Singh, who is currently out on conditional bail after being arrested for previous hate speeches, was instructed by the Telangana high court not to make any inflammatory comments. However, he has continued to spread hate against the minority community.
In the case of Jamia violence of 2019, 11 students were arrested. One of them was Sharjeel Imam, who was student of JNU. The others included likes of Safoora
The Muslim youth are generally put under UAPA and other clause; where the bail is difficult or the deliberate delay is organized by authorities keeps them behind the bars. The Hindutva/BJP/Saffron clad saints are put against mild charges and jail is exceptionally rare if at all.
The suspended BJP legislator from Telangana was in Mumbai on January 29 to participate in Hindu Jan Akrosh Morcha, where he appealed to the gathering to attack Muslims.