In year two of the Next Generation of the Healthcare Workforce project, states and territories sustained their efforts on healthcare workforce planning through individual team goals, regional dialogues, national conversations among project state and territory teams and subject matter experts, peer-to-peer engagement, connections with HRSA regional offices and expansion of their knowledge base related to various topical areas within the healthcare workforce.
CHEYENNE – The first window of opportunity for the Department of Workforce Services new WyHealthTrain Grant has closed. The grant, funded through the American Rescue Plan Act, opened on Nov.
CHEYENNE â Unemployment Insurance benefits for many claimants who would not qualify for regular UI are scheduled to expire on Dec. 26 without further action from the U.S. Congress.
Regular UI is not affected by the Dec. 26 deadline. However, those claimants receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance or Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation will receive no payments after Dec. 26.
For some claimants, the expiration may come sooner.
PUA and PEUC are available for 39 weeks and 13 weeks, respectively. When those weeks of eligibility are consumed, claimants will no longer receive payments under those programs, even if that date is before Dec. 26.
All payments under PUA and PEUC will cease on Dec. 26, regardless of the number of weeks a claimant has remaining or the balance of funds that would have been available to the claimant. Claims that are in the system before Dec. 26, but which are being delayed due to issues in the claim, will continue to be processed and paid.