Maintainng that the deadline was revised to December 31, 2023, Gujarat CM said that 90 per cent of the physical work was completed by then. He informed that while the initial estimated project cost was Rs 2223.50 crore, additional Rs 97.81 crore has since been paid for the work.
Speaking to The Indian Express, Khava said that a Ram temple has existed at the village square for the last 50 years. “I have allocated Rs 4 lakh from my MLA AD fund for the work. We can allocate up to Rs 5 lakh per work. There already exists a Ram temple at the village square but there was a demand from villagers to have a community hall in the temple.”
In 2021, AAP had emerged as main opposition party in Surat Municipal Corporation, since then 12 have left and 2 come back. Its MLAs also seen as under pressure from BJP
Nearly two months after the Gujarat Assembly elections, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has selected Chaitar Vasava as the party s legislative leader and Hemant Khawa as deputy leader of the party in the state Assembly.