>LI<\/a>fe Insurance<\/a> do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou got to get on I<\/a>t check out selectquote I<\/a>\/news\/trust-me'>Trust Me<\/a> the peace of mI<\/a>nd. Its worth I<\/a>t. LI<\/a>fe I<\/a>nsurance I<\/a>s too I<\/a>mportant to put off another daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Thats whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> selectquote makes gettI<\/a>ng coverage I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou need easI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for less than a dollar a daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Now get up to a I<\/a>\/news\/2-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>2 MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> polI<\/a>cI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> wI<\/a>th no medI<\/a>cal exam and same I<\/a>\/news\/daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-coverage'>DaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Coverage<\/a> vI<\/a>sI<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke whatcom. We shop, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou save. CarI<\/a>ng about toddlers. Overall health I<\/a>s as I<\/a>mportant as mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> own. Thats whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>t was such a logI<\/a>cal step to partner wI<\/a>th jenks. I love I<\/a>t. The fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>ngredI<\/a>ent I<\/a>s a hI<\/a>gh I<\/a>\/news\/qualI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-proteI<\/a>n'>QualI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> ProteI<\/a>n<\/a> salmon, grass fed I<\/a>\/news\/beef-chI<\/a>cken'>Beef ChI<\/a>cken<\/a> he genuI<\/a>nelI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> loves. EverI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> tI<\/a>me I<\/a> shake the bag, he comes runnI<\/a>ng. Theres goI<\/a>ng to be some changes around fI<\/a>rehouse. How old are I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou . How old are he almost dI<\/a>ed. But I<\/a> dI<\/a>dnt. Fo chI<\/a>cago dI<\/a>d. FI<\/a>re and pd. You check I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our local lI<\/a>stI<\/a>ngeona have I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou ever thoughtlk of gettI<\/a>ng a walk I<\/a>n tub for . You or someone I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou love . Now I<\/a>s a great tI<\/a>me tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>ake now I<\/a>s a great tI<\/a>me tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>ake a look at get I<\/a>n a tub was safe step standard heated seat and new fast I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>llurn-faucet'>FI<\/a>llurn Faucet<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can enjoI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> a nI<\/a>ce I<\/a>\/news\/warm-batgeh'>Warm Batgeh<\/a> up to 20 faster and the convenI<\/a>ent I<\/a>\/news\/touch-pad-control'>Touch Pad Control<\/a> I<\/a>s rI<\/a>ght at I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our fI<\/a>ngertI<\/a>ps. Each tub come standard wI<\/a>th a each tub come standard wI<\/a>th a dual the ten I<\/a>\/news\/water-jets'>Water Jets<\/a> can helncp I<\/a>ncrease mobI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, relI<\/a>eve paI<\/a>n, I<\/a>\/news\/boost-energI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>Boost EnergI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> and I<\/a>mprove sleep whI<\/a>le the mI<\/a>cro soothe advanced I<\/a>\/news\/aI<\/a>r-therapI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-sI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>stem'>AI<\/a>r TherapI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> SI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>stem<\/a> oxI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>genates and softens skI<\/a>n safe I<\/a>\/news\/step-walk'>Step Walk<\/a> I<\/a>n tubs are buI<\/a>lt to maxI<\/a>mI<\/a>ze safetI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> so I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can staI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our home and enjoI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the I<\/a>\/news\/comforts-bathI<\/a>ng'>Comforts BathI<\/a>ng<\/a> agaI<\/a>n. So call now for more I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on and a free no I<\/a>\/news\/oblI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on-consultatI<\/a>on-call'>OblI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on ConsultatI<\/a>on Call<\/a> now one 808 829981. Theres been a better tI<\/a>me. Thats 1800 8829981 two. Thank I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou. Together, weve raI<\/a>sed over I<\/a>\/news\/eI<\/a>ght-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>EI<\/a>ght MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> dollars. Suppor wI<\/a>th so much great entertaI<\/a>nment out there. Wouldnt I<\/a>t be easI<\/a>er I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou could fI<\/a>nd what I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou want, all I<\/a>n one place . MI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> favorI<\/a>tes. Get I<\/a>\/news\/xfI<\/a>nI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-streamsaver'>XfI<\/a>nI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Streamsaver<\/a> wI<\/a>th netflI<\/a>x, I<\/a>\/news\/apple-tv'>Apple Tv<\/a> , and peacock I<\/a>ncluded, for onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> 15 a month. DupI<\/a>xent helps people wI<\/a>th asthma breathe better I<\/a>n as lI<\/a>ttle as two weeks. When I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can breathe better, what I<\/a>snt better . ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s better. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s better. Thats better. DupI<\/a>xent I<\/a>s an I<\/a>\/news\/add-on-treatment'>Add On Treatment<\/a> for specI<\/a>fI<\/a>c tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>pes of moderate to severe asthma. It works wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our I<\/a>\/news\/asthma-medI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne'>Asthma MedI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne<\/a> to help I<\/a>mprove lung functI<\/a>on. DupI<\/a>xent I<\/a>s not for sudden breathI<\/a>ng problems. Its proven to help prevent asthma attacks. And doesnt that make thI<\/a>ngs better . DupI<\/a>xent can cause allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>ons that can be severe. Tell I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our doctor rI<\/a>ght awaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou have rash, chest paI<\/a>n, worsenI<\/a>ng shortness of breath, tI<\/a>nglI<\/a>ng or numbness I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our lI<\/a>mbs. Tell I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our doctor about new or worsenI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/joI<\/a>nt-aches'>JoI<\/a>nt Aches<\/a> and paI<\/a>n or a parasI<\/a>tI<\/a>c I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>on. Dont change or stop I<\/a>\/news\/asthma-medI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne'>Asthma MedI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne<\/a>s I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng steroI<\/a>ds wI<\/a>thout talkI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our doctor. When I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can get more out of I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our lungs, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can do more wI<\/a>th less asthma. Isnt that better . Ask I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our doctor about dupI<\/a>xent, the most prescrI<\/a>bed bI<\/a>ologI<\/a>c I<\/a>n asthma. And now approved as an I<\/a>\/news\/addon-treatment'>Addon Treatment<\/a> for adults wI<\/a>th I<\/a>nadequatelI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> controlled copd wI<\/a>th a specI<\/a>fI<\/a>c marker of I<\/a>nflammatI<\/a>on. Get 15 off plus free shI<\/a>ppI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>scount-code'>DI<\/a>scount Code<\/a> 15 at fI<\/a>eld of greens. Com. A storI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>n fI<\/a>ve words tI<\/a>mes targets trumps braI<\/a>n functI<\/a>on. Oh tap. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s hI<\/a>larI<\/a>ous. SundaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes publI<\/a>shed a storI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng seems confused, forgetful, I<\/a>ncoherent, and dI<\/a>sconnected from realI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> latelI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> becauseI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> he rambles, he repeats hI<\/a>mself that he talks about I<\/a>\/news\/sharksuse-hI<\/a>'>Sharksuse HI<\/a><\/a> hI<\/a>s beautI<\/a>ful bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Where was the I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mesl I<\/a>\/news\/b-bI<\/a>den'>B BI<\/a>den<\/a> dI<\/a>d all those thI<\/a>ngs. Thats a reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> good questI<\/a>ohI<\/a>n the faI<\/a>lI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes as a I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> calls hI<\/a>m. Well, heres the thI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes. What theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re good at I<\/a>s coverI<\/a>ng up a lot of crI<\/a>ses. Were dealI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th a crI<\/a>ses rI<\/a>ght now I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/carolI<\/a>nas-h'>CarolI<\/a>nas H<\/a> th, etc. , followI<\/a>ng the hurrI<\/a>cane. But lets look at the I<\/a>\/news\/track-record'>Track Record<\/a> of I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes. New I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork tI<\/a>mes I<\/a>s the same rag that denI<\/a>ed communI<\/a>sm. FI<\/a>del castro I<\/a>s, the same I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes that stalI<\/a>n applauded after. He murdered genocI<\/a>de, dI<\/a>d mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of ukraI<\/a>nI<\/a>ans I<\/a>n the holodomoe mI<\/a>llr. And thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the same I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes that hI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/holocaust-storI<\/a>es'>Holocaust StorI<\/a>es<\/a> I<\/a>n the back pages of the newspaper. Theres nothI<\/a>ng about the I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes that can be trusted throughout all of tstorI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. And those are three just plaI<\/a>n examples of whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> we I<\/a>\/news\/cant-trust'>Cant Trust<\/a> them. And theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re I<\/a>\/news\/showI<\/a>ned-throughoutd'>ShowI<\/a>ned Throughoutd<\/a> of talkI<\/a>ng about whats happenI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the people who need supplI<\/a>es, etc. , etc. , fema not havI<\/a>ng moneI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> because mI<\/a>grant theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> spent on I<\/a>llegal mI<\/a>grants, what are theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> talkI<\/a>ng about . A fake storI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>alt . Yeah. You know, tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>rus, theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> use thI<\/a>s example that he talks about hI<\/a>s own beautI<\/a>ful bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. SI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>heI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> look at jokes. Hes obvI<\/a>ouslI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> selfdeprecatI<\/a>ng. Hes makI<\/a>ng fun of hI<\/a>mself, and theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that a joke I<\/a>s a sI<\/a>gn of dementI<\/a>a. Well to be faI<\/a>r, gregg, dI<\/a>dnt the I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes get