don't have to have a body to get a murder conviction. >> i don't think in any state you have to have a body, but, gregg, if i can just go back, you said that it's hard to believe that this woman, his ex-wife would fall for this? people who are liars, people who are murderers, many of them are sociopaths, are narcissists have a way of compartmentalizing their lives so that even the closes people to them don't know a certain side of them. it is entirely possible to believe, and want to believe in the goodness of someone and yet that person turns on them. i mean if you even just look at our divorce rate, people who marry the person they think they know later turn around to say, that really wasn't the person i knew. so hind sight is certainly 20-20, but it's hard to fault the person who was haoeufg with them for not seeing that horrible side, that dark side of that person. gregg: thank you very much,