Better news in monterey county, cal fire and the United States Forest Service Officials Say winds are in their favor to gain the upper hand in battling the soberanes fire. Higher humidity and lower temperatures are expected to help the crews. Flames have corned 46,000 acres. Containment is at 25 . Flames have burned 57 homes so far north of big sur. An illegal campfire sparked the campfire ten days ago. California 911 system is facing an emergency. It is running out of the cash. Katie . Yes, reggie. The 911 fund the state puts money into, funds most local communities 911 services and equipment. It is clear how important the budget issue is. The money is down from three years ago, the current fund is around 11 million and it was at 77 million. This is according to the Los Angeles Times when the state is in the process of upgrading to a new system which is next generation 911 to work with the wireless callers better. But in testimony, maintaining the two systems could cost 90 million. Th
Right now temperatures in the 50s and 60s by lunchtime, 90s. Upper 80s downtown san jose and mid 90s. Almost running out of room there. 100 degrees in parts of the trivalley. You see no slowing around the bay except around the fringe. I want to point out a new crash southbound coming through fremont. All cars made their way to the shoulder with no major injuries. Well track that mild slowing there. The freeways are moving well. No delays for vta but there were big crowds in downtown san jose causing delays last night. Kris will get that for us. Thank you. Decision 2016. Tension boils over in downtown san jose as police clash with angry protesters. Kris sanchez with more on the chaos. Theres free speech and flinging eggs. That did happen last night. At least one person got smashed in the face with an egg. There is one officer assaulted during all of these protests, as well as several people who were arrested. Things did get heated up here in downtown san jose. Protrump and antitrump peo
Narrator early in 1945, our b29s began fullscale operations against japan. 1500 miles to targets and 1500 miles back to bases in saipan, tinian, and guam. Here the 21st Bomber Command concentrated their massive airpower and planned the ultimate crushing defeat of japan, down to the last bomb. Here was the beginning of the end of the road to tokyo. After six months of reoccupation, there were few signs of war along the quiet summer shores of guam. They were back in the clean, native villages. American citizens again, smiling and friendly. Unaware a miracle had happened around them. America had moved mountains of material, equipment, and supplies across the pacific. It changed their dirt roads and broad highways. That manicured their jungles and the blacktop airfields. And nearby new communities of american citizens have set up housekeeping with various types of selfservice. The latest laborsaving devices few laundry problems and no , modern inconveniences. By midsummer the 21st Bomber C
The president may set a reasonable time limit. Tonight Public Comment time is limited to two minutes. Speakers must speak from the podium when addressing the commission and speak clearly the n to the microphone. Refeign from using profanity or yelling or screaming. Under the public address questions or remark tooz the commission. Neitherer Police Personnel or occ personnel nor commissions are required to respond to questions accept when to caso by the president. Refrain from entering into debate our discussion mpt members of the public may not express vocal support or statements made by members of the public address the commission. Members of the public may not display signs [inaudible] endanger par tis paints. Cameras and taping devices may be brought into the hearing room but prohibited from using flash, camera lights. [inaudible] after being warned such conduct can lead taremoval. Disorderly conduct that disrupts the meet g ing. A brief to the [inaudible] conduct or violent conduct
Ing. A brief to the [inaudible] conduct or violent conduct intend today disrupt the meeting. Disobedience of the Commission President shall include the order to be seated. The other undue [inaudible] great, it will take the cooperation of everyone to help us. Please call the first item, request the chief of police to accept a dump trailer for the Asian Pacific ilenering Community Forum to be uses by the mounting unit values of 3630, 31. Request of the chief of police to accept a donation from the new asia restaurant to be used by the pin yuen Summer Youth Engagement Program you have information on the requests on the consent calendar, any questions . Do i have a motion . Move we accept the consent calendar. Second. Public comment. Any Public Comment on the matter . Hearing none, pubhook comment is now closed. All in favor . Opposed . Motion passes. Next line item item 2, report to the Commission Discussion to chiefs report. This is allow the chief of police to report on recent Police D