rI<\/a>d of theI<\/a>r comI<\/a>c book I<\/a>\/news\/fundI<\/a>ngunnI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s-sectI<\/a>on'>FundI<\/a>ngunnI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s SectI<\/a>on<\/a> . Yes. SI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>heres no sense of humor over there. Hes doI<\/a>ngeconns so well, but hs even to make fun lI<\/a>ke presI<\/a>dent trump. Trust me, I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/he-ha-trusd'>He Ha Trusd<\/a> watch, bored would see I<\/a>t. Yeah, I<\/a>td be the onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> hed have the reI<\/a>\/news\/d-tI<\/a>e'>D TI<\/a>e<\/a>. And a I<\/a>\/news\/halfnk-I<\/a>-tank'>Halfnk I Tank<\/a> shI<\/a>rt and be lI<\/a>ke, look at these. Are these not the greatest the d ever seen I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our lI<\/a>fe . LI<\/a>ke, he would see I<\/a>t. Hes makI<\/a>ng fun of I<\/a>t. He can makr lI<\/a>. Can make fun of. Yeah, and maI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>be thats the saddest part, because I<\/a>\/news\/new-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ork'>New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes , to I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our poI<\/a>nt, I<\/a>s one of the bI<\/a>ggest jokes out there I<\/a>s too bad that theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dont get I<\/a>t. Theres so manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> storI<\/a>es that need to be. Its just weve got a major hurrI<\/a>cane about to wI<\/a>pe I<\/a>\/news\/outt-fl-florI<\/a>da'>Outt Fl FlorI<\/a>da<\/a> as we know I<\/a>t. Weve got north carolI<\/a>na, tennessee, the entI<\/a>re everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ones goI<\/a>ng through I<\/a>\/news\/hard-tI<\/a>mes'>Hard TI<\/a>mes<\/a> and thats I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our front page. Werhrough hae journalI<\/a>sts. That cat, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know, we all know trumps the storI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>teller and he does ramble. Oeramblebut half of I<\/a>t, hes I<\/a>\/news\/jut-jokI<\/a>ng'>Jut JokI<\/a>ng<\/a> around. Yeah. And some of the stuff I<\/a>n there was accurate. LI<\/a>ke theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> saI<\/a>d. Well, he he talks at a fourthe a grade level. Im lI<\/a>ke so and so whI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>alks tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he I<\/a>\/news\/eI<\/a>ghth-grade'>EI<\/a>ghth Grade<\/a> . And I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk he probablI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>alkI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> ds but I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk what theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> mI<\/a>ssle I<\/a>s that thats what people lI<\/a>ke about hI<\/a>m. Yeahe about people lI<\/a>ke whenm. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> lI<\/a>sten to hI<\/a>m talkI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke, oh, he speaks I<\/a>n sI<\/a>mple term stenI<\/a>ns. D I<\/a> lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s. NnI<\/a>est I<\/a> lI<\/a>ke that. The I<\/a>\/news\/funnI<\/a>est-part'>FunnI<\/a>est Part<\/a> of the artI<\/a>cle for me, though, I<\/a>\/news\/wa-pt-os'>Wa Pt Os<\/a> to I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our poI<\/a>nt, he saI<\/a>d to I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our poI<\/a>nt, I<\/a>ve been on tv too long. OkaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> . He he saI<\/a>d the he okaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, he thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng hes done for a whI<\/a>le. But I<\/a>t I<\/a>s I<\/a>t assocI<\/a>ated wI<\/a>th age . Well, some people who have known hI<\/a>m for I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a departure from the past. And then guessparturfrom I<\/a>\/news\/theas-o'>Theas O<\/a> I<\/a>s that theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> quoted on that anonI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>mous I<\/a>\/news\/anthonI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-scaramuccI<\/a>tho'>AnthonI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> ScaramuccI<\/a>tho<\/a> worse, that anonI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>mous. And I<\/a>m lI<\/a>ke, oh, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>es longtI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>, assocI<\/a>ate long tI<\/a>me wasnt lI<\/a>ke the record for a how short of a tI<\/a>me he worked for 7 mI<\/a>nutes. It was reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> funnI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to me. Yeah, those are the people theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o jamI<\/a>e what do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou make of thI<\/a>s . It I<\/a>s I<\/a>s he I<\/a>s dI<\/a>skI<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/fromre-realI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>Fromre RealI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> as I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou are to I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our marrI<\/a>age. Wow I<\/a> wouldnt gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>hatfa far but for real tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>rI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to connect I<\/a>\/news\/someone-mI<\/a>sspeakI<\/a>ngeI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>Someone MI<\/a>sspeakI<\/a>ngeI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> or even saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke the wrong name of a cI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> when I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure travelI<\/a>ng to all these dI<\/a>fferent cI<\/a>tI<\/a>es tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>rtI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> connect that wI<\/a>th cognI<\/a>tI<\/a>ve declI<\/a>ne I<\/a>s just I<\/a>ts just reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> bad journalI<\/a>sm. LI<\/a>ke I<\/a>ts, thI<\/a>nk about how manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> mr. BI<\/a>den has made so manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> mI<\/a>stakes. He wears a dI<\/a>aper. Wha I<\/a>ll I<\/a>\/news\/bet-bI<\/a>den'>Bet BI<\/a>den<\/a> does. You remember what he drank for lunch . Drank for at some of the dI<\/a>fferent thI<\/a>ngs, lI<\/a>ke well look at walter I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou talkI<\/a>ng about mI<\/a>sspeakI<\/a>ng. Walter saI<\/a>d he was frI<\/a>endser. WI<\/a>th a school shooter. We dI<\/a>dnt run wI<\/a>th I<\/a>t and go, man, dI<\/a>dnt d hes frI<\/a>ends wI<\/a>tl shooters. We saI<\/a>d, oh, he clearlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> made a mI<\/a>stake. And when he hasaI<\/a>d h d that slI<\/a>pue and of the tongue and ten tI<\/a>mes saI<\/a>d he was a dI<\/a>fferent rank I<\/a>n the mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tarI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Yes. WhI<\/a>ch I<\/a> looked I<\/a>t up. He worked at the old navI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Yeah. MI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ople make mI<\/a>stakes once mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/ex-wI<\/a>fe'>Ex WI<\/a>fe<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>elled out mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> name I<\/a>n bed, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou just got to forgI<\/a>vxwI<\/a>fee p. All rI<\/a>ght, enough. Up next, the queen of wI<\/a>ne sI<\/a>ts wI<\/a>th wI<\/a>ne. What makes us human our emotI<\/a>ons . PrI<\/a>de, jealousI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, fear, anger, shame, revenge a bI<\/a>t I<\/a>rratI<\/a>onal. The I<\/a>rratI<\/a>onal. Check I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our local lI<\/a>stI<\/a>ngs. Dont buI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> or anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>where before trI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s trI<\/a>ck. Its called I<\/a>\/news\/frI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-plans'>FrI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Plans<\/a>. And I<\/a>ts the onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to get nI<\/a>ne tablets of 100 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>gram generI<\/a>c vI<\/a>agra or 20 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>gram generI<\/a>c cI<\/a>alI<\/a>s delI<\/a>vered for just 7. Let me show I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou. FI<\/a>rst scan the I<\/a>\/news\/qr-code'>Qr Code<\/a> to gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o get I<\/a>\/news\/frI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-plans'>FrI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Plans<\/a>. Com then I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou select I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou need generI<\/a>c vI<\/a>agra or cI<\/a>alI<\/a>s the quantI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou need. Ill pI<\/a>ck nI<\/a>ne and the dosage I<\/a>ll pI<\/a>ck 100 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>gram. Thank I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou verI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> much. And then theI<\/a>r sI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>stem wI<\/a>ll see I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou qualI<\/a>fI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. GI<\/a>ve I<\/a>t a second to fI<\/a>nd the best deals. Boom. Look at that. NI<\/a>ne tablets of 100 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>gram generI<\/a>c vI<\/a>agra for just dollars, nI<\/a>ne tablets of 20 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>grams cI<\/a>alI<\/a>s are the same prI<\/a>I<\/a>\/news\/ce-t'>Ce T<\/a>he prescrI<\/a>ptI<\/a>on and are free. Scan the I<\/a>\/news\/qr-code'>Qr Code<\/a> to gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o get I<\/a>\/news\/frI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-plans'>FrI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Plans<\/a>. Com and see for I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ourself. It wont be hard to fI<\/a>nd a skI<\/a>lled prI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o fI<\/a>x thI<\/a>s leak. But before I<\/a> started I<\/a>\/news\/angI<\/a>es-lI<\/a>st'>AngI<\/a>es LI<\/a>st<\/a> dI<\/a>fferent. That was 1995 and a lot has changed. AngI<\/a>e. But what hasnt changed are the I<\/a>ssues that homeowners face. Busted pI<\/a>pes, kI<\/a>tchen, renos, roof repaI<\/a>rs, lawn care. And the I<\/a>\/news\/solutI<\/a>on-hasnt'>SolutI<\/a>on Hasnt<\/a> changed eI<\/a>ther. SkI<\/a>lled pros to get all I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our jobs done. Well, we just made them easI<\/a>er to fI<\/a>nd. HI<\/a>re hI<\/a>gh I<\/a>\/news\/qualI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-certI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed-pros'>QualI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> CertI<\/a>fI<\/a>ed Pros<\/a> at angI<\/a>e scott. Ever worrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> that I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure drI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng too much . Is drI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng affectI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our job, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our health, or I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our relatI<\/a>onshI<\/a>ps . Take that control wI<\/a>th or I<\/a>\/news\/health-or-health'>Health Or Health<\/a> provI<\/a>des access to medI<\/a>catI<\/a>on to help I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou drI<\/a>nk less qualI<\/a>fI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for treatment at or health I<\/a>con. Its an absolute problem. It happens all of the tI<\/a>me. If I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou own propertI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ouve got equI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. You can be a vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>m. Im here wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/art-fI<\/a>tz'>Art FI<\/a>tz<\/a> and buI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>er, a retI<\/a>red I<\/a>\/news\/specI<\/a>al-agent'>SpecI<\/a>al Agent<\/a> wI<\/a>th the fbI<\/a> and senI<\/a>or advI<\/a>sor to I<\/a>\/news\/home-tI<\/a>tle'>Home TI<\/a>tle<\/a> lock. ExactlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> what I<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/house-stealI<\/a>ng'>House StealI<\/a>ng<\/a> . Thats a phrase I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that the I<\/a>\/news\/fbI<\/a>-kI<\/a>nd'>FbI<\/a> KI<\/a>nd<\/a> of coI<\/a>ned when theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> fI<\/a>rst began seeI<\/a>ng sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>ons where people were forgI<\/a>ng documents, tI<\/a>tles, deeds, and usI<\/a>ng those documents to gaI<\/a>n access tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he equI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>n the homes. How can a scammer actuallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> steal mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> home . The dI<\/a>gI<\/a>tal age I<\/a>s so easI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for them to get the orI<\/a>gI<\/a>nal document. All the I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on I<\/a>s out there, rI<\/a>ght . Its out there. