claiming in the past interview the movie star constantly made fun of her weight. time now to look who is talking the man led investigations into bill and hillary clinton back in the 90s appearing on the kelly files. revealing regrets and the real architect of obamacare. we got off track from our investigations with all of the sex stuff. i wish we hadn t. it is very important. barack obama loves to say he s the architect of his healthcare was mitt romney. it wasn t. it was hilary care. hilary care of 1993, if you know anything about hillary clinton s healthcare policy back then single payer using medicare to expand single payer. that s what she believed. he says it dates all of the way back to 1993 when clinton used similar obamacare tactics.
to render him inferior and unequal and to diminish his accomplishments. ya ll know the word i am talking about. obamacare. that s right. i said it and i am not ashamed and neither is president observe. president obama. rudy giuliani responded to the comments on hannity. it is pure propaganda absolutely outrageous and i believe it is racist. i believe what they are doing is racist. obamacare is a neutral way to describe a program that after all is a president s center piece program. we use terms like clintonian, nicks o nixonian, romney care, hilary care. giuliani blasting her saying the president himself has used the term obamacare countless times. obamacare likely started from a lobbyist who was simply coining a term based on the existing hillary care. terrifying moments for a dc
some form of alternative. he s a smart guy. he went after hilary. i ll tell you, a very compelling and scary word that was hilary care. that s all about republicans primary. that s a scary word. coming up education secretary arne duncan will be here, chuck todd and later oscar nominated actor casey affleck. up next the top stories from the political playbook. but first here s bill karins with a check on the forecast. the cold is here to stay and it will only get worst this upcoming weekend for the east coast. midwest if you have travel issues they will be in areas line denver, rain in dallas, raining in kansas city and st. louis. this blue line is the freezing line. white is snow. snowing in denver. chilly rain right now.
across the northeast. gretchen, back to you. she was not in the administration for the botched obama care roll out but all the controversy may still hurt hillary clinton. some call her the mother of obama care because her health care overhaul started in the 90s. remember. it was then hilary care. and included the individual mandate. joining us now is political editor at town good to see you. so hilary care forerunner of obama care. will this now haunt her as she moves forward potentially to run in 2016? it could. it will be interesting to see how republicans play this line of attack and how hillary clinton herself and her squad plays defense. hilary care may feel like ancient history to a lot of voters. it was attempted at least in the early to mid- 90s. it didn t go anywhere. in many ways it was more draconian than obama care in terms of mandates on employers.
it was more disruptive to people s at the time present health care situation. it ended up dying, withering on the vine. here we are years later and hillary clinton might be gearing up to run for president. one thing i might be curious to see, gretchen, is whether or not her 2007 and 2008 position is actually more damaging to her politically than hilary care of the 90s because hilary care was obama care in 07 and 08. barack obama argued against the individual mandate tax before he adopted it with his own plan. we remember that from the debates when they were both becoming the presidential candidate. i want to bring to you this. because really what started this whole thing with regard to democrats jumping ship from the president last week with regard to obama care, which president clinton coming out and saying, you know, if you make a promise you should be able to keep winter the american people and said now he would like to see is