health care law like obama care that had been brought in by a president that had had the mandate of a reelection and indeed by the supreme court and by voting congress well, first of all. those circumstances, could you imagine using that trying to defund that or make it somehow not happen as a stick to shut down the government? because i don t think knowing my history of you, you would have done. yeah, you just made the argument. there was a health care battle. clinton health care, hilary care, if you called it, it went through regular order and passed through the senate. it went pasted through ways and means of the house but couldn t pass through commerce because we went regular order and able to put something on the table we thought was better than the hillary care and we brought democrats over to vote on our side and they couldn t get it through. we did have those philosophical battles but we went on regular order, and the problem with the fiscal side today if you don t
so there s a lot of big government behind romney care. not as much as obama care, but a heck of a lot more than your campaign has admitted. governor romney, 30 seconds. actually, newt, we got the idea of an individual mandate from you. that s not true. there was something we got it from you. you got it from the heritage foundation and from you. that s not true. you did not get that from me, you got it from the heritage foundation. and you ve never supported i agree with them. but it plain wasn t true. that s not where you got it from. have you supported in the past an individual mandate? i did against hilary care. that s what i m saying. we got the idea from you and the heritage foundation. it s the thing. he can afford to get his hands dirty. i ve got to admit.
parallel why didn t i defend bill clinton? i was not in politics then. i was not a voice out there. i think that newt gingrich did the right thing to push back, people need to make decisions based upon solutions of how we fix problems. what happened to newt gingrich is the same crap that they did to me. so i was happy to see him push back on that, so it s not even an adequate comparison to talk about bill clinton and what i said in defending newt gingrich. that is not valid. briefly, mr. cain, you were out there in a town hall meeting talking and newt gingrich is the one with the record here and he was the one you were talking about. that is true. talking about today. back during when bill clinton was president i was fighting against hilary-care. i did not discuss bill clinton s