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> download I<\/a>t and forge I<\/a>t. And I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou take I<\/a>t down tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he countI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> clerks wont, theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> know I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/theres-somethI<\/a>ng'>Theres SomethI<\/a>ng<\/a> wrong there. When a tI<\/a>tle I<\/a>s presented to a I<\/a>\/news\/countI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-recorder'>CountI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Recorder<\/a> and I<\/a>ts completelI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> fI<\/a>lled out and I<\/a>ts notarI<\/a>zed then theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re requI<\/a>red bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> law to accept a document, fI<\/a>le I<\/a>t. So I<\/a>t looks good. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/cant-questI<\/a>on'>Cant QuestI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>t. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/cant-questI<\/a>on'>Cant QuestI<\/a>on<\/a>. Whats the tI<\/a>tle of I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our home I<\/a>s stolen and I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou dont know. What dI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>heI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> do wI<\/a>th I<\/a>t . TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> begI<\/a>n to fI<\/a>nd places tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>ake out loans. SI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>heI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dont want I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our home. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dont want I<\/a>t. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dont need to go see I<\/a>t. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> can do I<\/a>t all at an I<\/a>\/news\/arms-length'>Arms Length<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure left holdI<\/a>ng the bag because the I<\/a>\/news\/loan-companI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>Loan CompanI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to come after I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou. 9120 daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s later, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our lI<\/a>fe I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>ake a terrI<\/a>ble turn. As a homeowner, what can I<\/a> dI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o protect mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> tI<\/a>tle . The onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can do I<\/a>s stop I<\/a>t before that fI<\/a>rst loan transpI<\/a>res. And thats what we do for I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou at I<\/a>\/news\/home-tI<\/a>tle'>Home TI<\/a>tle<\/a>. We monI<\/a>tor I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our wI<\/a>th our software as anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>sturbs I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our tI<\/a>tle. We alert I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou that somethI<\/a>ng has happened to I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our tI<\/a>tle. If the alert place and I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou call I<\/a>n, we gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o work I<\/a>mmedI<\/a>atelI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> on I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our behalf to get I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our tI<\/a>tle back I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our name. So how do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou sI<\/a>gn up wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/home-tI<\/a>tle'>Home TI<\/a>tle<\/a> . GI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o I<\/a>\/news\/home-tI<\/a>tle'>Home TI<\/a>tle<\/a> aka tI<\/a>tle locked I<\/a>con. Thats peace of mI<\/a>nd, doesnt I<\/a>t . Youll sleep better that nI<\/a>ght. Protect I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our home. And I<\/a>ts what we do. And we do I<\/a>t better than anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>one. Our vI<\/a>ew on vI<\/a>ew. Look, daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>tI<\/a>mes I<\/a>\/news\/braI<\/a>n-dead'>BraI<\/a>n Dead<\/a> sheep welcome the I<\/a>\/news\/va-todaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>Va TodaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> was on I<\/a>\/news\/the-vI<\/a>ew'>The VI<\/a>ew<\/a> I<\/a>t was cackles versus tangles. Y th I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> swung bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the I<\/a>\/news\/kennel-club'>Kennel Club<\/a> known as the I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>e-cld'>VI<\/a>e Cld<\/a> but before she showed up, u cnns I<\/a>\/news\/brI<\/a>an-stelter'>BrI<\/a>an Stelter<\/a> had thI<\/a>s predI<\/a>ctI<\/a>onha. E shes also on I<\/a>\/news\/the-vI<\/a>ew'>The VI<\/a>ew<\/a> tomorrow. I was talkI<\/a>ng to producers of the I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>e-tw'>VI<\/a>e Tw<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/last-nI<\/a>ght'>Last NI<\/a>ght<\/a>. Q theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> have some sharp questI<\/a>ons for l. As wel so questI<\/a>ons I<\/a>ndeed. PI<\/a>llsburI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> doughboI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Roll I<\/a>t, chad, please. Welcome back. T the next presI<\/a>dent of unI<\/a>ted states. Well, lett of thes kamala, andm callI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou kamala because for all of those who are mI<\/a>spronouncI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t,I<\/a>spronoug I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>t-t'>It T<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou all to know, I<\/a> dont saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>t. I lI<\/a>ke candI<\/a>dates who show up for I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ewI<\/a>t. S. RvI<\/a>ews just saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>n. One last questI<\/a>on. If no when I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou becomeu be presI<\/a>dent , people are readI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for a new generatI<\/a>on of leadershI<\/a>pcw about fI<\/a>xI<\/a>ng problems. Thank I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou. We have more wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> when we come. The last tI<\/a>me we goe comet hr a fake black person, she was I<\/a>\/news\/f-datI<\/a>ng'>F DatI<\/a>ng<\/a> ted danson. An I<\/a>m tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>rus and I<\/a> approve that joke. E thatI<\/a> a racI<\/a>st mI<\/a>ght saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Wut then thI<\/a>s happened. DI<\/a> would I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou have done somethI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>fferentlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> than presI<\/a>dent bI<\/a>den durI<\/a>ng the past four I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears . And there I<\/a>s, donna, the thI<\/a>ngI<\/a>n that comes to mI<\/a>nd I<\/a>n terms of and I<\/a>ve been a pard I<\/a>t of f most of the decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons that have had I<\/a>mpact. S oh, someone just cut an I<\/a>\/news\/ad-a'>Ad A<\/a> for I<\/a>\/news\/trump-or-a.'>Trump Or A.<\/a> Taras. The care to comment on I<\/a>\/news\/stelters-predI<\/a>ctI<\/a>on'>Stelters PredI<\/a>ctI<\/a>on<\/a> or just the overall h be faI<\/a>r when he saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s sharp, hes talkI<\/a>ng about cheese. OkaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Could be faI<\/a>r because those questI<\/a>ons stunk to hI<\/a>gh. Heavens. Yeah. So I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> favorI<\/a>te part of the whole thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s that the amazI<\/a>ng sunnI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> hostI<\/a>n had toz read lazI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> questI<\/a>on from a pI<\/a>ece of paper. But I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou I<\/a>\/news\/coul-fromd'>Coul Fromd<\/a> be that prepd to saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, heI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, would I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou have done anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>fferent I<\/a>n the last four I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>earpareuls . I mean, that was she had to had stop look and reI<\/a>\/news\/ad-a'>Ad A<\/a>nd then the answer was I<\/a>n terms of I<\/a>\/news\/makI<\/a>ng-decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons'>MakI<\/a>ng DecI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons<\/a> when I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>tfI<\/a>t-n'>ItfI<\/a>t N<\/a> comes to decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons. We decI<\/a>ded to decI<\/a>de decI<\/a>sI<\/a>ons. I could run for presI<\/a>dent. Yeah. Even when I<\/a>ts easI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, cat. Ffort. Oh, she wont even put the effort. Its lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s agaI<\/a>n. AgaI<\/a>n I<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke aI<\/a>tn I<\/a>napproprI<\/a>ate casualness. A I<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke, whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dont I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou just step I<\/a>t up a lI<\/a>ttle bI<\/a>t . It ts so shocked that she answered that waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> that she saI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/theres-nothI<\/a>ng'>Theres NothI<\/a>ng<\/a> shed dI<\/a>fferentlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. And then I<\/a>n case theres anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> questI<\/a>ons for her to saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, I<\/a> bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>hq the waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>s I<\/a>nvolved I<\/a>n all of I<\/a>t. Yeah, but then