a moment. coma is now planning to extend his committee s critical investigatiol n into joe biden and his family s lucrative employment at penn biden center that mysteriously coincided with upends lucrative relationship with the communis t party of china during biden s employment at loop in tendste and tens of millions of dollars, we believe. sixty seven up to date fromersiy china pouring into.t the university at the very same time, hunter biden wasit the beneficiary of a very lucrative deal with a chinese energy company. and can you believe it.?at biden s private office upend the biden center made possible. by the communist party of tha china. you can t make that up. thatou is exactly whereed top secret classified obama era documents turned up.mplete but years later, we have full, complete details. grea at specificity. breaking news coming up now. tonight, we are witnessing a white house in full crisis mode. they are panicking in the westk wing tonight. biden visibly shaken a
to prove.pr nobody is reallyove. no said , oh, no, t michael t do it. we know he he did it. according to michael cohen. t da sold the question is whether or not donald trump will be foundue culpable under this new york statute. okay, when they start doing the letter of the law or the spirit of the law. so where does that usually end up? tthat s that special statute.no you shouldn t you shall not violate the spirit of the law. e you know, the you know, it s like there s an old there s anfr old prosecutor statementom. maym when somebody gets acquitted, you may not do the time,t but you re going to take the ride. and that s what her that s basically what she s saying. yeah, well, i startedersus le listening to spirit versus letter. i m like, okay, trump had a good day. all right, solin, david , thank you both. i donald trump windo wins again and he knows it. tho and i never thought anything like this could happen. ppenin america. never thought it could happen.
happiness? ho reconcile those that the want open borders and those that want the laws enforced?s ed secu and secure borders?? how do you reconcile energy widependence and those that aree willing to like joe biden? you import three million barrels of oil from venezuela and make venezuela rich again when we can be creating high p paying career jobs in america and being good for our national security. nationarity? how do you reconcile these major differences? well, just y as you just stated, you know what you can tr differ. reconcile those major differences because they do not come together. apart w and that s how far apart we areh toda ty with the republican pary and the democrat party.epublica but you know what?vo terse sickrepublican voters arek conservative at. tonservative americans are fedme up with it.da there are so many americans today that whether they vote or not, they are sick and tired of the political divide and the political penduluml divide that is swinging back and forth
a guest host in in one day when you called me.. okay, now wait a minute. you say, mo, that i believe ittn is danny. you call me the most dangerous person in the country ?wants you are the mostrica dangerous man in america. i that s been my mo. i ve been calling you for, dd what, fifteen years when you were like, how did you get through? why didn t i need to start asking ahead of time. all right.hat hi give me the grade.erstan i can take the hit.d a it s not a big deal . a+understand what a d or an f, it s not going to be anything higher. i don t know, eight plus. ar i heard my buddy milo. you re such a liar. you are such a liar. moe is never agreed with the word i said, but i m gladeopl you re watching. you know, a lot ofe people hate watch. that s that s still good enoughm for me. when i get the calluc on the radio show. john , thank you so much. for having me.apprecia all right. my radi
one on one with the president of the united states . and in thahat coet conversation, the president, the guy got eighty one million votes without goin votes wg outside st the official position of the u.s. government is to gendort child mutilation in the name of something calledirmi gender affirming care. watcng ch. t da mr. president , this is my two hundred and twenty first day. publicly transitioning. thank you.o you think dostatesd have you think states should hai a right to ban gender affirming health care? as a don t think any state or anybody should have the right to do that.ion, as a lega as a moral question, as a legal question, i just think it s wrong. yeah, it to yeah, it s wrong not to mutilate children. but again, the whole thing is insulting caricature of femininity and womanhood. caricatu mightre oit be interesting to talk to any actual woman, a very brave one relegations just graduated from universitomanhoody kentuck. and while she was there, the ncaa forced her to comp