Eagle County is changing many of the rules and regulations on its open space lands. Some of those changes come with increased fees and penalties. The Eagle County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday approved those.
The $38 million Eagle Valley Trail project recently received a $2 million shot in the arm. And the plan remains to have the full 63-mile trail finished by the end of 2024. The funds came.
A biker makes his way down the Eagle Valley Trail near Wolcott on a warm winter day. The trail is popular with walkers and bikers and this week the Eagle County Board of Commissioners approved a financing plan to fund contruction of the final 12 miles of the paved path.
Daily file photo
Construction of the Eagle Valley Trail a paved recreation path that stretches from the top of Vail Pass to the mouth of Glenwood Canyon has been a marathon endeavor in terms of timing and dollars.
And, like a marathon, the final mile is proving to be the hardest to tackle. Actually, it is the final 12 miles of the project that are particularly challenging. But on Tuesday, the Eagle County Board of Commissioners agreed to a financing plan that will provide between $20 million and $22 million to bridge the Eagle Valley Trail’s final 12 miles.
RS&H/Special to the Daily
The road diet underway in front of the EagleVail business center is expected to be complete by the fall, with the county already scheduling a Sept. 13 ribbon cutting for the new trail it will provide.
The highway is in the process of being condensed from five lanes to three lanes near mile markers 172 and 173 to create a new hard surface recreation path for pedestrians and bikers.
Milling operations began in June from mile marker 170 in Dowd Junction through mile marker 174.5 at the Avon/Beaver Creek roundabout. milling work is expected to be complete next week, and paving will take place in the week that follows.