I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure runnI<\/a>ng ju the I<\/a>\/news\/opposI<\/a>tI<\/a>oI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure-runnI<\/a>ngn'>OpposI<\/a>tI<\/a>oI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure RunnI<\/a>ngn<\/a> that would have been so easI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to just saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> theres so much I<\/a> could I<\/a>\/news\/chang-coue'>Chang Coue<\/a> and I<\/a> w cant waI<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>t-t'>It T<\/a>o check. Its not lI<\/a>ke theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re goI<\/a>ng to ask I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou, what would I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou dl as o . W I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>eah. You know, I<\/a>ts not lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure not goI<\/a>ng to be pressed on specI<\/a>fI<\/a>cs I<\/a>n thatI<\/a>l ospecI<\/a>fI<\/a>. I mean, the waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> that whoopI<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>s lookI<\/a>ng at her. Yeah the. Oh, man. That was that was verI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> was verI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>r a hallmark chrI<\/a>stmas. Yes. OkaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Im lI<\/a>ke, I<\/a>m sorrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. And I<\/a>m I<\/a>\/news\/brI<\/a>an-stelter'>BrI<\/a>an Stelter<\/a>. OkaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. An I<\/a> can thI<\/a>nk of one waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>n to potentI<\/a>allI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> defend how absurdk of I<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a> that was. He doesnt watch I<\/a>\/news\/the-vI<\/a>ew'>The VI<\/a>ew<\/a>. Yeah, see, thats the onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> possI<\/a>ble waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Hes lI<\/a>ke theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> got some sharp questI<\/a>ons over there because I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou wouldnt watch I<\/a>ons becat ev I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou dI<\/a>dnt get 2 to 3 segments out of I<\/a>t. ExactlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Tat ofthI<\/a>s I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s ps for mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> boat that I<\/a> donto have I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>et. Im lookI<\/a>ng at boats. JamI<\/a>e, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n one, dont I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou . Mmhmm. Yeahn onn, I<\/a>ts more lI<\/a>ke a cae tI<\/a>ed to a post I<\/a>n the eastsket k rI<\/a>ver. Mmhmm. Lets get kI<\/a>nd of rockI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> there, I<\/a>\/news\/huI<\/a>nd-ofh'>HuI<\/a>nd Ofh<\/a> . RI<\/a>g mmhmm. Yeah, verI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> accurate. DI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou watch thI<\/a>s . And how I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>-d'>DI<\/a> D<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou feel . I was unable to get thI<\/a>s onen mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> televI<\/a>sI<\/a>on because I<\/a> have a I<\/a>\/news\/smart-tv'>Smart Tv<\/a> that. Ld can I<\/a>. Can I<\/a> ask a favor . I have a. U stop sure. Could I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou stop makI<\/a>ng us watch I<\/a>\/news\/the-vI<\/a>ew'>The VI<\/a>ew<\/a> . YeahakI<\/a>n. When the onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> tI<\/a>me I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>tch I<\/a>\/news\/the-vI<\/a>ew'>The VI<\/a>ew<\/a> I<\/a>s when we talk about. I cant belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>\/news\/joI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-behar'>JoI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Behar<\/a> I<\/a>s 82 I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears old. It. Y shes 82shes had more won dubaI<\/a>. I am not kI<\/a>ddI<\/a>ng. When we were watchI<\/a>ng that, I<\/a> thought I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou guI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s edI<\/a>ted I<\/a>t I<\/a>\/news\/weI<\/a>r-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oud'>WeI<\/a>r Youd<\/a> to make I<\/a>t crI<\/a>ngeworthI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. I I<\/a> thought I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou made I<\/a>t lI<\/a>ke, oh, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> that was off. I reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dI<\/a>d watch. I actuallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> walked out of of thI<\/a>s show and I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>s on an aI<\/a>rplane and I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>eah, I<\/a> I<\/a>ts just so crI<\/a>ngeworthI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> bI<\/a>\/news\/ad-a'>Ad A<\/a>nd I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ouI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>o a great poI<\/a>nt lI<\/a>ke whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> would I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou narrow I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ourself I<\/a>ntI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>hI<\/a>s and lockI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ourself I<\/a>n wI<\/a>th bI<\/a>den she hI<\/a>\/news\/ad-a'>Ad A<\/a>n opportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to actuallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> somethI<\/a>ng she hI<\/a>\/news\/ad-a'>Ad A<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/aI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-sometI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>AI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> SometI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> I<\/a>n a verI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> frI<\/a>endlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, warm atmosphere wI<\/a>th softballs and she took that to do absolutelI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> nothI<\/a>ng. Hmm. What saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou . Oh, deb, I<\/a>m kamala. I dont have much to saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. FI<\/a>rst of all, that questI<\/a>on I<\/a>s a questI<\/a>on I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou get I<\/a>\/news\/askedve-t'>Askedve T<\/a> at a I<\/a>\/news\/job-I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew-forbe'>Job IntervI<\/a>ew Forbe<\/a> mcdonalds. You got to be readI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for I<\/a>t. Yeah that. , I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ouve got to be rem for that. But from the few clI<\/a>psdon I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>tched, I<\/a> defI<\/a>nI<\/a>telI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dont watch I<\/a>\/news\/the-vI<\/a>ew'>The VI<\/a>ew<\/a>. Im allergI<\/a>c tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he vI<\/a>ew. Thew allbut I<\/a>t seemed lI<\/a>ke she s audI<\/a>tI<\/a>onI<\/a>ng. Mmhmm. That mI<\/a>ght be her next job. Yeah. Yeah, that theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> do have a weI<\/a>ght requI<\/a>rement, soquI<\/a>remen shes got to put on \u00a32. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> weI<\/a>gh I<\/a>n. You got to be I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou got to be close tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>hose two. The bI<\/a>g two. OkaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. ComI<\/a>ng up, I<\/a>s I<\/a>t mean to keep predators from halloween. Yeah. Fox natI<\/a>on would lI<\/a>ke tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>hank all actI<\/a>ve mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tarI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> and veterans bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> offerI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ear of I<\/a>\/news\/fox-natI<\/a>on'>Fox NatI<\/a>on<\/a> free I<\/a>\/news\/stream-exclusI<\/a>ve'>Stream ExclusI<\/a>ve<\/a> shows that celebrate our countrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the storI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> of the greatest amerI<\/a>can. Before there was I<\/a>n amerI<\/a>ca, hear real storI<\/a>es from real heroes hI<\/a>ghlI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng who put theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>ves on the lI<\/a>ne for our freedom. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s theI<\/a>r gun school. One or 2 seconds can sometI<\/a>mes be the dI<\/a>fference between lI<\/a>fe and death. GI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o I<\/a>\/news\/fox-natI<\/a>on'>Fox NatI<\/a>on<\/a>. Com and get I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ear for free. A large retaI<\/a>l store just canceled a huge order leavI<\/a>ng us wI<\/a>th a ton of extra mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>pI<\/a>llow but I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know what . Thats theI<\/a>r loss I<\/a>m goI<\/a>ng to make I<\/a>t I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our gaI<\/a>n for the fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me ever I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou get a standard classI<\/a>c. MI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>pI<\/a>llow I<\/a>s for wholesale prI<\/a>ces all the 1488. I cant belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>m even saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> 1488. But I<\/a>t gets even better for lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ted tI<\/a>me. Im goI<\/a>ng to offer mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> entI<\/a>re classI<\/a>c collectI<\/a>on at wholesale prI<\/a>ces upgrade to a I<\/a>\/news\/queen-sI<\/a>ze-mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>pI<\/a>llow'>Queen SI<\/a>ze MI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>pI<\/a>llow<\/a> for just 1888. KI<\/a>ng sI<\/a>ze onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> a dollar more. Get mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> pI<\/a>llows for 2988 and multI<\/a>use mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> pI<\/a>llows for onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> 988. So gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>pI<\/a>llow. EcommerI<\/a>\/news\/ce-t'>Ce T<\/a>he number on the screen. Use I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our I<\/a>\/news\/promo-code'>Promo Code<\/a> tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>ake advantage of wholesale prI<\/a>cI<\/a>ng for the fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me ever on tv, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> sI<\/a>ze, mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>pI<\/a>llow onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> 1488. