in some ways does this kind of remind you the old menendez brothers, gee, dad abused us and nobody, not even the jury ever bought that? here we are 14 weeks into this trial and there is not a single piece of physical evidence that has been produced to show that travis alexander was really an abuser. this witness that we have on the stand now testifying about emails where travis was a flirt an was flirting with other women. i mean, this is obviously a smokescreen, and now we have this stunning video where her own parents are telling us, she had mental issues, they knew about it. her friend called her parents to tell them that she was having all of these issues. this is clearly not about a woman who was abused, and defending herself because of her boyfriend and what he did, this is about her and her own issues. gregg: esther, i wonder, there are a lot of lesser included offenses here that the jury will select from, not just
hagel is trying to show solidarity with those feeling the pinch. i had a discussion shortly after he took office with the secretary, and he will voluntarily subject part of his salary to furlough levels, even though he s not required. he has committed to that. reporter: one tough message hagel is offering is reducing layers of upper and middle management, cut costs and red tape. he argues it also leads to a more effective organization with junior leaders having more power and clout. gregg. gregg: mike emanuel in washington. thanks. jenna: an airline creating controversy over how it charges passengers. it signs a little bit like the pricing formula used at your supermarket and some are not so thrilled with the weigh more pay more policy. more on that after the break. [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually
many voters, that just doesn t make sense, you just can t do it that way. gregg: and company did a study and a report that says one-third of employers may cancel their coverage for workers. we ll wait and see. steve hayes, thank you, good to see you. thanks, gregg. jenna: up next the latest in the jodi arias trial, why the judge dismissed juror number 5 and the impact it could have on the case. must what jodi arias mother said about her own daughter to police. our legal panel is here on that. plus also on the docket for our panel the murder trial for the man we now know was never, ever a rockefeller. what his ex-wife testified about, his years of lies. phra [ male announcer ] red lobster is hitting the streets
don t have to have a body to get a murder conviction. i don t think in any state you have to have a body, but, gregg, if i can just go back, you said that it s hard to believe that this woman, his ex-wife would fall for this? people who are liars, people who are murderers, many of them are sociopaths, are narcissists have a way of compartmentalizing their lives so that even the closes people to them don t know a certain side of them. it is entirely possible to believe, and want to believe in the goodness of someone and yet that person turns on them. i mean if you even just look at our divorce rate, people who marry the person they think they know later turn around to say, that really wasn t the person i knew. so hind sight is certainly 20-20, but it s hard to fault the person who was haoeufg with them for not seeing that horrible side, that dark side of that person. gregg: thank you very much,
numbers come in. lori, thank you. gregg: we are getting our first look inside that deadly florida sinkhole. remember that? it was a terrible story last month, a massive hole suddenly opening up underneath a home in central florida and burying this man, jeffery bush alive. now weeks later and for the very first time we are seeing images of the gaping pit from inside that house. phil keating is live in miami with more. hi, phil. reporter: hi, gregg. it turns out this deadly sinkhole also included the closet of the bedroom next door to jeff bush s, and that s where the homeowner s daughter was sleeping at the time this happened. this brand-new video shot by a contractor who rigged a camera on to the end of a pole, stood outside the house and period through the window to show what was where jeff bush slept. the sink home itself 60 feet deep. when you look in all you can see is dirt and darkness. his bed, his dresser, the floor, all sucked down, just