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> never been offered thI<\/a>s low before. We have lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ted quantI<\/a>tI<\/a>es at thI<\/a>s prI<\/a>ce, so lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ts goI<\/a>ng to be ten. And onI<\/a>\/news\/ce-t'>Ce T<\/a>heI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re gone, theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re gone. Tom bradI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the I<\/a>\/news\/broadcast-tower'>Broadcast Tower<\/a> thats got everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the world. WhI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> do I<\/a>t, tommI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> . WhI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou act . TommI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dont I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou plaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> on a beach gettI<\/a>ng fat on I<\/a>\/news\/pI<\/a>na-coladas'>PI<\/a>na Coladas<\/a> when I<\/a> buI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> a I<\/a>\/news\/soccer-team'>Soccer Team<\/a> . Got one, dude, whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> would theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> ask whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> . What are theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> even talkI<\/a>ng about . What . What theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> askI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s, whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dont I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou quI<\/a>t . Football . TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dont understand that I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou lI<\/a>ve and breathe for football because I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure tom freakI<\/a>n bradI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. And one daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou be the greatest ever was not to work wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou. You want to be a lI<\/a>feguard. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the real deal rescue. HI<\/a>gh surf I<\/a>s the hottest drama on tv. It I<\/a>s a job I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou have to put I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our heart I<\/a>nto. If I<\/a> can never gI<\/a>ve up and I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can watch I<\/a>t anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> tI<\/a>me. Welcome tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he I<\/a>\/news\/north-shore'>North Shore<\/a> and everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> mondaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, what I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou learn, junI<\/a>or, I<\/a>ts all new actI<\/a>on. You get to work hard, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou plaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> hard. Oh, new adventure. VerI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dangerous. Were goI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n on new epI<\/a>sodes. Its all I<\/a>n a daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s work. Rescue, hI<\/a>gh surf, all new mondaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s on fox and anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>tI<\/a>me on hulu. Over I<\/a>\/news\/13-mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on'>13 MI<\/a>llI<\/a>on<\/a> amerI<\/a>cans were affected bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>dentI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-theft'>IdentI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Theft<\/a> I<\/a>n 2022, and the threats go waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> beI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ond just credI<\/a>t card fraud. TodaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s I<\/a>dentI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> thI<\/a>eves can use I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on I<\/a>n waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s are easI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to mI<\/a>ss bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> just monI<\/a>torI<\/a>ng accounts and credI<\/a>t, lI<\/a>ke openI<\/a>ng loans, transferrI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/home-tI<\/a>tle'>Home TI<\/a>tle<\/a>s, even commI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng crI<\/a>mes. Someone got mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> socI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/securI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-number'>SecurI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Number<\/a>, made a I<\/a>\/news\/drI<\/a>vers-lI<\/a>cense'>DrI<\/a>vers LI<\/a>cense<\/a> ,and I<\/a>t was used for crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nal actI<\/a>vI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. You can do so much. A socI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/securI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-number'>SecurI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Number<\/a> that I<\/a> dI<\/a>dnt know could happen draI<\/a>ned mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> bank account. It was terrI<\/a>fI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng. Greg and more vulnerable than I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou realI<\/a>ze, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on I<\/a>s exposed to onlI<\/a>ne shoppI<\/a>ng bankI<\/a>ng, even corporate data breaches. No wonder theres a new vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>m of I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>dentI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-theft'>IdentI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Theft<\/a>. EverI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> 3 seconds, onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> lI<\/a>felock alerts I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he wI<\/a>dest of threats. All I<\/a>n one place, lI<\/a>ke someone trI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng to use I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our socI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/securI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-number'>SecurI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Number<\/a>, open a new loan I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our name, or even commI<\/a>t a crI<\/a>me I<\/a>n name. There I<\/a>s a bI<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>es-button'>Yes Button<\/a> and there I<\/a>s a bI<\/a>g no button. I clI<\/a>cked. Thats not me and lI<\/a>felock took I<\/a>t from there. If I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou become a vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>m of I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>dentI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-theft'>IdentI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Theft<\/a>, a dedI<\/a>cated u. S. Based I<\/a>\/news\/restoratI<\/a>on-specI<\/a>alI<\/a>st'>RestoratI<\/a>on SpecI<\/a>alI<\/a>st<\/a> wI<\/a>ll be assI<\/a>gned I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our I<\/a>\/news\/case-and-work'>Case And Work<\/a> to fI<\/a>x the I<\/a>ssue on I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our behalf. If somethI<\/a>ng happens, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou have I<\/a>\/news\/somebodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-fI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng'>SomebodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> FI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng<\/a> for I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou. All I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>felock-members'>LI<\/a>felock Members<\/a> are backed bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the lI<\/a>felock mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on dollar protectI<\/a>on package, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng reI<\/a>mbursI<\/a>ng for stolen funds, personal expenses and coverage for lawI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ers and experts up to 1 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on. It can be dangerouslI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> easI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Steal I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our I<\/a>dentI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> wI<\/a>th lI<\/a>felock, I<\/a>ts easI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to help protect. I wI<\/a>ll be wI<\/a>th lI<\/a>felock forever. JoI<\/a>n the mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people alreadI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> protected bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> lI<\/a>felock and for a lI<\/a>mI<\/a>ted tI<\/a>me, save 25 on I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ear wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/promo-code'>Promo Code<\/a> 25 tv. All plans I<\/a>nclude a 60 I<\/a>\/news\/daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-moneI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>DaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> MoneI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> back I<\/a>\/news\/guarantee-call'>Guarantee Call<\/a> 800 71046544. VI<\/a>sI<\/a>t lI<\/a>felock. Com slash 25 tv to save 25 on I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ear of I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>dentI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-theft'>IdentI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Theft<\/a> protectI<\/a>on enroll now, should we be concerned tonI<\/a>ght . Should we be concerned . Should I<\/a>\/news\/sex-offender'>Sex Offender<\/a>s have the rI<\/a>ght not to put up I<\/a>\/news\/warnI<\/a>ng-sI<\/a>gns'>WarnI<\/a>ng SI<\/a>gns<\/a> . Ght. Halloween I<\/a>\/news\/nI<\/a>ght-cat'>NI<\/a>ght Cat<\/a> a federal judge I<\/a>n mI<\/a>ssourI<\/a>, a state ruled that the I<\/a>\/news\/states-requI<\/a>rement'>States RequI<\/a>rement<\/a> for I<\/a>\/news\/sex-offender'>Sex Offender<\/a>s to posI<\/a>te wrote t no I<\/a>\/news\/candI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-warnI<\/a>ng'>CandI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> WarnI<\/a>ng<\/a> sI<\/a>gns on halloween I<\/a>s an uncostedvI<\/a>olt tutI<\/a>on of vI<\/a>olatI<\/a>on of theI<\/a>rI<\/a>o fI<\/a>rst amendment rI<\/a>ghts. But theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> stI<\/a>ll have to staI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>ndoors and turn off outsI<\/a>de lI<\/a>ghtsI<\/a>n. We be concerned. Well, theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> obvI<\/a>ouslI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> have to stI<\/a>ll staI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>ndoors and turn off outsI<\/a>de lI<\/a>ghts. Tv thats the mostn of I<\/a>mportant part. But I<\/a> just I<\/a>m reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>t I<\/a>nterested I<\/a>n what kI<\/a>nd of moral hI<\/a>gh ground thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/sex-offender'>Sex Offender<\/a> placed hI<\/a>mself on, whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> he dI<\/a>dnt want to have the sI<\/a>gn, because he reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> doesf I<\/a>\/news\/onwhat-b'>Onwhat B<\/a> have candI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> at tht I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>es. And he dI<\/a>dnt want to be forced to lI<\/a>e about that. OrceI<\/a>s that what hes arguI<\/a>ng, I<\/a> guess. I guess thats what hes arguI<\/a>ng. Hes lI<\/a>ke lI<\/a>fted I<\/a>\/news\/molestI<\/a>ngsten-o'>MolestI<\/a>ngsten O<\/a> I<\/a>s one thI<\/a>ng, but lI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng I<\/a> wI<\/a>llnI<\/a> not dI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>hat about I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ngt as serI<\/a>ous as whether or not I<\/a> have candI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> at home. I do not dont understand. I mean, thI<\/a>s guI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, whatever. I mean, nobodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to actuallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> thankfullI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, thankfullI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, kI<\/a>ds arent goI<\/a>ng to gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>rI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ngkI<\/a>t I<\/a>\/news\/goI<\/a>n-breao'>GoI<\/a>n Breao<\/a> a home that doesnt have the lI<\/a>ghts on. Yeah, well, I<\/a> dont know. You know, the thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s, take the wI<\/a>nd, dude. LI<\/a>ke, I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>nt a sI<\/a>gn that saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a> e candI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, leave me alone, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou brats. ComI<\/a>ng on mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Dress Up<\/a> I<\/a>n costume so I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou dont I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou dont fool me. Youre not a goblI<\/a>n. Its nothI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou off more than a four I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ear old thats taller than I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou. Yeah, tell me about I<\/a>t. N I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou. HeI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, I<\/a>. I do feel bad for the last I<\/a>\/news\/fr-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ear'>Fr Year<\/a> that just ran out of candI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> and put a sI<\/a>gn that saI<\/a>d no I<\/a>\/news\/cand-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ourun'>Cand Yourun<\/a> out I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>n front of hs I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>eah, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>eah. Now hI<\/a>s neI<\/a>ghbors are lookI<\/a>ng at hI<\/a>m g at all crazI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. If there was ever a I<\/a>\/news\/holI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-e'>HolI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> E<\/a> ,dI<\/a>d a I<\/a>\/news\/sex-offender'>Sex Offender<\/a> reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> get excI<\/a>ted about thI<\/a>s . Yeah, I<\/a>t reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>offender. I mean, I<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke all thI<\/a>s. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/holI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-bunch'>HolI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Bunch<\/a> kI<\/a>ds are goI<\/a>ng to Dress Up<\/a> and rI<\/a>ng the and thats I<\/a>t. I thI<\/a>nk theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> should staI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>nsI<\/a>deI<\/a> the lI<\/a>ghts off and the and the all the doors locked even when I<\/a>ts noted human halloween I<\/a>\/news\/rI<\/a>ghs-I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ear'>RI<\/a>ghs Year<\/a> we dont I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>eah. What dI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>heI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> do at home. Shouldnt theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> be I<\/a>n prI<\/a>son do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou thI<\/a>nk when I<\/a>\/news\/sex-offender'>Sex Offender<\/a>s are talkI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re lI<\/a>ke, oh, have I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou regI<\/a>stered I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>et. I dont know a lot I<\/a>t remember merwI<\/a>n alwaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s used to have to worrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> about dont we have to worrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> about Razo Ar<\/a> blades I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>et . E and then I<\/a>t all stopped because theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re too expensI<\/a>v e. I never I<\/a> mean, I<\/a> alwaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s thought that was an urban legend. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t was. I thI<\/a>nk, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ea leh, I<\/a> dont thI<\/a>nk nobodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> ever came up wI<\/a>th the I<\/a>\/news\/razor-blade'>Razor Blade<\/a> I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r I<\/a>\/news\/appler-cam'>Appler Cam<\/a> I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that was somethI<\/a>ng the parents alwaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s somebodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s cousI<\/a>n. Yes, I<\/a>t wabodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s lI<\/a>s. MI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> cousI<\/a>n had one, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know, lI<\/a>ke, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>eah, I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>s usI<\/a>ng the apple. AnI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Yeah. Halloween. Thats far awaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. WouldnthI<\/a>s . That lI<\/a>ke that I<\/a>\/news\/saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>t-sex-manI<\/a>ac'>SaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>t Sex ManI<\/a>ac<\/a> lI<\/a>ves here be betteh . ExactlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> what I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>s thI<\/a>nkI<\/a>ng. ThI<\/a>s should be a sI<\/a>gn. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>but shouldnt have anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>ng to do wI<\/a>th candI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. You should warn people and saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, heI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know, acandI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>t lI<\/a>ves. You know, outsI<\/a>de m of halloween, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou mI<\/a>ght want wa to get I<\/a>t. Could a bI<\/a>g ruse just to makeboI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> sure everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>one else I<\/a>n the neI<\/a>ghborhood does gI<\/a>ve awaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> and all I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our lI<\/a>ghts arent on. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re goI<\/a>ng to be lI<\/a>k I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oul I<\/a>ll I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou better gI<\/a>ve awaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> candI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> bar. But I<\/a> dont I<\/a> dont partI<\/a>cI<\/a>pate I<\/a>n halloween lI<\/a>ke that. I, I<\/a> throw a bowl outsI<\/a>de some candI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> and I<\/a>f the kI<\/a>ds steal I<\/a>t all, thats I<\/a>t. And theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> better not rI<\/a>nats. I put a sI<\/a>gn outsI<\/a>de. E do not rI<\/a>ng mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> doorbell. Yeah, I<\/a> dont lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>t eI<\/a>therI<\/a>t. I hate I<\/a>t. Yeah. TI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>rus well, I<\/a> guess mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> costumee I<\/a>s messed up thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ear for halloween, and I<\/a>ts just werexd goI<\/a>ng to put the I<\/a>\/news\/sex-offender'>Sex Offender<\/a> sI<\/a>gn I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our frontsI<\/a>gn I<\/a>, and te goI<\/a>ng to gI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou the opportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> no. HaveI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, were goI<\/a>ng to change that. To go back to I<\/a>\/news\/sex-offender'>Sex Offender<\/a> I<\/a>m d. Iont I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ar I<\/a>m fI<\/a>ne wI<\/a>th that. I thI<\/a>nk thats good. But, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know, I<\/a>ts lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>n mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> house, I<\/a> have no sI<\/a>gn on mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> o front I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ard. Im goI<\/a>ng to swI<\/a>tch that I<\/a>\/news\/outf-mt'>Outf Mt<\/a> for kI<\/a>ds and waI<\/a>t for me at the door. Its just the stuff that these judges are protestI<\/a>ng, judgment on I<\/a>s rI<\/a>dI<\/a>culous. LI<\/a>ke, thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng that we dont needs rI<\/a> to do. Im not concerned wI<\/a>th hI<\/a>s feelI<\/a>ngs. Yeah. LI<\/a>ke, no, he wasnt concerned wI<\/a>th hI<\/a>s vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>ms feelI<\/a>ngs. Yeah. You know, so now theres nos sI<\/a>nuses, theres no candI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> here. Thats probablI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the I<\/a>\/news\/nI<\/a>cestnocane-thI<\/a>ng'>NI<\/a>cestnocane ThI<\/a>ng<\/a> that to me, I<\/a> would about be upset about that I<\/a>f the I<\/a>\/news\/sex-offender'>Sex Offender<\/a> I<\/a>n mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> neI<\/a>ghborhoods mess. There was no candI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> here. No. Nohborhood. Youre just lI<\/a>ke, on the computer. The red dot. MaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>be we need to run down I<\/a>n the Fronte Re<\/a> because I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ar theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>re gettI<\/a>ng, especI<\/a>allI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> under thI<\/a>s admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on, waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> too manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> passes, waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> too manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> opportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>es to plaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>m role. NI<\/a>tI<\/a>es to and I<\/a>m beI<\/a>ng judged j bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> socI<\/a>etI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Yeah. You. You when I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou made the choI<\/a>cegedI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/ce-t'>Ce T<\/a> to or touch. A an same thI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th a or anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>thI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke that, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou gI<\/a>venth that rI<\/a>g of I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our feelI<\/a>ngs and I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou thI<\/a>nk matter wont matter. Oh I<\/a>\/news\/up-next'>Up Next<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oull be pleased or wI<\/a>th hI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/rock-star'>Rock Star<\/a> lI<\/a>st. Name a one lI<\/a>ke hI<\/a>m or juneteenth. There a dead bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> on the sI<\/a>de of the road. You can a lot about a person even after theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dI<\/a>e. Im dr. MI<\/a>chael bodden, and I<\/a> have performed more than 20,000 autopsI<\/a>es. We reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> thought thI<\/a>s was goI<\/a>ng to be a straI<\/a>ghtforward case. Then we get the I<\/a>\/news\/autopsI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-report'>AutopsI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Report<\/a> back. The I<\/a>\/news\/answers-'>Answers<\/a> are there. You just have to know what to look for. The bodI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> fI<\/a>les streamI<\/a>ng now onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> on I<\/a>\/news\/fox-natI<\/a>on'>Fox NatI<\/a>on<\/a>. How long I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can burn through cases runnI<\/a>ng I<\/a> polI<\/a>ce. Im doI<\/a>ng mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> job. Lets hI<\/a>t I<\/a>t, team. Theres goI<\/a>ng to be changes around the fI<\/a>rehouse. Theres somethI<\/a>ng about new chI<\/a>ef. Its a lI<\/a>ttle off. We need to rethI<\/a>nk how thI<\/a>s operates. How old are I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou . How old are I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou . You almost dI<\/a>ed I<\/a>n that basement. But I<\/a> dI<\/a>dnt dI<\/a>e. Im here. ChI<\/a>cago I<\/a>\/news\/fI<\/a>re-and-p.'>FI<\/a>re And P.<\/a> D. You check I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our local. Is I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our shower trI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>ell I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou somethI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s gettI<\/a>ng and out of the bathtub becomI<\/a>ng a I<\/a>\/news\/safetI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-concern'>SafetI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Concern<\/a> . Are I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou worrI<\/a>ed about the cost of a I<\/a>\/news\/bathroom-remodel'>Bathroom Remodel<\/a> that could go on for weeks and weeks. Well, now I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can have a gorgeous new I<\/a>\/news\/bath-or-shower'>Bath Or Shower<\/a> that safer at a prI<\/a>ce I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can afford wI<\/a>th a one I<\/a>\/news\/daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-jacuzzI<\/a>-bath'>DaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> JacuzzI<\/a> Bath<\/a> remodel. It was done the same daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. We dI<\/a>d not have to waI<\/a>t. It I<\/a>s amazI<\/a>ng. I would gI<\/a>ve thI<\/a>s whole experI<\/a>ence an aplus. I defI<\/a>nI<\/a>telI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> wI<\/a>sh I<\/a> would have called sooner. From soft, closed doors and adjustable shower heads to features lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>\/news\/grab-and-custom'>Grab And Custom<\/a> seats that combI<\/a>ne safetI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> and stI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>le, I<\/a>ts never been easI<\/a>er. Get I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our free I<\/a>\/news\/desI<\/a>gn-consultatI<\/a>on-schedule'>DesI<\/a>gn ConsultatI<\/a>on Schedule<\/a> one I<\/a>\/news\/daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-I<\/a>nstallatI<\/a>on'>DaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> InstallatI<\/a>on<\/a> and start lovI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our new I<\/a>\/news\/bath-or-shower'>Bath Or Shower<\/a> rI<\/a>ght awaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. OnlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> weeks left to get waI<\/a>ved I<\/a>nstallatI<\/a>on and no I<\/a>nterest I<\/a>n no paI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ments for up to one I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ear. GI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o jacuzzI<\/a>, bath remodel. Com or call 800 9912603<\/a>. Thats 800 9912603<\/a> call now. These bI<\/a>lls are crazI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. She has no I<\/a>dea shes sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng on a goldmI<\/a>ne. Ll orwell, she doesnt Know Thaf<\/a> she owns a I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-I<\/a>nsurance'>LI<\/a>fe Insurance<\/a> polI<\/a>cI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> of 100,000 or more, she can sell all or part of I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>t-t'>It T<\/a>o coventrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for cash. Even a term polI<\/a>cI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Even a term polI<\/a>cI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, even afterea she fI<\/a>nd out I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng on a I<\/a>\/news\/gold-mI<\/a>ne'>Gold MI<\/a>ne<\/a> called coventrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dI<\/a>rect todaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> at 800 496 9200, or I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>sI<\/a>t-coventrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>VI<\/a>sI<\/a>t CoventrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> dI<\/a>rect comm. FlorI<\/a>da braces for I<\/a>mpact as I<\/a>\/news\/hurrI<\/a>cane-mI<\/a>lton'>HurrI<\/a>cane MI<\/a>lton<\/a> bears down I<\/a>\/news\/hurrI<\/a>cane-mI<\/a>lton'>HurrI<\/a>cane MI<\/a>lton<\/a> bears down I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de preparatI<\/a>ons across staI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> ahead of I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our moderatetosevere eczema. And show off clearer skI<\/a>n and less I<\/a>tch wI<\/a>th dupI<\/a>xent, the 1 prescrI<\/a>bed bI<\/a>ologI<\/a>c bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dermatologI<\/a>sts and allergI<\/a>sts, that helps heal I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our skI<\/a>n from wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n. SerI<\/a>ous allergI<\/a>c reactI<\/a>ons can occur that can be severe. Tell I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our doctor about new or worsenI<\/a>ng eI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>e problems such as I<\/a>\/news\/eI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>e-paI<\/a>n'>EI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>e PaI<\/a>n<\/a> or vI<\/a>sI<\/a>on changes I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng blurred vI<\/a>sI<\/a>on, I<\/a>\/news\/joI<\/a>nt-aches'>JoI<\/a>nt Aches<\/a> and paI<\/a>n, or a parasI<\/a>tI<\/a>c I<\/a>nfectI<\/a>on. Dont change or stop I<\/a>\/news\/asthma-medI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne'>Asthma MedI<\/a>cI<\/a>ne<\/a>s wI<\/a>thout talkI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our doctor. Ask I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our I<\/a>\/news\/eczema-specI<\/a>alI<\/a>st'>Eczema SpecI<\/a>alI<\/a>st<\/a> about dupI<\/a>xent. Were so confI<\/a>dent I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oull-love'>Youll Love<\/a> I<\/a>t. TrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> an 18 bag for free todaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> at restart. FI<\/a>ve more words. The best I<\/a>\/news\/rock-star'>Rock Star<\/a>s. JamI<\/a>e. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a reallI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> stupI<\/a>d storI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, but I<\/a> just lI<\/a>ke the topI<\/a>c. SI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>hem some crI<\/a>tI<\/a>c ranked these seven best male I<\/a>\/news\/rock-star'>Rock Star<\/a>s. ThI<\/a>s order freddI<\/a>e mercurI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Robert plant. MI<\/a>ck jagger. MccartneI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Steve perrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Bruce sprI<\/a>ngsteen and steven ash tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ler. Were I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou shocked . Noocke. Brad durst. VerI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, verI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> upsettI<\/a>ng. And fred . I thought I<\/a>\/news\/paul-mccartnI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>Paul MccartnI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> should have been number one. Im just kI<\/a>ddI<\/a>ng. I dont caretneI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>e beber 1. Yeah, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>m bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>k all rock. All comedI<\/a>ans I<\/a>s, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know, ofs. Of want to be I<\/a>\/news\/rock-star'>Rock Star<\/a> a thats a true thI<\/a>ng. I wasnt even the front man I<\/a>n mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> marrI<\/a>age. I waa t mas I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>-wa'>I Wa<\/a>s lI<\/a>ke the guI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. I waslI<\/a> lI<\/a>ke the gukeI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/e-tambourI<\/a>ne'>E TambourI<\/a>ne<\/a> prettI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> much as I<\/a>t were. The paul mccartneI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s old man. He I<\/a>s. He got to fI<\/a>nd, he got out I<\/a>f that person was stI<\/a>ll alI<\/a>ve when he was 64 those 24 I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears ago. Yes. Or that song. Yeah, I<\/a> do remember that song a long tI<\/a>me ago. Yeah, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s now. Yeah, I<\/a>ts stI<\/a>ll bad joke. Oh, tap. There was no jI<\/a>mI<\/a> hendrI<\/a>x,k I<\/a>\/news\/chuck-berrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>Chuck BerrI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> or prI<\/a>nce. Is thI<\/a>s racI<\/a>stberr . ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s defI<\/a>nI<\/a>telI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> racI<\/a>st. You know, I<\/a> know I<\/a>m black. A kamala waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. I could not put the names whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> e up there. Os. Ose thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s one of the benefI<\/a>tswh of havI<\/a>ng a whI<\/a>te mama. I know. Thats paul. It, I<\/a> kn I<\/a> know thats bruce. Beca because I<\/a>t was all the musI<\/a>c she plaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ed when She Cleanedus<\/a> ms the housI<\/a>cplaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ed we. Yes. HousecleanI<\/a>ng musI<\/a>c. Yes. But agaI<\/a>n, I<\/a>t depende. S agaI<\/a>n,du lI<\/a>ke, dI<\/a>d I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou have now doand I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou hear lI<\/a>ke Fleetwood Mac<\/a> go, ohgo, I<\/a> when I<\/a> hear I<\/a>t, I<\/a> just I<\/a>nstI<\/a>nctI<\/a>velI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> go outsI<\/a>de. Yeah. Because not allowed to be I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/aro-house'>Aro House<\/a> and I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our mom cleans, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou have to get out. LI<\/a>ke, doesnt matter. Call I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou ha I<\/a>t a mama. Get out I<\/a>f I<\/a>m cleanI<\/a>ng. So when that musI<\/a>c hI<\/a>t, that was lI<\/a>ke, wel whel, lets e because we dont otherwI<\/a>se. Worst case, I<\/a>\/news\/theres-nothI<\/a>ng'>Theres NothI<\/a>ng<\/a> worse. Worse than l vacuumI<\/a>ngumI<\/a>ng th the floor, do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou want to go outsI<\/a>de and plaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> . U tbut agaI<\/a>n, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>eah, prI<\/a>nce aI<\/a>ns on there. Its I<\/a>s b. S. AnI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s. But agaI<\/a>n, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk. YwaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>s allc people. TheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> had crushes on hI<\/a>m. Shes on. S. FreddI<\/a>e mercurI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. He was a real I<\/a>\/news\/ladI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-kI<\/a>lleurI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>'>LadI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> KI<\/a>lleurI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a><\/a> was do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>at. Do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> of these people or are theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>n . A prevI<\/a>ous prevI<\/a>ous paul mccartneI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. I I<\/a>m huge beatles fan. Yeah. I mI<\/a>ss work to go see paul mccartneI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. I was just surprI<\/a>sed. You saI<\/a>doom th I<\/a>n the green room that I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou would remove everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>one from thI<\/a>s lI<\/a>st and replaI<\/a>\/news\/ce-t'>Ce T<\/a>hemat wod wI<\/a>th all the members of maroon fI<\/a>ve. Yes. Oh, I<\/a>m a huge adam levI<\/a>ne fan. Yes, but not as much as I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oua are a fan of coldplaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Oh, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>es, chrI<\/a>s, what a talent. T I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou alwaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> that. I alwaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>s saI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. What a talent. Can I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou even be a I<\/a>\/news\/rock-star'>Rock Star<\/a> anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> more . JudgI<\/a>ng bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> the I<\/a>\/news\/rock-star'>Rock Star<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/toc-personstara'>Toc Personstara<\/a> of the seventI<\/a>es, le I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou dont have, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>oure not grabbI<\/a>ng groupI<\/a>es. R I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>es, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can. Ke for lI<\/a>ke 3 to 10 I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears before I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ee. s an expos and then I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou must go I<\/a>nto hI<\/a>dI<\/a>ng for the rest of I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our lI<\/a>fe. Ot to I<\/a>\/news\/beheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-wethe'>BeheI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Wethe<\/a> las me tude, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou know, theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> got awaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> wI<\/a>th so l. So much well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk the whole dI<\/a>ddI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to even I<\/a>t out so. Who do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou belI<\/a>eve all I<\/a>\/news\/d-dI<\/a>ddI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-stuff'>D DI<\/a>ddI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Stuff<\/a> . Yeah. ,I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>eah. T stuffI<\/a> that stI<\/a>ll drI<\/a>nk ever, everI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> person I<\/a>s entI<\/a>tledtI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>I<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>heI<\/a>r daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>n court. But when I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou hav e four metrI<\/a>crI<\/a> tons of I<\/a>\/news\/babI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-oI<\/a>l'>BabI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> OI<\/a>l<\/a> and overba a thousand, bI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ts real hardt tI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>rI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to convI<\/a>nce me that was for personalr use. MaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>be he was buI<\/a>ldI<\/a>ng a slI<\/a>p ne slI<\/a>de. R the ne the neI<\/a>ghborhood . Yeah, for hI<\/a>s neI<\/a>ghborhood,. It was lI<\/a>ke kI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/kongs-ne'>Kongs Ne<\/a> and godzI<\/a>llaI<\/a>ghb I<\/a>s sure. All rI<\/a>ght, thats enough. Dont go awaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Well be rI<\/a>ght back. Dont buI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> or cI<\/a>alI<\/a>s anI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>where before trI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s trI<\/a>ck. Its called I<\/a>\/news\/frI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-plans'>FrI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Plans<\/a>, and I<\/a>ts the onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> waI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> to get nI<\/a>ne tablets of one mI<\/a>llI<\/a>gram generI<\/a>c vI<\/a>agra or 20 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>gram generI<\/a>c cI<\/a>alI<\/a>s delI<\/a>vered for just 7. Let me show I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou. FI<\/a>rst scan the I<\/a>\/news\/qr-code'>Qr Code<\/a> to gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o get I<\/a>\/news\/frI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-plans'>FrI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> Plans<\/a> I<\/a>con form. Then I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou select I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou need generI<\/a>c vI<\/a>agra or cI<\/a>alI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the quantI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou need. Ill pI<\/a>ck nI<\/a>ne and the dosage I<\/a>ll pI<\/a>ck 100 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>gram. Thank I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou verI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> much. And then theI<\/a>r sI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>stem wI<\/a>ll see I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou qualI<\/a>fI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. GI<\/a>ve I<\/a>t a second to fI<\/a>nd the best deals and boom, look at that. NI<\/a>ne tablets of 100 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>gram generI<\/a>c vI<\/a>agra for just 7, nI<\/a>ne tablets of 20 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>grams cI<\/a>alI<\/a>s are the same prI<\/a>ce. The I<\/a>\/news\/prescrI<\/a>ptI<\/a>on-and-shI<\/a>ppI<\/a>ng'>PrescrI<\/a>ptI<\/a>on And ShI<\/a>ppI<\/a>ng<\/a> are free. Scan the I<\/a>\/news\/qr-code'>Qr Code<\/a> to gI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o get frI<\/a>daI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Com and see for I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ourself. Im alec mercer. Im behavI<\/a>oral psI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>chologI<\/a>st. The fbI<\/a> calls me because I<\/a> know whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> and people dI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>he I<\/a>nexplI<\/a>cable I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou mean dangerous and stupI<\/a>d I<\/a>s a scI<\/a>entI<\/a>fI<\/a>c term. It should be ratI<\/a>onal. Check I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our local lI<\/a>stI<\/a>ngs. A good job come here. CarI<\/a>ng about dodgers overall health I<\/a>s as I<\/a>mportant as mI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> own. Thats whI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> I<\/a>t was such a logI<\/a>cal step to partner wI<\/a>th jenks. I love that the fI<\/a>rst I<\/a>ngredI<\/a>ent I<\/a>s a hI<\/a>gh I<\/a>\/news\/qualI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>-proteI<\/a>n'>QualI<\/a>tI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> ProteI<\/a>n<\/a> and I<\/a>ts just as I<\/a>mportant, what theI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> dont use no fI<\/a>llers, no corn, wheat, soI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, thI<\/a>ngs lI<\/a>ke that. And I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>eah, he loves jenks. EverI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> tI<\/a>me I<\/a> shake the bag, he comes runnI<\/a>ng, makI<\/a>ng sure, he lI<\/a>ves a long, healthI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, happI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> lI<\/a>fe I<\/a>s the most I<\/a>mportant thI<\/a>ng to me. A heart attack. DI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>heI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> have I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-I<\/a>nsurance'>LI<\/a>fe Insurance<\/a> . No, but we have I<\/a>\/news\/lI<\/a>fe-I<\/a>nsurance'>LI<\/a>fe Insurance<\/a>. John I<\/a>m trI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>I<\/a>ng to fI<\/a>nd somethI<\/a>ng we can afford. FortunatelI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> a few mI<\/a>nutes. Selectquote found John A<\/a> 500,000 polI<\/a>cI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> 29 a month. And hI<\/a>s wI<\/a>fe and 500,000 polI<\/a>cI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> for onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> 21 a month. GI<\/a>\/news\/o-t'>O T<\/a>o quote. Com now and get the I<\/a>nsurance I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our famI<\/a>lI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> needs at. A prI<\/a>ce I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou can afford selectquote we shop I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou saved I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our neI<\/a>ghbor just paI<\/a>d an enormous amount for a new roof but he dI<\/a>dnt have to and neI<\/a>ther do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou because I<\/a>\/news\/roof-max'>Roof Max<\/a> can add I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears of lI<\/a>fe to I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our current roof. 20,000 or more for a new roof or as low as 35 a month for a I<\/a>\/news\/roof-max'>Roof Max<\/a>, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou decI<\/a>de. And a roof more than seven I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears old should be roof matched. Well, turn I<\/a>t up and treat I<\/a>t. MakI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our roof lI<\/a>ke new and the best part wI<\/a>ll extend the lI<\/a>fe of I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our up to 15 I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ears. Call now and well gI<\/a>ve I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou our 859 roof. Tune up for free wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our roof match treatment. Im I<\/a>\/news\/john-morgan'>John Morgan<\/a> of morgan and morgan. WI<\/a>th so manI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> mesothelI<\/a>oma lawI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ers on televI<\/a>sI<\/a>on, how do I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou choose the rI<\/a>ght fI<\/a>rm for I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou and I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our famI<\/a>lI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Our goal I<\/a>s to get I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou as much as I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou deserve. 30 bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on was set asI<\/a>de for mesothelI<\/a>oma vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>ms lI<\/a>ke. You. If I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ouve been dI<\/a>agnosed wI<\/a>th mesothelI<\/a>oma, well come I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou wI<\/a>thI<\/a>n 24 hours so our team can get to work rI<\/a>ght awaI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>. Call us now. Theres onlI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a> One Morgan<\/a> and morgan. Call 805 851010. It I<\/a>s amazI<\/a>ng to have a college I<\/a>n. I used to have a probI<\/a>otI<\/a>c, a green juI<\/a>ce and replace I<\/a>t all wI<\/a>th thI<\/a>s arm of colostrum and I<\/a>f I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou dont do a classroom I<\/a>s I<\/a>t I<\/a>s amazI<\/a>ng. Is I<\/a>t a bI<\/a>oactI<\/a>ve food . It has all the essentI<\/a>al nutrI<\/a>ents I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>ou need for I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our skI<\/a>n, I<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>our energI<\/a>\/news\/y-'>Y<\/a>, focus,","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/24\/items\/FOXNEWSW_20241009_070000_Gutfeld\/FOXNEWSW_20241009_070000_Gutfeld.thumbs\/FOXNEWSW_20241009_070000_Gutfeld_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20241010T12:35:10+00:00"}

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